
Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

author:Chieda reads the text
Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

On December 30, 2010, in the intensive care unit of Beijing Xuanwu Hospital, a race against time was being staged. The famous writer Shi Tiesheng was lying on the hospital bed, his body convulsing uncontrollably, the numbers on the blood pressure monitor fluctuating violently, and the piercing sirens came and went.

However, what is puzzling is that although his family has tears in their eyes, they did not call for doctors to come to treat him. The medical staff also maintained a silence that bordered on indifference.

There was a tense and oppressive atmosphere in the air, as if everyone was waiting for something.

Born in Beijing in 1951, Shi Tiesheng was like an ordinary person in his childhood and adolescence, full of energy and longing for the future. In 1971, Shi Tiesheng, who had ideals, responded to the call and became an educated youth, leaving the city and coming to the countryside, starting a new chapter in his life.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

However, a dramatic twist of fate is quietly approaching.

Just two years later, in 1973, at the age of 22, Shi Tiesheng suffered a major blow to his life. A sudden illness caused the energetic young man to lose the sensation of his legs and was diagnosed with congenital spina bifida.

This diagnosis was like a hammer that pulled him from his high-spirited youth into the world of people with disabilities.

The impact of this blow on Shi Tiesheng was enormous. The huge gap from a healthy young man to a disabled person who needs to rely on a wheelchair for a while plunged him into deep despair.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

He begins to question the meaning of life and is full of resentment towards the injustice of fate. The once vast world seemed to have become a small prison cell, isolating him from the outside world.

However, the test of fate did not stop there. Over time, Stetson's health deteriorated. In addition to spina bifida, he also suffered from kidney disease, uremia and other diseases.

These illnesses were like heavy shackles that bound him firmly to the sickbed.

Faced with a series of blows, Stetson began to self-deprecatingly call himself an "occupational patient". This once energetic young man was forced to fight a long battle against illness.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

In the process, writing became his spiritual sustenance, and instead became his "side hustle".

Despite the great physical suffering, it was this experience that planted the seeds of deep thinking and perception for Shi Tie's literary creation after his birthday. His life experience, the transformation from a sunny youth to an "occupational patient", has become his unique source of creation, and has also shaped his tenacious character.

This experience, though painful, laid the foundation for him to become an outstanding writer later.

Despite his physical suffering, Shi Tiesheng's spiritual world continued to grow in the face of adversity. In 1978, his debut novel, The Fate of Love, was published in the school magazine, marking the beginning of his literary career.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

Although this work is immature, it shows his unique observation and thinking about life. Subsequently, his works began to be published in famous literary journals such as "Contemporary", and gradually attracted the attention of the literary world.

However, what really made Shi Tiesheng rise to prominence in the literary world was his collection of essays, "Me and the Altar of Earth". This work stems from his experience of walking alone in a wheelchair to Ditan Park in Beijing every day.

In this ordinary green space, Shi Tiesheng observes the changes of the seasons, listens to the stories of passers-by, and ponders the meaning of life. The humble wildflowers and weeds, the dew drops that slipped between the leaves, and even the ants in the cracks of the rocks have all become the living life of his pen.

These daily observations have been sublimated into philosophical and emotional words under Shi Tiesheng's pen, touching the hearts of countless readers.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

In 1983, Shi Tiesheng wrote a novel of more than 10,000 words, "My Distant Qingping Bay". This work not only looks back on his youthful years, but also contains deep nostalgia for that time.

Through the depiction of the magnificent customs of the Loess Plateau, Shi Tiesheng expressed his love for life and nostalgia for the past. Although he was seriously ill at the time, he still had the hope of returning to Qingping Bay.

However, as the illness worsened, this dream eventually became an eternal regret.

It is worth noting that the figure of the mother appears frequently in Shi Tiesheng's works. In 1977, his mother, who loved him dearly, died of cirrhosis of the liver, which dealt a huge blow to Stetson.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

Through his writing, he seems to be looking for a way to honor and miss his mother, while also exploring the nature of life, suffering, and affection. The loss of his mother has become an important theme in his work, and it has also become one of the driving forces that pushes him forward.

In the long years of battling the disease, writing has become Shi Tiesheng's spiritual sustenance. Even in the toughest of times, he insisted on creating. In 1998, when his kidney disease deteriorated into uremia and he had to rely on regular hemodialysis to sustain his life, he still spent four years writing a collection of essays, "Broken Pen in the Gap".

This work records his thoughts and perceptions of life in the midst of his illness, and shows his tenacity and wisdom in the face of suffering.

Shi Tiesheng's road of literary creation is a road that keeps moving forward in the face of adversity. He used his pen to transform illness into a profound understanding of life, and sublimated suffering into a celebration of life.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

His works not only show the course of an individual's life, but also provide readers with the courage and wisdom to face difficult situations. It is this spirit of continuous creation in the face of adversity that has made Shi Tiesheng a unique and important voice in contemporary Chinese literature.

In the ups and downs of Stetson's life journey, two women have played a pivotal role, and their love has become an important force to support him forward.

