
Rumors spread in the village that the man was scolded for being a wreck, and his wife and sister let him swallow his anger and escape

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

In our northeast Nagada, there is a small village called Qingshi Village, and the gossip in this village is like a stew in our northeast, and the taste is very strong. It is said that there is a young man named Li Ergou in this village, who is as honest as a piece of tofu, and usually likes to tinker with the land, raise chickens and ducks, and live like boiled water. But this boiled water can sometimes turn over a small wave. Li Ergou has a weakness, that is, his temperament is too soft, and he hides back in case of trouble, and the people in the village nickname him "Wo Bag Ergou". As soon as this nickname spread to ten, Li Ergou became the laughing stock of the villagers after dinner.

On this day, there was a rumor in the village, saying that Li Ergou had dug up a treasure in the ground, which could make people get promoted and make a fortune, and could also cure diseases and save people. I don't know which big mouth spread this rumor first, but it spread throughout the village overnight anyway. People flocked to Li Ergou's house, all wanting to see what the baby looked like. Some want to get some light, and some are purely curious. Li Ergou was surrounded by water, his face was as red as a ripe persimmon, and he stammered and explained that he hadn't dug up any treasures, and they were all made up by others. But who believes this? People only believe what they want to believe.

Some people began to scold Li Ergou for not being authentic, and he didn't take out good things to share; Some people are so red that they think Li Ergou is going to make a fortune. Li Ergou's daughter-in-law is also a quick temper, as soon as she heard this rumor, she was anxious, she pointed at Li Ergou's nose and scolded: "You are a wreck, you know how to farm and raise chickens all day long, this time you finally have a chance to turn over, don't you hurry up and seize it?" Li Ergou was scolded by his daughter-in-law so bloody, he knew that no matter how much he said, it was useless, so he could only silently bear the white eyes and accusations of the villagers.

Rumors spread in the village that the man was scolded for being a wreck, and his wife and sister let him swallow his anger and escape

At this time, Li Ergou's wife's sister Xiaohua rushed over from her mother's house. Xiaohua is a smart and clever girl, who has followed her father to the north and south since she was a child, and has seen a lot of the world. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Li Ergou's aggrieved appearance, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Xiaohua pulled her sister aside and said softly: "Sister, it's useless for you to scold your brother-in-law like this, you have to think of a way." When my sister heard this, she was anxious: "What can I do?" Do you want me to intercede with him? Let him suffer the pain he has brought on himself! Xiaohua shook her head: "It's not a plea, it's a solution." Think about it, this rumor is spread so fiercely, even if the brother-in-law doesn't dig up any treasures, he has to be misunderstood. We'll have to find a way to prove his innocence. As soon as my sister heard this, she felt that she was on the right path, so she asked Xiaohua what tricks she had. Xiaohua scratched her head, thought for a while, and said, "Let's not rush to conclusions, let me think about it." Then Xiaohua paced back and forth in the house, as if looking for some treasure. After a while, she suddenly stopped and took out a jade pendant from her arms. This jade pendant is as translucent as crystal, and there is a phoenix engraved on it, which is worth a lot of money when you look at it. Xiaohua handed the jade pendant to her sister and said, "Sister, do you remember this jade pendant?" This is what our father left us back then, saying that it is an heirloom of our family. I see that this rumor is so fierce, let's just use this jade pendant to play a play. When my sister heard this, she immediately understood Xiaohua's thoughts: "You mean, let's pretend that this jade pendant is the treasure dug up by my brother-in-law?" Xiaohua nodded: "Yes, let's play like this, let those who want to be precious pay attention to this jade pendant, and my brother-in-law will stop." My sister thought it would work, so she nodded her head and agreed. So the two began to work out specific plans......

