
38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old


In 1981, the Chinese film industry ushered in its spring, which was an era of vitality and creativity. During that period, Chinese films not only saw a significant increase in number, but also showed unprecedented diversity in artistic expression and subject matter. Movies have become an indispensable part of people's lives, and movie theaters are often crowded with people and audiences are enthusiastic.

"The Legend of Tianyun Mountain" is an impressive work, which tells a legendary story that spans the ages with a grand narrative and profound character portrayal. In the film, those complex emotional entanglements and historical changes make people feel the weight of history and the warmth of human nature in the process of watching the movie. And "Bashan Night Rain" has won the love of the audience with its unique art style and affectionate story. It depicts the inner world of the characters with delicate brushstrokes, showing the brilliance and darkness of human nature, which makes people not only moved, but also have a deeper thinking about life.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

In addition to these two works, there were many other films in 1981 that were also enthusiastically sought after by audiences. For example, "Little Flower" with its fresh and refined love story makes people feel the beauty of youth and the vitality of life; "Lushan Love" has attracted the attention of countless audiences with its magnificent natural landscape and touching love story. These films are not just works of art, they also carry the memories and emotions of that era, and have become indelible classics in people's hearts.

During that period, filmmaking technology was also constantly advancing, and filmmakers began to experiment with more shooting techniques and forms of expression, making film works more colorful. The use of special effects began to become more daring and innovative, and the visual effects of the film were significantly improved. At the same time, the subject matter of the film is no longer limited to traditional historical dramas or war films, but has begun to involve more social issues and real life, reflecting the diversity and complexity of society.

Filmmakers inject more personal emotions and thoughts into their creations, making film works not only a tool to entertain the public, but also a carrier for conveying thoughts and emotions. While appreciating the film, the audience can also feel the enthusiasm and intentions of the creator, and this emotional exchange and resonance is the unique charm of film art.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

In short, the Chinese film industry in 1981 was a period full of vitality and vitality, which not only brought visual enjoyment to the audience, but also gave people a deep touch on the spiritual level. The films of that era, which are still talked about today, are the most vivid testimonies of that golden age.

The movie "Special High School in Action" can be said to be a bright pearl in the Chinese film industry in 1981. It is not only a spy movie, but also a movie full of suspense and thriller elements, which makes people both nervous and excited during the viewing process. The film was carefully created by Xi'an Film Studio and adapted from Sun Shudi's novel "Gu Su Chun", and the literary value and depth of the original book laid a solid foundation for the success of the film.

The story of the film is set during the Anti-Japanese War, and tells the story of a group of agents of the special high school who conduct intelligence gathering and secret operations behind enemy lines. The characters in the film are distinct, each character has their own unique character and fate, and the interaction and conflict between them constitute a complex and vivid picture of spy warfare. In the process of watching, the audience can not only feel the historical atmosphere of that era, but also experience the inner struggles and choices of the characters.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

The director and screenwriter of "Special High School in Action" pay great attention to the portrayal of details and the advancement of the plot, which makes the rhythm of the whole movie compact and interlocking, which is dizzying. The suspenseful elements in the movie are very cleverly handled, every twist is unexpected, and every puzzle makes people want to find out. This sense of suspense and tension keeps the audience always high in excitement and anticipation during the movie.

In addition, the visuals of the movie are excellent. Although the filmmaking technology of the time was not as advanced as it is today, the director and cinematographer still created a unique atmosphere and texture through the clever use of lenses and light and shadow. Some scenes in the movie, such as spy deals at night, tense escape chases, etc., are shot with great tension and impact, making people feel as if they are there.

The cast of "Special High School in Action" is also a highlight. The leading actors all have solid acting skills and deep emotional expression skills, and they interpret their roles vividly and impressively. In particular, some of the key characters in the movie, such as the wise and brave secret service leader, the thoughtful female spy, etc., have left an indelible impression on the audience.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

Since its release, this movie has received widespread love and praise from the audience. It did well at the box office and became a phenomenal work of the year. The audience was not only attracted by the suspense and thriller elements in the film, but also by the profound themes and humanistic care conveyed by the film. "Special High School in Action" is not only a highly entertaining movie, but also a work with ideological depth and artistic value.

