
Back then, I was fortunate to be taught by Mr. Qiu Shanshan, and I changed from a "martial artist" to a "scholar"...

author:Snowy feelings


How did "Takefu" become "Scholar"?

One by one, I learned and taught with the military writer Qiu Shanshan

Chen Falin

My humble essay "Seeing Hero Flowers at the Border Pass, Ancient Village Long Ode to the Military and Civilian Feelings", thanks to the editor-in-chief of Mao Ge, has been praised by many comrades-in-arms in Tibet and the mainland, and Ren Ping, a female classmate of Sichuan University, enthusiastically commented on me: "I feel that I am a weak scholar, and my writing is better, but I never expected that Liang Feng, the heroic platoon commander of the 'living martyrs' (the military leader of the old army), was a comrade-in-arms who fought side by side", which means that I was originally a "martial artist", but now I have become a "scholar".

Many beautiful words made me sincerely frightened, but also couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. The philosopher said: Three good fortunes in life, good teachers, good friends, and good companions. Good teachers come first. I can't help but think of my first mentor after entering Tibet, the famous military writer Qiu Shanshan.

Due to her years of separation, many of her interactions have been forgotten, and only her unique name and youthful image have always been cherished in the depths of her mind but difficult to surface. It wasn't until the editor-in-chief Mao Ge had a unique vision that he published "The Woman Who Loves Tibet" in "Snowy Veteran", and there was "It is also a kind of happiness to be able to read poetry", which attracted bursts of applause. It was this sentence that aroused my strong life experience and emotional resonance, knocked open the rusty lock of memory that had been sealed for many years, and was able to regain the relationship between me and Mr. Shanshan 41 years ago that influenced the trajectory of my life.

December 1983. The Chengdu Military Region has set up a training course for high school Chinese teachers in the Phoenix Mountain Teaching Brigade. Instructor: Qiu Shanshan. I was one of her students.

In terms of age and enlistment, I should call her a military sister, but "teacher, so preaching and teaching to solve doubts", it has nothing to do with age and military age. I am also a graduate of a late WG high school, I am a child of a peasant family in a culturally and educational backward town in Guangdong Province, and she is a child of a military intellectual family who grew up in a military camp. At that time, although I held a secondary school diploma from Chengdu Land School, in fact, my cultural level was only half a year to repeat the new era of high Chinese courses, but at this time, Mr. Shan Shan had graduated from the Chinese Department of the university and published several literary works. In terms of cultural quality and literary accomplishment, there is a huge gap between me and her.

In those years, the whole army set off a vigorous upsurge in cultural construction, and General Changsha, head of the Chengdu Military Region, selected Shan Shan to serve as a language instructor in the cultural instructor training course for the whole region, including the Tibetan troops.

Back then, I was fortunate to be taught by Mr. Qiu Shanshan, and I changed from a "martial artist" to a "scholar"...

(Strong tea brewing lesson plan, the shadow reflects the fragrance of the heart.) Teacher Shanshan carefully prepared for lessons and wrote lesson plans in the Phoenix Mountain Teaching Brigade that year)

I was able to participate in this instructor training course at the foot of Phoenix Mountain, which can be called a mistake.

Originally, the Shannan Military Sub-district was full of junior high schools, junior colleges, and even undergraduates, and there were many talents. The sea of people is vast, if according to the normal trajectory of life and destiny, I and Mr. Qiu Shanshan may not have the opportunity to meet and meet, of course, in addition to continuing to dedicate the "courage of martial arts" to the country, there will be no "teachers" and "scholars" luck.

Life is unpredictable. In October 1982, I had nightmares on my vacation in which my elderly father cried out to me when his head was bleeding. When I woke up and rushed home day and night, the "10.22 tragedy" had already happened. When the disabled brother was falsely accused of stealing trees by a certain corrupt element, and when he failed to demand a fine from his cattle, cars, and people, he became angry and severely injured my father and uncle who came to the rescue. The case aroused public outrage in the whole township, but at that time, the lack of a legal system and the constraints of many parties made the case unresolved. This is really a blow to the soldiers and their relatives who are loyal to the country.