The first was Stetson's mother. When Stetson suddenly became paralyzed at the age of 22, his mother did not hesitate to take on the responsibility of taking care of him. She worked tirelessly, day and night, and even asked for help everywhere, just to give her son a glimmer of hope.

However, this deep self-blame and exertion eventually led to her suffering from cirrhosis. In 1977, at the end of her life, she was still worried about her son, who could not take care of himself.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

The death of his mother brought a huge blow and guilt to Shi Tiesheng, and it also became an important spiritual source for his later creations.

In 1984, another important woman appeared in Shi Tiesheng's life - Chen Ximi. She was a loyal reader of Stetson and was drawn to his talent.

Chen Ximi traveled thousands of miles from Shaanxi to Beijing, just to see Shi Tiesheng. This encounter quickly turned into a marriage.

In the next 20 years, Chen Ximi became Shi Tiesheng's most solid backing. Her efforts were beyond ordinary people's imagination: she had to get up every two hours to help Shi Tiesheng change positions and take medicine, a habit that lasted for 20 years until Shi Tiesheng died.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

It is precisely with Chen Ximi's careful care that Shi Tiesheng was able to complete important works such as "Me and the Altar of Earth" on the sickbed.

The love of these two women is like a light in the darkness, illuminating Shi Tiesheng's life path. His mother's selfless dedication and Chen Ximi's unswerving loyalty not only supported him through one difficult moment after another, but also deeply influenced his creation.

Their love has become the most precious treasure in Shi Tiesheng's life, and it has also become his strongest spiritual pillar in the face of suffering.

December 30, 2010 was an ordinary day for Shi Tiesheng. In the morning, he went to the hospital for dialysis treatment as usual. However, the gears of fate suddenly accelerated on this day.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

When he returned home in the afternoon, Stetson suddenly felt a splitting headache, and by 6 p.m., he had completely collapsed in bed, unable to move.

Sensing that the situation was critical, Chen Ximi and his family immediately sent Shi Tiesheng to the nearest Chaoyang Hospital. After a detailed examination, Professor Ling Feng, an expert in brain surgery, gave a shocking diagnosis: Shi Tiesheng suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and was in critical condition.

Faced with this bad news, Chen Ximi burst into tears, but she did not forget an important wish that her husband had expressed many years ago.

It turned out that as early as many years ago, Shi Tiesheng, who knew the fragility of life, expressed his willingness to donate organs after his past life. He once said that "death is just a festival that must come", hoping that his body can continue to help others after he leaves.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

Respecting her husband's decision, Chen Ximi asked the doctor about the possibility of organ donation in her grief.

After a quick match, the hospital found a liver transplant patient in Tianjin, and all indicators were completely consistent with Shi Tiesheng. However, for the transplant to be successful, the organ needs to be removed within 15 minutes of Stetson stopping breathing.

And it takes several hours to drive from Beijing to Tianjin, and no one can be sure whether Shi Tiesheng will make it to that point.

Over the next few hours, Stetson experienced unprecedented pain. Even in a coma, he had constant convulsions from intense pain. The various instruments in the ward emitted one alarm after another, reminding everyone that Shi Tiesheng's condition was constantly deteriorating.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

However, a miracle happened. Despite being in a deep coma, Stetson supported his body with tenacious willpower. He seems to be using the last shred of his life to wait for the opportunity that may change the lives of others.

Finally, at around 3 a.m., medical staff from the Tianjin Red Cross Society arrived at the scene. At this time, Shi Tiesheng had already held out for a full 9 hours. After confirming all the procedures, Stetson left this world peacefully, fulfilling his last wish.

These 9 hours were the last race between Stie's life and death. In the last moments of his life, he interpreted in his own way what it means to be truly strong. Even in the most painful times, he insisted on his choice and used the last moment of his life to fulfill others.

This not only reflects his reverence for life, but also shows his sense of responsibility to society. Shi Tiesheng used his life to compose a moving hymn to life, allowing us to see the brilliance of human nature and the greatness of life.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

Shi Tiesheng's life is a legend of fighting against fate. He interprets the meaning and value of life with his actions, and shows the tenacity and nobility of human nature.

From the sudden paralysis at the age of 22, to the long-term struggle with a variety of diseases, and then to the persistence in the last moments of his life, Shi Tiesheng has always maintained his love for life and his dedication to literature.

His literary works, such as "I and the Altar of Earth" and "The Broken Pen in the Gap of Illness", not only showed superb literary talent, but also profoundly influenced generations of readers.

The philosophy of life and the wisdom of life contained in these works have provided spiritual support to countless people facing difficulties.

Last 9 hours: He endured convulsions all over his body to donate his organs, and held on until the doctor arrived

And his last choice in life - insisting on waiting for the completion of organ donation is an expression of his reverence for life and sense of responsibility to society. As Mo Yan said, "Shi Tiesheng is not only a talented writer, but also a great model of personality.

"His legacy will forever inspire future generations to continue to move forward in the face of adversity, cherish life and give back to society.

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