
The great poet is good at playing, Ouyang Xiu writes a poem of seven rules at work and after work, is this trying to skip work?

author:The fire cloud of original poetry

Seven Laws. Early Northern Song Dynasty · Ouyang Xiu

In the fog at the beginning of the day, Danxia dawned on the dragon.

The whip resounded through the corridor for thousands of steps, and the sound of Peiyu tended to be a hundred halberds.

After the snow, the morning is still cold, and the willows are full of spring.

The young man married his own wife, and the old and sick only added sleep and thought.

This is a poem depicting the scene of the early dynasty in the Northern Song Dynasty, the author Ouyang Xiu through delicate observation and vivid description, the solemnity and solemnity of the early dynasty and his own state of mind cleverly integrated into it.

The first couplet, "In the fog at the beginning of the day, the dragon on the dawn of Danxia", the opening chapter depicts a spectacular picture. 阊阖, the gate of heaven in ancient legends, here refers to the palace gate. The palace gate slowly opened in the auspicious mist, the morning glow on the horizon was like a red cloud, and the sun rose like a dragon. These two sentences not only show the solemnity and mystery of the early dynasty, but also imply that this is a moment full of hope and vitality.

The jaw couplet "the whip resounded through the corridor for a thousand steps, and the sound of the jade tended to be a hundred halberds", which further depicted the grandeur and grandeur of the early dynasty. The sound of whips resounded through the corridor, symbolizing the majesty of the emperor and the supremacy of power. Officials wore jade ornaments and walked quickly towards the palace, and the halberd forests on both sides of the palace gate also added to this solemn and majestic atmosphere.

The great poet is good at playing, Ouyang Xiu writes a poem of seven rules at work and after work, is this trying to skip work?

The neck couplet "The cold is still cold after the snow, and the spring of the willow tops is abundant", through the technique of contrast, shows the cold and spring of the early dynasty. Although the morning after the snow is still bitterly cold, the willow tops are already showing the breath of spring, and the new shoots are beginning to sprout, and the spring is full of joy. This contrast not only highlights the unique atmosphere of the early dynasty, but also hints at the tenacity of life and the hope of spring.

The tail couplet "The young man marries his own wife, and the old and sick only add sleep and think about it", expresses the author's feelings about his own situation. When he was young, the author was free to make like-minded friends and enjoy the beauty of life. However, as he grew older and suffered from illness, he could only immerse himself more and more in sleep, and could no longer live as energetically as before. This contrast not only expresses the author's nostalgia for the past, but also reveals his helplessness and emotion about reality.

Through the description of the scene of the early dynasty and the emotion of his own situation, the whole poem shows Ouyang Xiu's profound literary skills and unique life perception. His brushstrokes are delicate and vivid, skillfully blending the solemnity and solemnity of the early dynasty and his own state of mind, so that readers can feel the unique atmosphere and emotion when reading.

The great poet is good at playing, Ouyang Xiu writes a poem of seven rules at work and after work, is this trying to skip work?

Seven Laws. Xiazhi Northern Song Dynasty · Ouyang Xiu

Gongliu Street is not green, and the spring shade is not solved.

The light cold desert invades the camel brown, and the light rain is made of swallow mud.

Serving the country is useless, and he is old, and he has an appointment to return to the field.

In the end, I should drive a diesel car and go to the west of Yingshui.

The first couplet, "Gongliu Street is not green, and the spring clouds are low", which begins with a scene, depicting a palace street scene in early spring. The willow and locust trees in the streets have not yet completely turned green, and the clouds of spring do not disperse, as if the clouds are hanging low. Such a scene carries a faint melancholy and anticipation, and also hints at the poet's inner contradictions and struggles.

The "light cold desert invades the camel brown, and the light rain makes swallow mud", which further deepens the emotion by depicting the weather and natural phenomena. The light cold invades people, and the indifference is like frost, so that the camel-brown clothes cannot be completely resisted. The light rain was fine and dense, like the soil used by swallows to build their nests, and it wet the earth. These two sentences not only show the weather characteristics in early spring, but also convey the poet's feelings about the passage of time and old age through the two specific images of "camel brown" and "swallow mud".

The great poet is good at playing, Ouyang Xiu writes a poem of seven rules at work and after work, is this trying to skip work?

The neck couplet "Serving the country is useless, and there is an appointment to return to the field", and the poet began to directly express his inner feelings. He lamented that he had failed to serve the country and was already old, but the agreement to return to the countryside was delayed again and again, and it was difficult to realize. "Serving the country without merit" here is a reflection on his political career, while "Returning to the Field" expresses his yearning and desire for pastoral life.

The tail couplet "Eventually drive a firewood cart to the west of Yingshui" is the poet's vision and determination. He hoped that he could drive a diesel cart to the west of Yingshui alone, settle down, and live a leisurely rural life. This couplet concludes the poem with a firm tone, showing the poet's yearning for a life of seclusion and his weariness of officialdom.

The whole poem is full of scenery and scenes, and through delicate brushstrokes and vivid descriptions, it shows the poet's complex inner world and deep emotions. At the same time, the poem also reflects some contradictions and problems in the society at that time, as well as people's yearning for a free and quiet life.
