
No matter how young you are, you can't stop these four harms caused by long-term constipation!

author:Poria cocos health

Many people mistakenly believe that constipation is a problem that only happens when they are older, so they often don't pay enough attention to constipation when they are young. However, the problem of constipation does not disappear automatically because of young age, but may be exacerbated by the bad habits of modern lifestyle. More worryingly, long-term constipation can also lead to increased mental stress, inducing psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. Therefore, even at a young age, it is important to pay close attention to constipation and take active measures to prevent and alleviate it in order to ensure physical and mental health.

Long-term constipation is harmful to young people's health!

Hazard 1: gastrointestinal disorders

Long-term constipation can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Our digestive system needs normal peristalsis to push food and waste through the intestines. However, constipation slows down this process, causing food debris to remain in the intestine for a long time, which in turn affects the absorption function of the intestine. Food residues remain in the intestines for too long and can produce a large amount of toxins, which further increases the burden on the stomach and intestines.

No matter how young you are, you can't stop these four harms caused by long-term constipation!

Long-term gastrointestinal disorders not only affect digestion and absorption, but also may cause gastrointestinal diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, etc. In addition, constipation can also lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, and bloating, which can seriously affect quality of life.

Hazard 2: Hemorrhoids and anal fissures

In constipation, the stool is dry and hard and requires straining during bowel movements, which can put excessive pressure on the anus and rectum, leading to the occurrence of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Hemorrhoids are caused by the swelling and inflammation of the veins near the anus, whereas anal fissures are caused by tears in the skin of the anus during bowel movements.

Hemorrhoids and anal fissures can not only cause severe pain, but also affect normal life and work. In severe cases, hemorrhoids may even need to be treated with surgery. In addition, hemorrhoids and anal fissures can also cause bleeding during bowel movements, increasing the risk of infection.

No matter how young you are, you can't stop these four harms caused by long-term constipation!

Hazard 3: Skin problems

Constipation leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body, which cannot be excreted from the body in time and can affect various systems throughout the body, especially the skin, through blood circulation. The accumulation of toxins in the body can lead to various skin problems such as acne, acne, dark spots, etc.

Long-term constipation can also affect the skin's radiance and elasticity, making the skin dull, rough, and lacking in radiance. Not only does this affect physical appearance, but it can also cause psychological stress on young people, affecting their self-confidence and social life.

Hazard 4: Mental health problems

Constipation is not only a physical distress but also affects mental health. Long-term constipation can lead to nervousness, anxiety, and depression. This is because constipation can bring physical discomfort such as abdominal pain, bloating, etc., making the person feel tired and irritable.

No matter how young you are, you can't stop these four harms caused by long-term constipation!

At the same time, if the problem of constipation is not solved for a long time, it can make people feel helpless and depressed, which in turn can lead to a series of mental health problems. For young people, mental health issues can also affect their learning and productivity, hindering their personal development.

How to relieve constipation

First of all, it is very important to understand the symptoms of constipation, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, constipation is divided into empirical and hypothetical.

Patients with empirical constipation usually manifest themselves as hard and dry stools and difficulty in defecation, but most of them are caused by irregular diet for a period of time, and constipation can be improved through dietary adjustments, and this constipation will not last long.

The second is constipation, which usually manifests as weak defecation, post-defecation sweating, shortness of breath and fatigue, dry stool with hot flashes and night sweats, five heart irritability, dry mouth and other symptoms, which are also the most common symptoms of contemporary people.

We can often take some medications at home, such as Shouhui Laxative Capsules. Shouhui Laxative Capsule has a certain representation in the treatment of constipation, its formula follows the principle of "treating constipation by supplementing", the whole formula is composed of ginseng, Polygonum multiflori, aloe vera, cassia seed, Ejiao, wolfberry, atractylodes, citrus aurantium and a total of eight flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, nourishing yin and invigorating qi, diarrhea and laxative, and laxative does not hurt the positive, which is very suitable for patients with qi deficiency, yin deficiency or qi and yin deficiency constipation.

No matter how young you are, you can't stop these four harms caused by long-term constipation!

At the same time, Shouhui Laxative Capsule is characterized by "tonifying and supplementing" to dredge and regulate the intestines, which can solve long-term constipation, a typical intestinal disease, by supplementing and laxative, help the intestines restore their ability to defecate independently, and prevent the occurrence of intestinal related diseases.

Constipation is small, but it is harmful. Young people should pay attention to constipation, only in this way can they maintain good health and have the energy to meet every challenge in life. The health of young people is the hope of the future, let us pay attention to and protect it together.