In October 1983, with misfortune and pain, depression and anger, I returned to the camp exhausted physically and mentally. When he reported these problems to his superiors, sought organizational support, and provided assistance to the soldiers and their relatives to protect their legitimate rights and interests, due to poor expression, his emotions were out of control, and he had a serious misunderstanding and fierce quarrel with the battalion commander Luo, who also had a straightforward and fiery personality. He also lost his mind and shouted, "The battalion commander can't win your Chen Falin, I don't have the surname Luo", and I also released cruel words. The two sides have a grudge over this.

At this time, the Tibet Military Region demanded that its subordinate units recommend cadres with a secondary or college education level or above to go to Chengdu to participate in training, so as to reserve instructors for the large-scale cultural remedial training for cadres in the whole region, which will soon be rolled out in an all-round way. I was "highly recommended" by Battalion Commander Luo and became the first and only participant of the Shannan Military Division, came to the foot of Phoenix Mountain, and became a student of Teacher Shanshan.

"Seon lost his horse, how do you know if it is a blessing"? A flying disaster, a collision between two strong, unintentionally contributed to the initial turning point of my heart from a "martial artist" to a "scholar". Although it was just a little more than a month of training, "close to Zhu Zhechi", thanks to her, I even achieved "poetry can be read", which gave birth to the "poetry reading, is also a kind of happiness" This kind of reading interest and literary perception was born, and gradually developed the habit of being friends with poetry and books, from which I benefited greatly. I used to get up and read in the middle of the night when I was tossing and turning. Pushkin's "If Life Deceives You", "Don't be sad, don't be anxious, everything will pass" helped me to free myself from family misfortune and personal pain; The words of Xin Qiji, let me rise from sinking and helpless; Qu Yuan, Du Fu, Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Su Dongpo, Lu You, Li Qingzhao...... These poems have given me great spiritual calcium and literary watering, nourishing my soul, broadening my mind, cultivating sentiments, expanding my horizons, and sharpening my pen power......

Now that 41 years have passed, where is the teaching brigade located in Phoenix Mountain? Who else was in the class with me? Many of them are blurred, but I can still clearly remember the reserved and elegant, calm and generous image of Mr. Yamayama when he taught me, and he had a poetic and bookish image. There is a class to study Xin Qiji's poem "Bodhisattva Man. Book Jiangxi Ostomy Wall" impressed me even more. Mr. Shan Shan's analysis and interpretation at that time combined with the life experience of the lyricist, especially the exquisite analysis of "looking at Chang'an in the northwest, pitiful countless mountains" and "green mountains can't cover it, after all, it flows eastward", which was like an empowerment, which made me empathize with me and aroused strong emotional resonance. At this time, for me, this class is not only a dish of cultural knowledge, but also a bowl of healing spiritual soup, which makes me cheer up and strengthen myself from pain, confusion and depression, and begin to face up to my weaknesses and shortcomings, and consciously reflect, improve and transform.

Phoenix Mountain training, and a grass walk, is still unforgettable. At that time, most of our students were older and younger, and most of them were the same age as this group of elite instructors. One day after dinner, walking and chatting on the open grass, I saw Mr. Shanshan and several female teachers passing by not far from us, looking at their graceful backs and walking farther and farther, some people commented on them, and there was a good thing that said that Mr. Shanshan was unmarried, and I slammed it: You can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour! Now that I think about it, doesn't this confirm Mr. Shanshan's lofty ambition and rigorous attitude towards life (marriage and love) from another side.

Phoenix Mountain is a blessed land, and "Teacher Qiu" was transferred from here to the creation room of the military region, where he served as an editor in "Southwest Military Literature" until the editor-in-chief, and served as the director of the creation room. Since then, he has shown his skills from Chengdu to the whole army and the whole country. Now her works have even been translated into English, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese.

Ms. Shan Shan is a master of mastering the Chinese language and writing, her creative inspiration comes from life, higher than life, her works are cleverly conceived, the idea is novel, the text is straightforward and shallow, but the words are concise and rich, vivid and expressive. The content of her works gives people the pursuit of goodness and beauty, and gives people a strong appeal emotionally and logically. Reading Mr. Shanshan's book, it is full of positive energy, like a spring breeze, like drinking sweet, which is intoxicating.

