
Xinhua Village is picturesque and happy life

author:Look at the Gulang

The asphalt road is wide and straight, the gate courtyard is clean and tidy, and the small amusement park is full of vitality...... In midsummer, walking into Xinhua Village, Dajing Town, Gulang County, is like walking into a beautiful pastoral picture.

Xinhua Village is picturesque and happy life

A corner of Xinhua Village

For rural development, the environment is the background color. In Xinhua Village, Dajing Town, the once potholed roads and ruined houses are gone, replaced by clean and tidy roads, uniform courtyard walls, and lush greenery in front and back of the courtyard. The cultural square built on the roadside has become a good place for the villagers to enjoy the cool and relax, which has enhanced the overall image of Xinhua Village and enriched the amateur cultural life of the villagers.

Speaking of the changes in the village, Yu Tianqin, a villager of Xinhua Village, who was enjoying the shade in the small garden, said happily: "Our village has really changed a lot in recent years. There is also a small amusement park in the village, and everyone goes to take a walk when they are free. The village is getting better and better, and life is getting more and more prosperous. ”

Xinhua Village is picturesque and happy life

Corn is growing well

The construction of Hemei countryside should not only have a beautiful environment, but also a prosperous industry and rich farmers. In recent years, Xinhua Village has seized the strategic opportunity of rural revitalization, closely combined the construction of high-standard farmland with the construction of rural revitalization, and promoted rural revitalization with industry, so that the masses can eat "industrial rice" and embark on a well-off road.

"All of our village's 1,894 acres of cultivated land have been built into high-standard farmland, all of which have been transferred, planting corn, potatoes and other crops, which not only realizes the adjustment of the industrial structure, but also drives the people of the village to work nearby, laying a solid industrial foundation for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization." Ba Hai, secretary of the party branch of Xinhua Village, said.

Xinhua Village is picturesque and happy life

The green Xinhua Village

Wonderful brushstrokes paint beautiful scenery, and the countryside has a new look. Xinhua Village also gives full play to the demonstration and leading role of party members and cadres, makes efforts to improve the appearance of the village, develops and expands the village collective economy, and constantly encourages party members and cadres to promote the improvement of the living environment, industrial development and the construction of civilized villages based on their own posts, activate the endogenous power of rural revitalization, improve the efficiency of grassroots governance, and make the beautiful countryside beautiful in "appearance" and more beautiful in "temperament".

"We will continue to make efforts, clarify the goals and tasks, establish a list of responsibilities, make every effort to build a harmonious village, create a rural purified, greened, brightened and beautified living environment, paint a beautiful picture of fresh air and happy people, so that the villagers have a full sense of happiness and gain." Ba Hai, secretary of the party branch of Xinhua Village, said.

Reporter: Xiong Jiao

Source: Gulang County Rong Media Center

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