
"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

author:Nine Celestial Microreading
"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi
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"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

In 2015, the TV series "Langya Bang" swept the country, among which Xia Dong played by Zhang Lingxin deeply attracted the audience with his heroic and fearless image.

Xia Dong has a frank and bold personality, loyalty and righteousness, insists on worshiping her late husband every year, and can make resolute choices in the face of the betrayal of her teacher. This role seems to be a portrayal of Zhang Lingxin himself, with a straightforward and informal temperament.

However, what is less known is that Zhang Lingxin has a legendary art family behind him. Her grandfather was Zhang Fa, a "hard-core student" who once dominated the film industry. Under the aura of his grandfather, how did Zhang Lingxin get out of his own way? What is so special about her love with Hu Yaozhi, a teacher at Beijing Film Academy? Let's unveil the mystery of this performing arts family that spans several generations, and explore Zhang Lingxin's growth and transformation in art and life.

In 1919, Zhang Fa was born in a revolutionary family in Harbin. His father died young, and at the age of six, he was dependent on his mother. In 1937, the war raged, and the mother and son came to Shanghai.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

With excellent results, Zhang Fa was admitted to Huaguang Drama College and started his acting career.

In 1940, the fledgling Zhang Fa stood out among many applicants and joined the Shanghai Drama Art Society. Although initially he could only do menial work, he was soon reused for his outstanding performance.

In dramas such as "The Big Circus", "Begonia" and "Wen Tianxiang", Zhang Fa gradually won the love of the audience and became a hot star.

Subsequently, Zhang Fa entered the film industry and starred in works such as "Mother and Son", "Long Live the Wife", "Nightclub", etc., and won the reputation of "hard-core students". His burly figure, outstanding appearance, and superb acting skills are impressive.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

However, in the face of the invitation of the Hong Kong producer, Zhang Fan, who loves the motherland, chose to decline politely, but this decision brought him unexpected hardships in the future.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Fa joined Shanghai Film Studio and continued to shine on the road of art. The image of Commander Shen played by him in the movie "Red Sun" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and has even been praised by Premier Zhou Enlai.

Zhang Fa not only succeeded in his career, but also actively responded to the call of the state to send his children to work in frontiers and factories, demonstrating an artist's sense of social responsibility.

However, during the Cultural Revolution, Zhang Fa was implicated in being invited by a Hong Kong producer and endured four years in prison and criticism. The experience left him traumatized immensely, but it did not dampen his love for art.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

After returning to the film industry, Zhang Fa still devoted himself to acting. In "Midnight" directed by Sang Arc, he created a vivid character image with only one line. In order to perfectly interpret the role of Tusi, he did not hesitate to live in Tibet for more than a month, learning Tibetan language, experiencing local life, and showing a high degree of professionalism.

Zhang Fan's dedication makes him an irreplaceable protagonist, but it also makes it difficult for him to take care of his family. The heavy work made it difficult for him to return home all year round, and the burden of the family fell on his wife.

He often laughed at himself: "My wife follows me, and it seems that she has not received any substantial benefit other than my handsome appearance." This guilt for his family may have also become his earnest teaching to his younger generations.

Born in a family of performing arts in Shanghai, Zhang Lingxin has shown a unique personality since she was a child. She didn't like to have long hair and always begged her mother to cut it short. This "tomboy" personality trait has accompanied her through a long life.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

When she was a child, she was even blocked from entering the women's bathroom many times because of her short hairstyle, but these experiences did not change her frank personality in the slightest.

Although there is no lack of artistic talent in the family, Zhang Lingxin has chosen her own path. She has loved singing and dancing since she was a child, and entered dance school at the age of 10 and continued until she graduated from high school.

When facing the college entrance examination, she resolutely applied for the Beijing Film Academy. This decision not only stemmed from her depressed sense of life in Shanghai, but also from the aura of her grandfather Zhang Fa and broke out of the world with her own talent.

In the 96-level acting class of Beijing Film Academy, Zhang Lingxin has become a bright star. Although classmates such as Huang Xiaoming, Chen Kun and others already have acting experience, she is diligent and hardworking, and strives to narrow the gap with her classmates.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

In her sophomore year, she ushered in her first role in her life, playing a supporting role in the TV series "Divorce". Although there are not many scenes, under the influence of movie stars such as Ge You and Fu Biao, she has accumulated valuable experience.

After graduation, Zhang Lingxin did not have smooth sailing. When her classmates became famous, she was still running between the major crews, playing small roles with few scenes. However, she never gave up and never turned to her family for help.

She firmly believes that as long as she works hard, she will eventually succeed one day.

In 2006, the opportunity finally came. In the movie "Ink Youth", Zhang Lingxin played the heroine for the first time, and won the Best Actress Award at the Guangzhou University Student Film Festival and the Best Newcomer Award at the American International Film Festival for her superb acting skills.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

This breakthrough allowed her to gradually enter the audience's sight. In 2007, her performance in "Plan A" directed by Wang Jing further enhanced her popularity.

In 2014, Zhang Lingxin ushered in the peak of his career. played the adult version of Jiang Yafei in "Parents Love", and her performance was widely recognized. Subsequently, her outstanding performance in popular dramas such as "Langya Bang", "The First Half of My Life" and "Bone Language" established her status as a powerful actor.

Zhang Lingxin's success not only stems from her talent and hard work, but also from her persistence in her grandfather's teachings. Zhang Fa once warned her: "You must consider love carefully, appearance is important, but it cannot be the only criterion, those men who seem handsome and chic are often unreliable."

These words deeply affected Zhang Lingxin, she has always taken her inner quality as the primary consideration, not only in choosing a mate, but also in her acting career.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

Zhang Lingxin's transformation from an uninhibited "tomboy" to a powerful actor loved by the audience shows her tenacious character and persistent pursuit of art.

