
417, Yan Qi is going to be a teacher for Wei Linggong's prince

author:A collection of traditional Chinese culture

Yan Yu wants to be a teacher for the crown prince of Wei Linggong, and first find the virtuous minister of Wei Guo, Lu Boyu, to ask how to be a good teacher, especially what to do when facing some people who are difficult to educate.

Yan Yu asked Fu Weiling, the eldest son, and asked Yu Boyu to say; "Someone is here, and his virtue is killed. If you have no way, you will endanger our country, and if you have a way, you will endanger your body. He knows enough to know the faults of people, but he does not know why he has passed. If so, what can I do? ”

Yan Qi was a master of the Lu State during the Warring States Period, willing to live in seclusion, unwilling to go out, according to legend, once he heard that Lu Jun wanted to hire him as a minister, so he dug the wall and fled. This left an allusion to Yan Qi chiseling the wall.

Yan Quan went to be a teacher for Prince Wei Linggong should also be a fiction of Zhuangzi, according to Yan Qiang's personality, Lu Jun asked him to be the prime minister, he didn't do anything, let alone went to Weiguo to be the prince's teacher. The crown prince of Wei Linggong is the Duke of Wei Zhuang, when the prince wanted to assassinate the Duchess of Wei Ling Nanzi unsuccessfully, fled abroad, and later his son reigned for 12 years, and conspired to drive away his son Wei Zhugong and became the monarch. He was ridiculous and reigned for only three years.

417, Yan Qi is going to be a teacher for Wei Linggong's prince

Yan Qi asked, assuming that there is such a person, "his virtue is killed", as for what is "heavenly killing", Cheng Xuanying soothed: "Kuai Ying adheres to the natural fierce virtue, and kills with pleasure." Liu Chenweng said: "Ruyan is born mean." Lu Changgeng said: "The sky is thin, so that it has no virtue." Personally, I think it would be more accurate to interpret it as being mean by nature, and lacking in virtue. In the process of dealing with him, if he does not correct his behavior according to norms, it will endanger the state. If I strictly correct his behavior, I am afraid that my own safety will be endangered. This person's intelligence is enough to discover the mistakes of others, but not enough to discover the real cause of the mistakes. What should I do to such a person?

"Its knowledge is enough to know the fault of the person, but not the reason for it" reveals a common error in the workplace, there are problems, mistakes, many people can find that criticism and accountability are correct, but often no one thinks more deeply, what is the cause of the problem, how to avoid the problem from reappearing. Moreover, the occurrence of problems and mistakes can be traced back to the source of management responsibility, and this is the reason why many people are unwilling to delve into it.

Yu Boyu said: "Good question! Caution, caution, a woman's body! The form is incomprehensible, and the heart is inconsistent. Although, there is a problem with both. They do not want to enter or go out. The form enters, and it is upside down and extinction, and it is collapsed for the collapse; The heart comes out in harmony, and it is famous for the reputation, and the demon is evil.

Lu Boyu first affirmed Yan Yan's question, you asked this question so wonderfully! Your attitude is right, you must be vigilant, you must be cautious. First of all, we must ensure that we are upright, and we may as well accommodate him on the surface, but we must guide and persuade him in our hearts. Even so, there are still hidden dangers in these two, and he can't really follow the crowd if he adapts to it, and he can't show it all when he guides and persuades him. If superficial accommodation becomes a real complicity, it will lead to depravity, destruction, and collapse and failure. If the inner guidance is too exposed, it will often be perceived as seeking fame, demagoguery, and harming society.

Why do you say that people who are for fame are "evil and evil"? What is the biggest point of demons and evil? Use your own disguise to win people's favor, but the end result is to harm others for your own benefit. Therefore, I understand "evil for demons" as its final result, that is, to deceive people's hearts and harm society.

He is an infant and he is an infant; He is also a non-machi-furrow, and he is also a no-machi-furrow; It is without a cliff, and it is also without a cliff; Reach it, enter into the flawless.