Mr. Yamayama is a trendsetter who bravely stands at the forefront of the times. Her works have won the 8th National "Five One Project Award" and the 4th Lu Xun Literature Award. She was also a deputy to the National People's Congress and went to Beijing many times to participate in discussions on state affairs. "A slender pen is better than 3,000 Mauser soldiers", she used the responsibility of a soldier and the conscience of an upright writer to meet the needs of the army's national defense construction and make special contributions to the progress of our times and society.

The Phoenix Mountain training, I can be regarded as the light of the blessed land, the light of the talented women in the army, and the beginning of my change from a "martial artist" to a "teacher Chen", and then a new journey of life struggle for a "weak scholar".

I remember that in the second half of 1984, when the Chinese remedial class for cadres of the Tibet Military Region was about to start, my superiors informed me to go to Lhasa to undergo interviews and examinations for qualified teachers. Lu Tongxin Officer of the Political Department of the Military Region (Yu nationality, veteran who enlisted in the army in 1970) presided over the work. The scene was full of leaders and experts of military district organs. The first was a trial lecture in the language class, and when the road officer announced the relevant procedures and precautions, he asked: Who will come first? I raised my hand and responded: I'll come first. Then he calmly took the stage, and talked about the song "Bodhisattva Man. Book Jiangxi Ostomy Wall", which infiltrated some of my personal cognition and experience, and was not completely copied. When I returned to my seat and continued to listen to the second and third interviewers, around 10:30, the road officer came up to me and said, "The chiefs have instructed you to be officially hired. Camp 5 is a long way away, you can go back now to quickly go through the handover and secondment procedures, get out of Tibet as soon as possible, and report to Chengdu Bayi School! "It was this interview experience that gave me the confidence and courage to be a good cultural teacher. After signing in to the school, I devoted myself to preparing for the lesson. The so-called give people a bowl of water, prepare a bucket of water for yourself. With pressure and motivation, my trainees (most of them are battalion and regimental cadres with rich military experience and excellent military, political, and moral qualities) teach and learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths, and make progress together. At the end of my teaching work, I was awarded as an outstanding teacher and received a commendation from the school.

Applying for the prestigious Sichuan University is another chance. I came to this news by chance just a week before the end of my teaching work, and no one from the military region or the school, including the unit, told me that I could also register for the exam. I was the last one in the district to be approved and took the last train to take the recruitment exam. Although the preparation time is short, I think that it is no problem to pass the test line, and the only worry is that I am afraid that there will be people who will get in the way. Therefore, as soon as I finished the exam, I hurriedly queued up for the flight and flew to Lhasa for help. The road officer of the military region said: "There are nearly 300 candidates in the whole region, more than 60 people are enrolled, and you are ranked 33rd in the performance evaluation and have been admitted, please rest assured, no one can dare to stop you in Sichuan University, I promise." Hearing this, I was very happy, and then I took off the newly bought beige suit I was wearing, changed into a military uniform, and said to him: I will give you this suit, please try it on to see if it fits? He tried it, and it was also very suitable, and immediately turned around and took down a thick "Chinese Calligraphy Dictionary" from the shelf, and said: Come and don't be rude, then turn the title page, take out a pen, and write neatly: "Send Chen Falin comrades-in-arms: perseverance, mind like a valley, and always forge ahead." Lu Tongxin, May 26, 1985. "

Back then, I was fortunate to be taught by Mr. Qiu Shanshan, and I changed from a "martial artist" to a "scholar"...

