
17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

author:Zhongzhi Lao Han

01, the little mouse is weird.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

02. The forelimb muscles of the leopard look very well developed

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

03, quiet moo baby

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

04, the tickling tiger turned out to be with hind hooves

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

05. All pandas in the world belong to China

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

06. Don't bother me, let me sleep for "4" hours first.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

07, you eat meat, I am vegetarian, narrow-headed hammerhead shark, your vegetarian buddy.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

08, the warthog was locked in the fatal place by the leopard

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

09. Several facts about bees collecting honey, first, bees' eyes can't distinguish red, and the red in our eyes is just a shade of yellow in the eyes of bees; Second, bees like purple flowers the most.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

10. A militant little rooster

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

11. The camouflage techniques of these two palace guards are simply ingenious, and they look like two dead branches.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

12. What's going on? How can this guy have a tire around his neck? Did it get into it naughty on its own? Or is it a human prank?

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

13. This chrysalis that exudes a golden luster,

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

14. At the moment when being caught up by a killer whale and bitten, the seal's eyes were full of despair and a kind of sadness.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

15. We may have seen bees or bee bags, but have you ever seen a colorful bee bag like this, this guy is colorful and colorful, and the bright colors are really interesting, and it is a rare spectacle that is eye-opening!

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

16. This question is not ordinary, only 1 out of 10 people answered correctly, can you calculate it?

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

17. This is a rare photo of a cat tree in full bloom, of course, you can also think of it as a levitating cat charging point

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

18. The cut-billed gull is a very strange water bird, the strangest thing is that its upper and lower beaks will not be the same length, and the lower beak is much longer than the upper one, which is conducive to catching small fish when they fly low across the water.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

19. Dumbo octopus, scientific name umbrella octopus

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

20, don't be my old cow is easy to mess with, neither of us want to leave today

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

21. What kind of magical thing is this? To tell you, this is the Amazon royal lotus - the back of a large water lily leaf, which has a huge support force that can support a child standing on it without sinking.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

22. The desert mole has no vision at all, whether it is pathfinding or predation, it relies on its sensitive sense of smell. Insects are its main food.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

23. The blue banana cuckoo is a very large bird, and what distinguishes them is that they have an incomparable moxican head, and their beak is red and yellow, which is very recognizable. Their favorite food is bananas, but occasionally insects and other wild fruits.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

24. Didn't all frogs evolve from tadpoles, and how did tree frogs evolve inside eggs?

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

25. The eagle plucked the magpie's feathers

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

26. This dress is definitely not cold

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

27. If you think you are a master of fishing, then please estimate whether you have the confidence to challenge these things in the following photos? That's right, the terrible killer catfish, and there are even rumors that they can swallow a person. Fishing enthusiasts all over the world take pride in catching such river monsters.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

28. A diver in France found two European spiny lobsters scraping each other in reverse with their long tentacles on the bottom of the sea, which seems to be a very peculiar ritual.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

29. The women didn't look very happy, but the men were happy, probably the man said some hooligan things

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

30. Rainbow shrimp, which feels poisonous

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

31. This is hiding from the cat

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

32, the big-eyed boy caught in the deep sea

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

33. The albino hummingbird is incredibly beautiful.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

34. Another strange creature that does not seem to belong to the earth - the golden retriever sea scale worm, which lives on the seabed of the Antarctic sea.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

35. What kind of animal is the claw in the tiger's mouth?

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

36, 08 is not like a chic singer with a microphone

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

37. When a chimpanzee is angry, he not only beats his chest angrily, but sometimes his expression is also exaggerated.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

38, Guangzhou Zoo was surprised to see Qi bangs "Tony Old Lion"! Staff: It's all natural, we don't dare to cut it at all!

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

39. I had a great time today!

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

40. A spawning snake was suddenly attacked by a centipede, and when its defense ability was at its weakest, it became the prey of the centipede.

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

41. Is there something wrong with me?

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

Daily brain teasers that only a person with a high IQ can come up with! Hit the answer in the comments section

17 photos of strange creatures: frogs stuffing the sewers, camels resting in the Aral Sea

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