In the days that followed, Xiaohua and Li Ergou's daughter-in-law acted as planned, deliberately spreading the magical story of the jade pendant in the village, saying that it would bring good luck and wealth. Sure enough, the eyes of the people in the village quickly shifted from Li Ergou to this jade pendant. There are a few people in the village who are obsessed with money, and when they heard that this jade pendant is so godly, they all ran to Li Ergou's house and wanted to buy this jade pendant at a high price. Although Li Ergou is honest, he is not stupid, he knows that this jade pendant is an heirloom, how can he say that he can sell it. So he deduced that he had to discuss this matter with his daughter-in-law. When those people who were obsessed with money saw that Li Ergou refused to sell the jade pendant, they began to threaten him, saying that if he did not sell the jade pendant, they would sue him to the government, saying that he would not hand over the treasures he had hidden privately. Li Ergou was forced to run out of tricks, so he had to go to Xiaohua and his daughter-in-law to discuss countermeasures. Xiaohua listened to what happened, frowned, and thought about it. She told Li Ergou and her daughter-in-law that if they wanted to get rid of this trouble completely, they had to let these people dispel the idea of buying jade pendants by themselves. So Xiaohua began to secretly investigate the background and weaknesses of those who were obsessed with money. She found that although these people were greedy for money, they also had weaknesses. Some are afraid of their wives, some have a good face, and some are iron roosters that never pull out. Xiaohua took advantage of these weaknesses and began an ingenious layout. She first spread the news in the village, saying that the jade pendant was actually spiritual, and that it was only recognized by those who were destined, and that if it was not respected, or if it had bad intentions, it would be punished. As soon as these words came out, those who originally planned to buy and sell began to hesitate. Then, Xiaohua deliberately showed the jade pendant in front of these people, but every time she didn't let them see it easily. Oops, that's a real annoyance. Xiaohua's girl, one moment put the jade pendant into her sleeve, and then put it in the box, and she had to cover it with several layers of cloth, which made people's hearts itch, but they couldn't touch the edge. No, those people's greed is like beating chicken blood, for this piece of jade pendant, one by one they fought for their heads and blood, and their faces were gone. Xiaohua looked at this scene, and she was so happy in her heart, she knew that these people had fallen into the pit she had dug. So she added another fire, intending to make them completely cut off that little thought.

She found the most prestigious old man in the village and told him the ins and outs of the jade pendant and the magical effects. When the old man heard that this jade pendant was so godly, and saw that Xiaohua said it so sincerely, he believed it. He immediately said that this jade pendant is the treasure of our Qingshi Village, and everyone has to guard it together, and no one can buy and sell it privately. As soon as these words came out, those who still had hope were completely out of play. They knew that they would never be able to touch the jade pendant again. So they all died and began to think of other ways to make a fortune.

Rumors spread in the village that the man was scolded for being a wreck, and his wife and sister let him swallow his anger and escape

As for Li Ergou, because of Xiaohua's good play, he can be regarded as getting rid of trouble, and he has lived a stable life in the village since then. He is grateful for the help of Xiaohua and his daughter-in-law, and he cherishes his home even more. He realized a truth: Sometimes, when we encounter difficulties, we can't just think about hiding, we have to face them bravely and find a way to solve them.

Little tweed, because of this incident, won the respect and gratitude of the villagers. She used her wisdom and courage to help Li Ergou get out of the predicament, and also protected the harmony and tranquility of Qingshi Village. She has become a legend in the village, and people have to give her a thumbs up when they mention her. As for the jade pendant, although it is not so godly, it has become a symbol of Qingshi Village, and outsiders have to listen to the story of this jade pendant and be attracted by its magic.

Li Ergou's crops grew particularly vigorously, and the harvest was much better than in previous years; His daughter-in-law gave birth to a wise and lovely son, and the family added a lot of joy; Xiaohua has also been respected and recognized by more people because of her wisdom and courage. Time flies, decades have passed, and although Li Ergou's hair is gray, his heart is still so kind and simple; His daughter-in-law is still gentle and virtuous, and takes care of the housework; Xiaohua has become one of the most prestigious elders in the village, and has used her wisdom and experience to help the villagers solve many problems. That jade pendant was still carefully kept by Li Ergou's family, and it became a family heirloom and a symbol of pride for their family. Oops, this is really a headache, but when are we Northeast people afraid of difficult things? Come, let me give you the whole paragraph, let's add some Northeast flavor to it, and make it more energetic!