(When the Holy City asked for help, the comrades-in-arms gave good words.) Lu Tongxin's comrades-in-arms of the Political Department of the Tibet Military Region donated books and speeches)

In fact, my worries are completely unnecessary, and I am really small-bellied and chicken-hearted, and I live with myself. The "mind is like a valley" in the road officer's gift is indeed a golden and jade good word, and it is also an ardent expectation! It became my life's motto. Before I returned to the company, Battalion Commander Luo had received a notice from his superiors, who congratulated me and hosted a dinner party for me and Deputy Commander Yang Rongfu the day before I left. In an instant, all the pimples, grievances and grievances disappeared, and the tough guys in the two armies, a pair of border comrades, instantly released their previous suspicions (Battalion Commander Luo was later promoted to the deputy commander of the 1st Border Regiment, and had a good performance in the 87.4 special military struggle operation, which I introduced in the article "An Unlucky Commander"). He died untimely after changing jobs. I would like to express my condolences and remembrance). Deputy Commander Yang came to the 5th Battalion to inspect the work, and returned to Shannan early the next morning, and it was on this day that I left the 5th Frontier Battalion in Deputy Commander Yang's car and went to Sichuan University to start a new study career.

Two years of further study at Sichuan University, majoring in 24 courses, learning to swim in the sea, and fortunately taught by the famous Hongru master and expert professors, and returned to the team after completing his studies. He was immediately transferred by the head of the Shannan Military Subdivision to the Propaganda Section of the Political Department, where he has been engaged in the cultural work of the army and has been highly valued. His personal position also changed from 1981 to 1987 for 7 years as a deputy political commander, to 1990, when he jumped 4 times in 3 years and served as a political and religious officer in the border battalion of the 2nd Border Regiment. After that, he was transferred back to the agency until loyalty and filial piety could not be both, and many strong requests for transfer were approved, and he retired from active service in August 1994. I can be loyal to the country for 20 years and filial piety to my parents for 30 years, and I have no regrets here. Liang Feng, the battlefield hero of the year, when he learned that Ren Ping, who was a junior high school student with him, was also a classmate of Sichuan University, he lamented that the world was too small, and ridiculed: "Yes, I studied in a famous university, which made girls think that you were a 'weak scholar', but it turned out to be a 'martial artist'." ”

Speaking of "martial arts", the old comrade-in-arms's "exposing shortcomings", I am happy and convinced, and I am willing to bow to the wind, it is true that I cannot compare with him, an elite military pacesetter who was famous in the division long before the "living martyr", but in the old company, I am still quite complacent and conceited. I am an excellent shooter of the 2nd Machine Company of the 110th Regiment, an expert in bomb throwing, a pacesetter in military sports, a member of the all-excellent training team of the 37th Division Linfeng Mountain Teaching Team in 1976, fighting against Vietnam, killing the enemy and capturing Kou Rongli second-class meritorious service----- in the informal random competition of the 5th battalion on the Tibetan side, there were also 5 rounds of pistol shooting 49 rings, and the activity target (roe deer) in the mountains at an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level was 700 meters. As a political work cadre, I "did not do my job" and actually recommended myself to serve as the organizer and coach of the company's military sports and bomb throwing training, and led the team to win the second place in the military sports project team of the whole battalion that year, which was highly praised by the then company commander Qiu Jinguo and other colleagues. I remember that in 1989, a dud bomb explosion accident occurred in a large-scale divisional competition, which caused adverse consequences, and I said frankly: Let me organize, such an accident will never happen, and some people say that I am too crazy, but in fact, I have this confidence and confidence because of the strict military training practice and personal experience of the inland field army for many years. But he is straightforward, anxious and paranoid, and not good at communication and expression, which often makes people misunderstand and even unhappy. This is a regret in life, and the responsibility lies with me. Fortunately, since the teacher of Phoenix Mountain, he has opened his mind, and after two years of cultivation at Sichuan University, he has become a "weak scholar", and his ugly "martial artist" character has changed a lot since then.

Back then, I was fortunate to be taught by Mr. Qiu Shanshan, and I changed from a "martial artist" to a "scholar"...

(Practicing martial arts is for fighting, and the years are thick.) Participated in the 110th Regiment military backbone training class and took a photo, in which the comrades-in-arms of the former 2nd Machine Company later became the backbone of the war against Vietnam. Chen Falin, the first from the left in the back row. This photo is provided by Yu Qingsheng, the third person from the left in the front row. )

Back then, I was fortunate to be taught by Mr. Qiu Shanshan, and I changed from a "martial artist" to a "scholar"...

