
"Left Turn Waiting Area" and "Guide Line" are still stupidly indistinguishable? Once you make a mistake, the 6 points are gone

author:Junjun is growing

Going out by car, turning left or going straight? That's the problem. Driving in the city, especially at busy intersections, can easily get caught up in the quagmire of violating the law if you are not careful. Have you ever turned left and wondered what the white lines on the ground were directing you to do? Doesn't turning left to the waiting area and guide line sound too technical? Don't worry, let's figure it out together.

Imagine you're driving to a complicated intersection, the traffic lights change, and a large wave of cars huddle together, turning left and going straight into a mess. At this point, if you don't know which line you should be on, you're asking for trouble. The left turn waiting area is often overlooked, but it's a secret weapon to help you make a quick and safe left turn when the light is green. As for the guide line, it is responsible for telling you how to safely turn from one road to the other without conflict.

"Left Turn Waiting Area" and "Guide Line" are still stupidly indistinguishable? Once you make a mistake, the 6 points are gone

Don't think that these are just trivial things, you will be fined if you make a mistake, and even more troublesomely, you may have an unpleasant encounter with other drivers. So, follow me and let's figure out these seemingly headache-inducing driving rules to make sure you can navigate the city's road network.

Okay, so let's move on to our left-turn waiting area and the guide line. You may think that these are things that only veteran drivers care about, but knowing these can really save you a lot of detours.

"Left Turn Waiting Area" and "Guide Line" are still stupidly indistinguishable? Once you make a mistake, the 6 points are gone

Turn left on, which you can see at many signalized intersections, usually close to the intersection with a dotted coil to create a specific area. What is the role of this area? To put it simply, it is a temporary "waiting area" where vehicles that need to turn left can wait for the right moment without obstructing the flow of traffic going straight. You'll have to wait until the traffic lights allow you to turn left. You can safely turn left when the light is green, but remember to give way to the oncoming traffic going straight.

For guide lines, they are used to indicate how you should drive your car from one lane to another safely. These lines are especially abundant at intersections, some are straight and some are curved. If you follow the guide line, you will basically not be in the awkward situation of driving in the wrong lane. However, be aware that not all guide lines are suitable for every situation, and sometimes you may need to adjust your driving path according to specific road conditions.

"Left Turn Waiting Area" and "Guide Line" are still stupidly indistinguishable? Once you make a mistake, the 6 points are gone

Now let's talk about the actual operation. When you approach an intersection with a left-turn waiting area, you need to slow down in advance and pay attention to the signal lights at the junction and the markings on the ground. If the signal light is red and you need to turn left, you should slowly move into the left-turn waiting area and stop there for the green light. If the signal light is green, but there is traffic going straight on the opposite side, you will also need to wait in the left-turn waiting area until it is safe to turn left.

"Left Turn Waiting Area" and "Guide Line" are still stupidly indistinguishable? Once you make a mistake, the 6 points are gone

As for guide lines, you should pay special attention to the start and end points of these lines while driving. Some guide lines are designed to guide the vehicle to smoothly transition into the lane next to it, while others guide the vehicle to make the right turn in multiple lanes. Missing the guide line can result in you having to make a U-turn at the next intersection or, worse, mistakenly struggling into the oncoming lane.

So, how do we ensure our driving safety when encountering these road signs? First, stay focused, slow down and watch carefully. Second, follow the guide line and don't change lanes or intersperse at will. Finally, always anticipate the behavior of other drivers and keep a safe distance.

Driving is not only a technology, but also a responsibility. When we are driving, by knowing and following these basic traffic rules, we are escorting our own safety and the safety of others. Moreover, these seemingly small knowledge points can often make a huge difference when you need it most.

Well, now it's your turn. Have you ever encountered an embarrassing or dangerous situation in your daily driving because you are not familiar with the left turn waiting area or guide line? Or are there any clever tips you can share with you to help you better understand and use these road signs? Leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss together and improve the safety and efficiency of driving together!