Overall, "Special High School in Action" is a very successful spy war film, which has won the love and recognition of the audience with its unique charm and profound connotation. This film not only shows the historical style of that era, but also conveys a positive and courageous spirit in the face of difficulties. Its influence goes far beyond the film itself and has become a classic in the history of Chinese cinema.

In the blink of an eye, 38 years have passed, and when we look back on "Special High School in Action" again, we can't help but be impressed by the artistic achievements of this classic spy war film. In terms of the layout of the plot, the rhythm of editing, the setting of suspense, etc., it is not inferior to modern spy war films, but even better in some aspects, which is the embodiment of its enduring charm.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

First of all, from the perspective of the plot, the story line of "Special High School in Action" is very compact, and the plot is ups and downs, interlocking. It doesn't have the lengthiness and dragging that are common in modern films, and every scene serves to move the story forward, and every detail sets the stage for solving the ultimate mystery. This concise and efficient narrative allows the audience to always maintain a high degree of concentration and interest during the viewing process.

Secondly, the editing technique of the movie is also quite ingenious. Under the technical conditions of the time, the editors succeeded in creating a tense and exciting viewing atmosphere through clever camera switching and rhythm control. The quick editing not only did not confuse the audience, but instead enhanced the sense of urgency and dynamics of the plot, making the rhythm of the whole movie very strong.

Let's look at the suspense setting, which is the most praised part of "Special High Class in Action". The suspense in the movie progresses layer by layer, and each turning point is designed just right, both unexpected and reasonable. This subtle control of suspense keeps the audience curious and exploratory throughout the movie, and even after the movie is over, it will be endlessly memorable.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

Compared with modern spy war films, "Special High Class in Action" has its unique advantages in artistic expression. Although modern films have more innovations and breakthroughs at the technical level, they sometimes seem too impetuous and superficial in the depth of the plot and the shaping of characters. "Special High Class in Action" pays more attention to the excavation of the inner world of the characters and the expression of emotions, which shows the complex psychological activities and rich emotional changes of the characters through delicate brushstrokes, making the characters more three-dimensional and real.

In addition, the film also has its own unique visual style. Although it does not have the gorgeous special effects and high-tech visual presentation of modern films, it truly restores the atmosphere and texture of that era through unpretentious cinematography. This simple and authentic visual style is more touching and resonant.

In general, the artistic achievements of "Special High School in Action" are not only reflected in its superb plot structure, ingenious editing techniques and exquisite suspense settings, but also in its profound portrayal of characters and sincere expression of emotions. These artistic achievements make this film even 38 years later, still able to attract the audience's attention and exude its unique charm.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

In the film "Special High School in Action", the cast can be called luxurious, and each actor presents a feast for the eyes and soul with his unique acting skills and profound interpretation of the role. Let's take a closer look at each of these actors and their roles.

The first is Guo Fazeng, who plays the protagonist in the film, a wise and brave agent. Guo Fazeng, with his superb acting skills, vividly showed the calmness, wit and firmness of this role. His every look and every action is full of drama, making the audience feel the complexity and struggle of the character's heart.

He Ling plays a thoughtful female spy whose character is full of mystery and unpredictability. He Ling's performance is delicate and layered, and she has successfully created a female image that is both weak and strong, cunning and sincere. Her performance is filled with empathy and understanding for the character.

Lei Ming plays a complex and multifaceted character in the film, he is both an enemy and a friend, and the duality of this role is a great test of the actor's acting skills. With his profound acting skills, Lei Ming shows the contradictions and struggles of this character in three points, which makes people love and hate this role.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

Li Jingli is an actress who plays a key role in the film, her character is a woman who is weak on the outside but strong on the inside. Li Jingli's performance is full of power and infectiousness, and she shows the tenacity and unyielding of the character to the fullest, which makes people full of respect for this role.

Ma Chongle plays a loyal and somewhat honest character in the film. With his unpretentious performance, Ma Chongle shows the loyalty and kindness of this character very well. His performance makes people feel the sincerity and cuteness of the characters, adding a touch of warmth to the film.