Rumors spread in the village that the man was scolded for being a wreck, and his wife and sister let him swallow his anger and escape

Over the years, as soon as it flickered, the story of Qingshi Village became more and more flavorful, like the water in the ancient well under the old locust tree at the head of the village, the older it became, the more fragrant it became. Li Ergou's family, relying on that jade pendant, can be regarded as a scenery in the village, but they have not forgotten their roots, and they still live that simple and unpretentious life. Li Ergou is old, but his energy and love for life have not diminished at all.

He loves to sit under the old locust tree, look at the golden wheat field, and think about the days when he fought wits and courage with Xiaohua and protected the jade pendant. Although it was bitter at that time, there was no lot of laughter and hope. Xiaohua, she is a wise man in our village, and her wisdom and kindness have influenced generations of people in our village. She often pulls the young people in the village to study and communicate with them, and pass on life experience and wisdom to them. She told them that no matter what difficulties they encounter, they must maintain a kind heart and an optimistic attitude, so that they can go further and further in life.

Li Ergou's daughter-in-law, that is a virtuous woman. She silently supported her husband and sister and paid a lot for the family. Her diligence and kindness have won the respect and love of her family, and she has become a good daughter-in-law and mother in the eyes of the villagers. Their son has also grown up, inherited his father's tenacity and his mother's kindness, and learned a lot of Xiaohua's wisdom. He became a leader in the village, not only successful in his studies, but also in good morals. He often goes back to the village to help those in need, and uses his actions to interpret the family's inheritance and glory.

Rumors spread in the village that the man was scolded for being a wreck, and his wife and sister let him swallow his anger and escape

But the good times didn't last long, and one day, a group of strangers came to Qingshi Village. They said that they were merchants from afar and were interested in the jade pendant. They were willing to pay a lot of money for jade pendants, and said that they would bring wealth and prosperity to the village. Some people in the village were tempted and felt that this was a good opportunity to get Qingshi Village out of poverty and become rich. But Li Ergou and his family resolutely did not agree to sell jade pendants. They felt that the jade pendant was the inheritance of the family and the pride of Qingshi Village, and they couldn't sell it for money.

At the critical moment, Xiaohua stood up again. She gathered the old and young people of the village to talk about the history and heritage of the jade pendant, as well as its importance to Qingshi Village. 4

Rumors spread in the village that the man was scolded for being a wreck, and his wife and sister let him swallow his anger and escape

As soon as Xiaohua said this, the villagers all nodded yes, and they all said that they wanted to stand on Li Ergou's side. They decided to guard the jade pendant together, guarding the face and glory of our Qingshi Village. When the businessmen from other places saw this posture, they had no choice but to walk away. Since then, the people of our Qingshi Village have become more united and tougher. We use diligence and wisdom to live a good life, and win the respect and praise of others with kindness and character. That legendary jade pendant has also become the pride and symbol of our hearts.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is a golden autumn breeze. The wheat field in our Qingshi Village is golden, like gold paved on the ground. The villagers gathered together to enjoy the joy of the harvest. Everyone sat under the old locust tree, chatting about the stories and legends of the jade pendant, and feeling the flow of time and the happiness of life. In this warm and harmonious atmosphere, Li Ergou and his family also felt unprecedented happiness and satisfaction. They knew that all this was brought about by the legendary jade pendant and the support and help of the people in the village. They are deeply grateful to this land and the people here, and they are also proud and proud to be a part of Bluestone Village.

This is the story of our Qingshi Village – a story of courage, wisdom and unity. It tells us that in life, we may encounter all kinds of obstacles and challenges, but as long as we are kind in our hearts, optimistic, brave in the face of difficulties, and seek help from wisdom, we will be able to overcome everything and realize our dreams and pursuits!

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