
How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

author:Entertaining Beauty

The plastic surgery trend has swept the entertainment industry, and the actors' faces are becoming more and more "perfect", but their acting skills are becoming more and more "plastic", what is going on?

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

Everyone, melon eaters, prepare your melon seeds and coke, today we are going to talk about a big "cancer" in the entertainment industry - plastic surgery!

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

Recently, a political and legal drama called "Executive Judge" has caused quite a stir. Originally, this drama had a strong lineup, with "An Jia" director An Jian personally in charge, as well as powerful actors such as Luo Jin, Lin Jiachuan, and Sarina. However, as soon as the series was broadcast, it received countless bad reviews, and any flip through the comment area was full of one-star praise. What's going on? It turned out that the culprit was the heroine Yang Zishan's "plastic surgery face"!

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

Speaking of Yang Zishan's face, it's really hard to explain! The lying silkworm under the eye is like being stung by a bee, swollen into a big bag; The tear troughs and nasolabial folds on his face were so severe that he looked like he had just returned from a funeral; But the forehead and apple muscles are as full as buns that have just come out of the pot, and there is no trace of wrinkles. This face is stunned to present two age groups, which is simply a realistic version of the "38th line"!

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

Not to mention that European-style little upturned nose, the tip of the nose is going to be lifted to the sky, like a dagger, it feels like it can poke people. The nostrils are big on one side and small on the other, and I don't even bother to pretend to be symmetrical. This technology, tsk, I'm afraid I found a "copycat" doctor, right?

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

The most laughable thing is that when Yang Zishan makes a big expression, her whole face seems to be uncontrollable. The mouth seems to be restrained by the apple muscle, and it can't open it; There seems to be a hard lump in the forehead, and the wrinkles cannot be squeezed out even if you squeeze it hard. Only the eyes can move the whole face, and it looks as if it has been immobilized. With such a face, even if Meryl Streep is possessed, she can't do anything good!

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

In fact, Yang Zishan is just the tip of the iceberg among plastic surgery actors. Do you still remember Jin Chen's "awl face" in "Celebrating More Than Years 2"? That's an "AI dummy"! The abrupt double eyelids and pouting lips, coupled with the nose that rises from the ground, is simply the perfect combination of modern technology and ancient costumes, which can be called a new benchmark for "time-traveling drama"!

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

There are also those "plastic faces" in "Dog Leftover Run", which is called a wonderful one! The knife cuts on Xiulan's eyelids are simply shouting to the audience: "Look, I've had plastic surgery!" "That nose is like a stick on the face, and the towering bridge of the nose is even a little transparent, and those who don't know think they are watching "Avatar"!

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

Don't forget Qin Hailu, that face is swollen like an inflatable doll, and the apple muscles are about to fly out when you laugh. is forty-five years old, but his face is as smooth as a freshly peeled egg, and those who don't know think it's the birthday boy who has gone down to earth!

For actors, the face is their weapon. Plastic surgery not only destroys the direction of facial muscles, but also affects the performance of acting skills. A good actor should interpret the role with a natural face, rather than relying on "technology" to beautify himself.

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

Director Zhang Yimou once said: "I am against plastic surgery, I think plastic surgery destroys the muscles and everything on the face." That's a real point! Actors need to mobilize their facial muscles to express their emotions when performing, and moving their faces will definitely affect the original muscle direction. Some plastic surgery actors lose control of their facial features when acting, just because they can't control their faces!

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

Moreover, no matter how good-looking the plastic surgery face is, it can't stand the face shooting. You think you are "AI beauty", but in fact, under the high-definition lens, you are a "high-imitation fake"! Natural beauty is the most durable, I believe everyone knows this, right?

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

Speaking of which, I don't know if you have ever thought about such a question: Why do today's actors love plastic surgery more and more? Is it because the audience's aesthetic requirements are getting higher and higher? Or is it because the competition in the entertainment industry is too fierce? Or is it simply because they're not confident in their looks?

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

In fact, everyone has the right to pursue beauty. However, as an actor, your face belongs not only to yourself, but also to the character you play and to the audience who appreciates you. Excessive plastic surgery will not only affect your performance, but also make the audience play, which is undoubtedly a fatal blow to a work.

How bad is the plastic surgery face? This is the reason why Zhang Yimou resolutely does not need plastic surgery, right?

So the question arises: in this age of perfection, should actors insist on natural beauty? Or is a modest facelift acceptable? I'm afraid everyone has a different answer to this question. But in any case, we should remember: true beauty comes from inner confidence and sincere interpretation of the character, not "perfection" under the tip of the knife. What do you think?

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