The performances of these actors not only show their acting skills, but also reflect their deep understanding and interpretation of the role. Through their performances, they bring these characters to life and bring them to life. Their performances are one of the important factors in the success of the film.

In "Special High School in Action", each actor performed his role to the fullest, and their performance not only made the audience remember these roles, but also made the audience deeply resonate with these characters. Their performance is a profound interpretation of the role, and it is also a wonderful interpretation of the art of film. Through their performances, we can see that good actors and good characters are the key to the success of the movie.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

Although on Douban, the rating of "Special High Class in Action" may not be high, but this does not prevent it from becoming an underrated movie. In fact, this movie is worth savoring and discovering in many ways. It is like an old wine, and the longer it ages, the more it can taste its mellow and unique.

First of all, the plot of this movie is tight and fast-paced, and every twist is designed just right. It doesn't have the long and tedious scenes of modern films, and every detail is connected and moves the story forward. This careful weaving of the plot makes the whole movie full of tension and appeal.

Secondly, the cast in the movie is also a highlight. Each actor brings their respective roles to life with their superb acting skills. Their performance is not only a reproduction of the external image of the character, but also a deep excavation of the inner world of the character. This in-depth understanding and interpretation of the characters makes the characters in the movie more three-dimensional and realistic.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

In addition, the cinematography and editing of the film are excellent. Despite the limited technical conditions at the time, the cinematographers and editors were able to create a unique atmosphere and rhythm through clever techniques. Every shot in the movie is carefully choreographed and every cut is just right, making the whole movie visually appealing.

It is worth mentioning that the interludes in the movie are also very distinctive. The singing of Li Guyi and Su Xiaoming added a different color to the movie. Their vocals are soulful and infectious, blending perfectly with the plot and atmosphere of the film, allowing people to enjoy the movie while feeling the emotional resonance of the music.

Overall, "Extra High School in Action" is a movie worth watching again and again. Although its rating may not be high, this does not affect its excellent performance in the plot, acting, cinematography, editing, etc. It is like a dusty treasure, waiting for more fans to discover and enjoy. If you're a movie fan who likes to dig deeper into the movie, then this movie is definitely not to be missed. It is not only a spy war film, but also a work full of artistic charm and profound connotation. So, take a moment to watch this movie and discover those unexpected surprises that have been overlooked.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

Dear readers, when you read this, I believe that you already have a certain understanding of the movie "Extra High School in Action", and it may even bring back some good memories in your hearts. Yaqing is here to invite everyone to participate in a more in-depth interaction.

In the comment area of this article, I sincerely hope that you can share your memories and feelings about "Extra High School in Action". Whether it's a deep impression of a certain part of the plot, an appreciation for an actor's performance, or a nostalgia for a movie interlude, you can talk freely here.

Let's build a community of passion and memories together, so that the discussion of this film is not limited to words, but touches everyone's heart. I believe that everyone's sharing is unique and precious, and when they come together, they can form a powerful force for more people to understand and appreciate this classic.

Perhaps, when you watched "Special High School in Action", you were deeply moved by a certain plot, or had a strong resonance with a certain character. Here, you can tell your story and share your feelings. Perhaps, when you rewatch this movie years later, you find some new understanding or insight. Here, you can express your new discoveries and share your new insights.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old

It's also a great platform if you have questions about some of the details in the movie or want to explore the deeper meaning behind the movie. You can ask your questions, start your discussions, and I'm sure other members of the community will be more than happy to discuss and communicate with you.

Through this interaction, we can not only have a deeper understanding of "Extra High School in Action", but also meet more like-minded friends in the process. Let's create a community of passion, memories and wisdom together in this comment section.

So, don't hesitate to pick up your pen, tap on your keyboard, and pass your thoughts and emotions to more people through words. Let's work together to add more color and vitality to the movie "Special High School in Action", for those good memories, and for this charming movie world. I look forward to seeing your sharing in the message area, let's work together to let the story of this movie continue to circulate.

38 years later, the recent situation of the actors of "Special High Class in Action", Guo Fazeng is 75 years old, and Ma Chongle is 66 years old