
Those who have a driver's license can laugh! No points have been deducted for 3 consecutive years on the driver's license, and these benefits are waiting for you!

author:Don't forget the original intention 0342

Are you still scared about what points are on your driver's license? Good news for you, if you haven't deducted points on your driver's license for 3 years in a row, congratulations, you're in for a range of enviable benefits! Next, let's take a look at what these "benefits" are!

Those who have a driver's license can laugh! No points have been deducted for 3 consecutive years on the driver's license, and these benefits are waiting for you!

Driving on the road, it is inevitable that there will be some episodes, such as speeding, illegal parking, etc., which may bring demerit points to the driver's license. However, for those drivers who are skilled and obey the rules of the road, their driver's license is like a "gold medal without deducting points". No, there has been a policy recently introduced that if you have not deducted points on your driver's license for 3 consecutive years, then you will have the opportunity to enjoy these enviable benefits!

Benefit 1: Driver's license "exemption" privilege

Imagine that every time your driver's license expires and is renewed, you need to go to the DMV to queue up, submit various materials, and wait for review...... This process is tedious and time-consuming. However, if you have not deducted points on your driver's license for 3 consecutive years, then congratulations, you will get the privilege of "no inspection"! When your driver's license expires and you need to submit some simple materials, you can easily complete the renewal procedure without waiting in line for review. This will not only save you a lot of time, but also allow you to enjoy a more convenient service.

Those who have a driver's license can laugh! No points have been deducted for 3 consecutive years on the driver's license, and these benefits are waiting for you!

Benefit 2: The cost of car insurance is more favorable

Insurance companies usually refer to the owner's driving record when calculating the cost of car insurance for the car owner. If you have not deducted points on your driver's license for 3 consecutive years, then your driving record will be considered very good. In this case, the insurance company may offer you a better price for car insurance. After all, a skilled driver who obeys traffic rules will naturally have a much lower probability of getting into an accident. Therefore, this benefit will not only allow you to save a sum of money on car insurance costs, but also give you more peace of mind while driving.

Benefit 3: Free traffic safety training

Traffic safety training is an important way to improve drivers' awareness of traffic safety. However, many drivers are unable to find time to attend training due to busy schedules and time constraints. However, if you have not deducted points on your driving licence for 3 consecutive years, then you will have the opportunity to qualify for free traffic safety training. This will not only allow you to learn more practical traffic safety knowledge, but also allow you to make more like-minded friends during the training process. At the same time, participating in the training can also further improve your driving skills, ensuring that you are safer and more stable during driving.

Those who have a driver's license can laugh! No points have been deducted for 3 consecutive years on the driver's license, and these benefits are waiting for you!

Benefit 4: Enjoy a higher level of membership services

Nowadays, many car service platforms have launched membership services to provide a series of discounts and conveniences for car owners. However, the services enjoyed by different levels of membership are also different. If you have not deducted points on your driver's license for 3 consecutive years, then you have the opportunity to be recognized as a premium member by these platforms and enjoy a higher level of membership services. For example, you can enjoy more convenient repair and maintenance services, more preferential car wash services, more professional car consulting services, etc. These services can not only make you more worry-free and labor-saving in the process of using the car, but also make your driving experience further improved.

Of course, it is not easy to enjoy these benefits. You need to be in awe of the traffic rules at all times, obey traffic signals, keep your speed steady, and pay attention to driving safety. Only then will you be able to drive with zero points and be one of those who enjoy the benefits.

Those who have a driver's license can laugh! No points have been deducted for 3 consecutive years on the driver's license, and these benefits are waiting for you!

But then again, don't be discouraged even if your driver's license hasn't reached the standard of not deducting points for 3 consecutive years. After all, driving skills need to be constantly learned and improved. As long as you maintain your love and pursuit of driving, and continue to learn and practice new driving skills and safety knowledge, I believe that one day you will also become the one who enjoys the benefits!

Last but not least, while enjoying these benefits, we should always keep in mind the importance of traffic safety. After all, safety is the number one priority in driving. Only when each of us can abide by traffic rules and pay attention to driving safety can we jointly create a harmonious and safe traffic environment.
