
Eat 60 in a row! The man collapsed in pain! The doctor was dumbfounded: the stomach was dense......

author:Jinjiang TV New Media Center

The bayberry in June is a favorite of many people.

Eat bayberry to swallow the core? Don't be "superstitious"!

Recently, an uncle in Hangzhou was admitted to the hospital due to abdominal pain after swallowing bayberry kernels, and doctors took out nearly 60 bayberry kernels from his stomach.

Eat 60 in a row! The man collapsed in pain! The doctor was dumbfounded: the stomach was dense......

Half a basket of bayberry under the stomach, uncle intestinal obstruction

Doctors removed nearly 60 bayberry kernels from his stomach

"Doctor, I used to eat like this, but this time my stomach hurts to death!" Two days ago, the uncle told Pan Hanghang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital, with a bitter face.

The patient's family reported that the old man used to eat bayberry without spitting pits, and he may not have eaten much at one time, and he has been fine, but this time he ate about half a basket of bayberry, and the uncle began to feel uncomfortable in his stomach, and then he had epigastric distension and pain, and after eating, the symptoms became more obvious, and his family quickly sent him to the hospital.

Pan Navigation judged that the patient was most likely obstructed by bayberry nucleus. Sure enough, the CT examination found that the patient had bayberry nuclei in his body, which were densely packed, and he was diagnosed with gastric retention and duodenal obstruction. The doctor gave emergency treatment to the uncle.

"Gastroscopy found that the patient had a small amount of bayberry nuclei in the gastric cavity, and a large number of bayberry nuclei adhered to the food, completely occupying the duodenal lumen, blocking the duodenum, and the gastroscope could not pass the ......" Pan Navigation described the scene at that time, the duodenal lumen was small, and the lumps formed by the bayberry nuclei were stacked together like a multi-layer cake, and in the follow-up treatment, Pan Navigation took a total of nearly 60 bayberry nuclei, and the patient's abdominal pain and other symptoms were significantly relieved, and surgery was avoided.

Eating bayberry swallowing nuclear energy sterilization and detoxification?

Doctor: Lack of scientific evidence

"Every year, during the bayberry season, our department or other departments will receive patients with obstruction due to swallowing bayberry kernels." Pan Wensheng, director of the Department of Gastroenterology of the hospital, said that the "added value" of bayberry is circulated among the people - swallowing bayberry kernels when eating bayberry has many benefits such as sterilization and detoxification, but there is a lack of scientific basis, so the public must not deliberately swallow a large number of bayberry kernels for "detoxification".

"Generally speaking, bayberry kernels are hard and difficult to digest by the human body, if you inadvertently swallow one or two bayberry kernels, it is not a big problem for the human body, and it can be excreted by defecation. If you swallow too much at one time, it is not only easy to choke, but also cause congestion in the narrow intestine, causing abdominal pain, and may even cause gastric bleeding, intestinal perforation or intestinal obstruction and other gastrointestinal diseases. For the elderly and young children with poor swallowing and airway protection, swallowing the bayberry kernel raw may also accidentally enter the airway, causing the risk of suffocation, and the consequences are unimaginable. ”

It is recommended to take up to 20 capsules a day

Director Pan Wensheng reminded that according to the dietary guidelines for mainland residents, the daily intake of fruits is best controlled at 200g to 350g, and if you only eat bayberry a day, it is recommended to eat up to 20 pieces a day.

For patients with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers, bayberry is best eaten after meals, and it is not advisable to eat too much at one time. In short, although bayberry is delicious, it should not be eaten in excess, and it is better to eat bayberry or spit out the core.

Ranked number one! Congratulations to Jinjiang!

Jinjiang, this girl, is out of the circle!

Eat 60 in a row! The man collapsed in pain! The doctor was dumbfounded: the stomach was dense......

Source | Hangzhou Daily, Peninsula Morning News

Edit | Chen Yueyan

Audit | Chen Wenjing, Zhang Zhenye, Zhu Yawen

Eat 60 in a row! The man collapsed in pain! The doctor was dumbfounded: the stomach was dense......
Eat 60 in a row! The man collapsed in pain! The doctor was dumbfounded: the stomach was dense......

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