
The man ended up in the hospital because of "excessive indulgence", and the doctor: the frequency should be appropriate

author:Lone Star Alone

Dear friends, today I would like to talk to you about something surprising. Can you think of going to the hospital by yourself because of a seemingly ordinary thing in your life! It's not a pleasure, we have to listen and don't let this happen to us.

Do you really know about "overindulgence"?

What is "overindulgence"? In the medical field, indulgence means having sex more often than one's body and mind can handle. Don't think that this is a rare thing, in fact, many people don't take it seriously, and their understanding and attention to it are far from enough!

Sex is a very normal part of our human life, but if there are too many of them, it can be very troublesome. In your opinion, it's like eating, a moderate amount of satiety, can eating too much still support it? The same goes for sex sheng.

The man ended up in the hospital because of "excessive indulgence", and the doctor: the frequency should be appropriate

(1) Physical exertion, tired and panicked

Sex work is a physical task. Can your body afford it if it's too often? It's like running a few marathons. Can you not get tired? This fatigue affects daily life and work. There is no spirit in work, and there is no energy in work. Will the day be comfortable?

(2) Injuries to the reproductive system should be taken care of

Let's start by talking about male compatriots. Frequent sexual activity is a kind of irritation and damage to the prostate. The prostate gland is like a delicate "baby" that must be well cared for. Female compatriots should not be careless, and the genital tract cannot tolerate excessive tossing and turning. If there is a problem, it will be a big annoyance!

The man ended up in the hospital because of "excessive indulgence", and the doctor: the frequency should be appropriate

(3) Psychological pressure and bad mood

Overindulgence is not only physical but also psychological. Bad emotions such as anxiety and depression may come to your door. Think about it. Can you be happy in your heart all day long? If you're in a bad mood, can you live a comfortable life?

(4) The epidemic system becomes weaker and more prone to illness

In addition, excessive sexual activity can also affect the functioning of the immune system. This system is like our body's "defense army". Once it's not strong, all kinds of thistles can take advantage of this opportunity, and we can't give them this opportunity!

The man ended up in the hospital because of "excessive indulgence", and the doctor: the frequency should be appropriate

2. How to grasp the "degree" of sexual activity?

Now that we know the dangers of overindulgence, we must find ways to treat sexual activity properly and keep ourselves healthy.

(1) Know your body and know it in your heart

Everyone's physical condition is different, just like some people can eat spicy food, and some people can't eat spicy food. Therefore, we must know what our body is, so that we can arrange our sexual activities reasonably.

The man ended up in the hospital because of "excessive indulgence", and the doctor: the frequency should be appropriate

(2) The principle of moderation, do not be impulsive

That's the key! Don't ignore it on the spur of the moment. Always remind yourself that the body is the capital of life.

(3) Healthy life and good health

In general, we have to develop healthy habits. Eat when it's time to eat, sleep when it's time to sleep, plus proper exercise. In this way, the body's resistance and recovery ability can be strong.

(4) Mental adjustment, don't worry

If you feel anxious or depressed, don't hold it back and seek help from a professional. Only by untying the knots in your heart can you live a happy life.

The man ended up in the hospital because of "excessive indulgence", and the doctor: the frequency should be appropriate

3. If something goes wrong, don't panic

If we do accidentally go wrong, don't panic. First, go to the hospital and find a doctor. Doctors are very specialists. They will advise you on the appropriate treatment for your specific situation.

At the same time, you have to adjust your lifestyle quickly. Reduce the frequency of sexual activity and give the body enough time to recover. Just like giving an injured sapling a chance to rest, it can thrive again.

The man ended up in the hospital because of "excessive indulgence", and the doctor: the frequency should be appropriate

You must also know the benefits of sex live

Having said all these precautions, don't think that sex is a "troublemaker". In fact, as long as it is moderate, there are many benefits!

Sex can enhance the relationship between husband and wife and bring two people's hearts closer. It's like pouring oil on a little flame of affection. The more it burns, the more vigorous it gets, and it can also help reduce stress. How stressful is life right now? It's nice to have such a way to de-stress! In addition, sleep quality can be altered. Get a good night's sleep and you'll be energized to take on new challenges in two days.

The man ended up in the hospital because of "excessive indulgence", and the doctor: the frequency should be appropriate

However, all these benefits must be built on a modest basis. It's like walking a tightrope, you have to get the balance right in order to get to the end steadily.

Friends, we've talked so much. At the end of the day, we just want everyone to understand that sex is a part of life, but it's not the whole story. We must maintain a healthy lifestyle and listen to our bodies instead of being grumpy. Only then can we live a happy life.

Look at the guy he said at the beginning, because he was too indulgent to go to the hospital! We cannot repeat his mistakes. You must always remind yourself that moderation is key and health is a blessing!

I hope that everyone can treat sex with a scientific and rational attitude, enjoy the beauty of life, and embrace a healthy future!