(There are many scholars in the Iron Army, and they will always remember their teacher's affection.) Group photo of teachers and students graduating from the special course on political history of Sichuan University of the Tibet Military Region. The first person from the left in the front row, Bai Zixing, the author of "Snowy Iron Army", the provider of this photo, the 7th person Ren Ping, and the 11th person Chen Falin. )

Some people say that if you don't go to Tibet, you will be wrong for life, and once you enter Tibet, you will be enlightened for life. This is not a lie, and I deeply believe it. My stumbling path from "martial artist" to "scholar" in Tibet is one of thousands of examples. In 1981, I graduated from Chengdu Continental School and volunteered to enter Tibet, guarding the land at the border and cultivating my patriotic feelings; The hometown is lonely and corrupt, and I am proud of it. Eight. A teaching, working all night for the public, never slackened. Sichuan University's pursuit of knowledge is like building and learning, and it is like grinding. Reborn, pupated into a butterfly, a martial arts scholar, and a martial artist. Ze is the officer, Loeb is serving, loyal and filial, and willing to be happy.

Back then, I was fortunate to be taught by Mr. Qiu Shanshan, and I changed from a "martial artist" to a "scholar"...

(Loyalty and filial piety, family letters reflect Dan's heart.) The author's letter from home, dated 25 October 1990, when he was serving in the Loeb Frontier Battalion, and the instruction manual attached to the delivery of medicines for his parents while working in the Political Department of the Division, were obtained by accident while cleaning up her belongings after her mother's death at the age of 100 on 21 May.)

After 20 years in the army and more than 10 years in the snowy region, along the way, you need to remember the years and months, the people and things you remember, and the mountains and rivers you miss in your life. The teaching and enlightenment of the mountain teacher Phoenix Mountain is particularly valuable, which is the beginning of Yin Ji himself from a martial artist to be called "Teacher Chen" and "Weak Scholar", which is the key to the key. Moreover, I also believe that the Tibet Military Region's three-year cultural construction, which began in 1984 and ended in 1987, has greatly improved the cultural quality of the officers and men of the troops, promoted the enhancement of combat effectiveness, and has made great contributions to the emergence of talented people everywhere in the snowy border areas. After that, she also went to Tibet many times to collect and study the glorious history of our army's march into Tibet, the liberation of Tibet, the construction of Tibet, and the defense of Tibet. Her footprints are all over the snowy plateau, and she is also a practitioner and promoter of the spirit of old Tibet. She read the "Letter to the Family" and "I'm Waiting for You in Heaven" with the border guards, and she was the muse in the hearts of the officers and soldiers. She is a faculty member of the Snowy Military Culture Instructor. She and her works have been widely praised in the snowy plateau and in the land of China, with countless fans.

"See the virtuous and think together, see the unvirtuous and introspect." Living to be old, learning to be old, using to be old, in the study of human spiritual civilization, learning the road of Chinese excellent culture, I have been catching up all my life, although I can never reach the height of Mr. Shanshan, but I finally have the same reading experience and life perception as Mr. Shanshan's "to be able to read poetry, it is also a kind of happiness". That alone is enough to be proud of.

Scholar Wufu, I am fortunate to be born!

Apprenticeship in the mountains, three lives are lucky!

(All illustrations in this article are provided by the author)

About the Author:

Chen Falin: A native of Xuwen County, Guangdong Province, enlisted in the army in December 1974, entered Tibet in October 1981, successively served as deputy political commander of the 1st Company of the 5th Frontier Battalion, instructor of the Cadre Cultural School of the Tibet Military Region, propaganda officer of the Political Department of the Shannan Military Sub-district, political and educational position of the Frontier Battalion of the 2nd Frontier Regiment, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, transferred to a new job in August 1994, and served as the director of the office of the Xuwen County Branch of the Construction Bank, and has retired. He is now a member of the Poetry Society of Xuwen County, Guangdong Province.

Back then, I was fortunate to be taught by Mr. Qiu Shanshan, and I changed from a "martial artist" to a "scholar"...

Author: Chen Falin