
Can you drink "soy milk" for diabetes? Doctor: There are 3 things to protect the pancreatic islets, try not to touch them

author:Director Guo of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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It is extremely important for diabetic patients to manage their diet, as diet directly affects the control of blood sugar levels. In daily life, many diabetics will choose various plant-based drinks to replace high-sugar drinks, and soy milk is one of them.

Soy milk is favored by many people because of its rich nutrition and low fat and low sugar. However, for diabetics, is soy milk a blessing or a curse? Let's explore this from a professional point of view.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires a variety of measures such as diet, exercise, and medication to control blood sugar levels. Among the many dietary choices, soy milk, as a traditional plant-based drink, is gradually accepted and loved by more people because of its rich nutrients and low sugar and low fat.

So, can diabetics drink soy milk? It's not just a matter of dietary choices, it's about the science behind diabetes management.

Nutritional content and health benefits of soy milk

Soy milk is a drink made from soybeans and is rich in plant protein, unsaturated fatty acids (such as linolenic acid and linoleic acid), soy isoflavones, vitamins and minerals.

The plant protein in soy milk is high in high quality and provides the body with essential amino acids to help maintain the health of muscles and other tissues. Unsaturated fatty acids help improve blood lipid levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Can you drink "soy milk" for diabetes? Doctor: There are 3 things to protect the pancreatic islets, try not to touch them

Soy isoflavones have been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and insulin sensitivity effects, which can help reduce the risk of complications for people with diabetes.

The study found that different formulations of soy milk had different effects on the gut microbiota of overweight and obese men, suggesting that soy isoflavones may exert their health benefits by modulating the gut microbiota.

The potential risk of soy milk to diabetics

While soy milk has many health benefits, not all soy milk is suitable for people with diabetes. Some commercially available soy milk may contain added sugars, which is not friendly to diabetics who need to keep their blood sugar under tight control. Diabetics should pay special attention to the ingredient label when choosing soy milk and choose products without added sugar.

In addition, the phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors contained in soy milk may affect the absorption of minerals, such as calcium and zinc. Long-term consumption of large amounts of soy milk may lead to mineral deficiencies, which can affect physical health.

Can you drink "soy milk" for diabetes? Doctor: There are 3 things to protect the pancreatic islets, try not to touch them

Studies have shown that drinking fermented and unfermented soy milk has different effects on human fecal microbiota and metabolites, suggesting that soy milk may improve metabolic health by affecting gut microbes.

Three foods that protect pancreatic islets

In addition to paying attention to soy milk, diabetics should also be aware of other foods that can help protect the islets. The following three foods are believed to be beneficial for islet health:

Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins, which help improve insulin sensitivity and stabilize blood sugar levels. Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and broccoli are not only nutritious, but they also provide a variety of trace elements that are beneficial for islet health.

Can you drink "soy milk" for diabetes? Doctor: There are 3 things to protect the pancreatic islets, try not to touch them

Nuts: Nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, protein, and fiber, which help control blood sugar and reduce inflammation. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews can be used as healthy snacks that can be eaten in moderation to help improve blood sugar control.

Fish: Especially deep-sea fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines and herring, which help reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health, while also providing protection for islet function.

Foods to avoid for people with diabetes

Diabetics need to take special care to avoid the following food groups in their diet to better control their blood sugar levels:

High-sugar drinks: Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as sodas, juices, and energy drinks, can quickly raise blood sugar levels and increase the risk of diabetes complications. This type of drink should be avoided as much as possible, and it is recommended to choose healthy drinks such as water and sugar-free tea.

Can you drink "soy milk" for diabetes? Doctor: There are 3 things to protect the pancreatic islets, try not to touch them

Refined carbohydrates: such as white rice, white bread, and pastries, which are quickly converted to glucose, causing blood sugar fluctuations. People with diabetes should give preference to whole grain foods such as brown rice, whole-grain bread, and oats.

High-fat foods: Especially foods that contain saturated and trans fats, such as fried chicken and chips, can increase the risk of insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. Choose healthy sources of fat, such as unsaturated fats found in olive oil, avocados, and fish.

Summary and Recommendations

As a nutritious plant-based drink, soy milk has certain health benefits for diabetics, but special attention should be paid to the ingredients when choosing and avoiding products with added sugar.

Combining green leafy vegetables, nuts and omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish can better protect islet function and improve blood sugar control. At the same time, high-sugar drinks, refined carbohydrates, and high-fat foods should be avoided to reduce the occurrence of complications.

Diabetic patients should always be vigilant in dietary management, pay attention to personalized dietary plans, and regularly consult professional physicians or dietitians to ensure that dietary choices are scientific and reasonable. Through scientific and reasonable dietary management, diabetic patients can better control blood sugar and improve their quality of life.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!


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Fernandez-Raudales D, Hoeflinger JL, Bringe NA, et al. Consumption of different soymilk formulations differentially affects the gut microbiomes of overweight and obese men. Gut Microbes. 2012; 3(6):490-500. doi:10.4161/gmic.21766

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