He is as innocent and naïve as a baby, and you are like a child. He is intimate with you, and you are inseparable from him. He is uninhibited, and so are you. In short, wipe the cat's fur and lead him to the right path, and don't offend him. In the end, the goal of changing him is achieved, so that he can be perfected step by step.

This passage is very easy to understand, Zhuangzi proposed how to effectively change the inherent thinking of others, in fact, it is a bit of modern psychology empathy or empathy, maybe only in this way put yourself in the shoes of others to experience the other party's emotions, thinking, maybe in order to prescribe the right medicine, develop a practical solution, in order to make others more receptive to your ideas and guidance.

You don't know the praying mantis? Angry with his arm to be a rut, I don't know that he is incompetent, and he is the beauty of his talent. Quit it, be cautious, accumulate and beagarize to commit it, a few!

Don't you know the praying mantis? It struggles to raise its arms to block the huge wheels, not knowing if it has the ability to do so. I think I have that ability. Be vigilant, be cautious! Frequent boasting will cause resistance from the other party, which is dangerous.

This is where the Chinese idiom mantis arm comes from. We now use this idiom as a metaphor for doing things that are beyond our power and are bound to fail. This is a praying mantis metaphor in front of the prince not to think too highly of himself, always boasting of the person, invisibly will offend the prince, bring disaster to themselves, do not measure themselves, similar to the praying mantis.

You don't know who raises tigers? Don't dare to use a creature with it, and kill it with anger; I don't dare to deal with it with all things, and I am angry about it. When he is hungry and satisfied, he reaches his wrath. The tiger is different from people, and those who flatter themselves are also obedient; Therefore, the one who kills is also rebellious.

Haven't you seen someone who keeps tigers? They never dared to feed the tiger with live animals, for fear that the tigers would be aroused by their violent nature when they killed the living creatures. They also never feed the tiger whole food, because they are afraid that the tiger will return to its cruel instinct when it bites the whole animal. Control the time of food supply, adapt to the tiger's hunger and satiety, and understand the thinking nature. The tiger is different from humans, but it will also please the person who feeds it, because of the habits of the person who feeds it. The reason why tigers cull and kill people is because they disobey their habits.

Yu Boyu took raising a tiger as an example and told Yan that he was like a tiger. You must understand the habits of the other party in order to do your job well. In fact, not only the monarch, even those of us ordinary people, also have such a mentality, like others to speak and do things according to their own hearts, and when they encounter unsatisfactory, they will have resentment, just as Confucius said, "Love wants to live, evil wants to die, both want to live, and want to die, is confused." "Isn't this exactly what improves one's self-cultivation and desires to change?

Those who love horses should be drowning in baskets and mirages. There are suitable mosquitoes and flies, and from time to time, they will lack the title and destroy the head and broken chest. There is a sense of meaning and there is a death of love. Can you be careless? ”

For those who love horses, a bamboo basket is hung on the horse's hip to catch the horse's stool. A large mussel shell is hung under the horse's crotch to hold the horse's urine. It can be said that the horse is taken care of. It just so happens that a gadfly bites on the horse's back, and the horse lovers will bombard these gadfly mosquitoes and flies from time to time, but they don't think about this bombardment, the horse is frightened, bites off the strangle, breaks the bridle, and breaks the chest. Although this horse lover has a heart for horses, the horse does not feel his love, but loses his love. That being the case, how can we not be cautious? ”

Yu Boyu also took the horse lover as an example and told Yan Qi that even if you devote yourself to your emotions and love, it must be useful under the premise that the other party can feel it. Otherwise, how do you know that what you do is in the eyes of the other party as love, maybe the other party does not think so, but thinks that you are wantonly trampling on and interfering with his personal freedom. To care for others, you must learn to experience what your care is like from the other person's point of view, otherwise it is easy to be self-defeating and counterproductive.