With her own efforts and talents, she walked out of her own world under the halo of her grandfather.

On the campus of Beijing Film Academy, Zhang Lingxin met Hu Yaozhi, who was several years older than her. Hu Yaozhi is a stern teacher at the academy and is known for his "big sword", but in Zhang Lingxin's eyes, he is a knowledgeable, insightful and interesting soul with a sense of humor.

Zhang Lingxin had a strong interest in Hu Yaozhi, but Hu Yaozhi didn't realize it. Zhang Lingxin, who was unwilling to miss the good fate, decided to take the initiative. One day, she stopped Hu Yaozhi on the road and said bluntly: "You are not married yet, and I don't have a boyfriend, why don't we try to date?" In the face of such a bold show of love, Hu Yaozhi was caught off guard and could only respond vaguely: "Then try it."

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

In this way, the two began a decade-long love run. Zhang Lingxin loves to travel and yearns for freedom, and arranges two or three months of vacation for herself every year. Hu Yaozhi expressed his understanding and support for this, and he believed that their relationship was like a kite in his hand, which would never get out of the traction.

At first, Hu Yaozhi could also accompany Zhang Lingxin on his travels to Europe, but as his work became more and more busy, he could only send her to the airport security checkpoint and say goodbye in a hurry.

In this relationship, the two maintain a unique way of getting along. They give each other plenty of personal space and freedom, trusting each other. When together, they watch movies, play games, or discuss movie ideas, work progress, and give each other advice in bed.

This free-spirited lifestyle makes their feelings last for a long time.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

In 2013, while traveling in Japan, Hu Yaozhi finally mustered up the courage to propose. That drunken night, they stood on the rooftop and asked affectionately, "Now, are you willing to marry me?" Zhang Ling's heart moved, and he promised to settle the marriage after returning to China.

In order to prevent Zhang Lingxin from repenting, Hu Yaozhi went to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a field trip the next day, and even knew the parking location.

After returning to China, Hu Yaozhi immediately brought Zhang Lingxin from the set to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Amazingly, it took them only 15 minutes to get their marriage license. The couple did not hold a grand wedding, but just invited a few confidants and friends to dinner, which was low-key and warm.

The love story of Zhang Lingxin and Hu Yaozhi broke the traditional pursuit model. Zhang Lingxin's initiative and straightforwardness, Hu Yaozhi's tolerance and support, make this relationship extraordinary.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

The way they get along fully reflects the understanding of modern young people about love - equality, freedom, and mutual respect. This relationship, which was initiated by the woman, not only interprets the diversity of love, but also shows Zhang Lingxin's character characteristics of daring to love and hate.

Hu Yaozhi graduated from Beijing Film Academy and spent his student days with Xu Qing, Jiang Wenli and other classmates who would later become well-known actors. After graduating, he chose to stay on as a teacher and soon became known for his rigorous teaching style.

The students respected and feared him, and nicknamed him "Hu Dadao". However, it is such a stern teacher who shows a unique charm in Zhang Lingxin's eyes.

In addition to teaching, Hu Yaozhi is also making continuous progress in his directing career. In 2018, the criminal investigation drama "Bone Language" directed by him was broadcast, which was well received by the audience. This 36-episode drama is fast-paced, with each episode telling a case of 30 minutes, which is engaging.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

In this drama, Hu Yaozhi also cooperated with his wife Zhang Lingxin, showing their tacit understanding in their careers.

On April 30, 2016, Hu Yaozhi ushered in a major turning point in his life - he became a father. This hard-won child made this once strict teacher gentle.

In the process of parenting, he began to play the role of a "good person", often fighting for forgiveness for his children, and formed a unique educational cooperation with Zhang Lingxin.

After entering 2020, Hu Yaozhi's responsibility is even greater. He not only served as the vice president of Beijing Film Academy, but also served as the dean of the School of Modern Creative Media of Beijing Film Academy.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

Despite his busy schedule, he struggles to balance his career and family, setting aside a few days a month to take care of his children and give his wife a chance to rest.

Hu Yaozhi's life experience, from a strict teacher to a gentle father, from dedicated teaching to successful directing, to important leadership positions, shows his continuous growth and progress in his career and family.

His transformation not only enriched his life, but also injected new vitality into his marriage with Zhang Lingxin.

After marriage, especially after the birth of the child, the lives of Zhang Lingxin and Hu Yaozhi have undergone earth-shaking changes. Zhang Lingxin, who was once keen on noisy and lively personality, gradually transformed into a gentle and patient mother.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

And Hu Yaozhi has also changed from a stern "big sword" to a loving father. This shift not only shows their sense of responsibility to their families, but also their growth in their new roles.

In terms of work, the two also support each other. When filming "Bone Language", they were not only husband and wife, but also close work partners. In the face of netizens' misunderstanding of the plot, they also registered social accounts together, patiently explained the creative concept, and showed each other's tacit understanding in their careers.

Zhang Lingxin and Hu Yaozhi's marriage lies in mutual understanding, tolerance and support. They give each other plenty of freedom and are also there to help when needed.

Hu Yaozhi deliberately took time out every month to take care of the children, so that Zhang Lingxin could rest, and this kind of carefulness and thoughtfulness made their feelings deeper.

"Langya Bang" Zhang Lingxin: Grandpa is a well-known actor Zhang Fan, and he has a secret to maintaining his marriage with Hu Yaozhi

It is this balance between art and life that makes Zhang Lingxin and Hu Yaozhi not only successful in their careers, but also happy in their married life. Their stories tell us that the secret to true marriage preservation lies in mutual respect and mutual fulfillment.

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