
The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

author:Listen to me
The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

In the golden autumn of October, three or four-year-old Gao Weitao was playing carefree at the door of his home, but he didn't know that fate was quietly changing the trajectory of his life. A strange woman dressed in red approaches and seduces the innocent little boy with sweet words and snacks.

Gao Weitao took the seemingly ordinary drink ignorantly, and soon fell into a coma after drinking it.

When he opened his eyes again, everything around him became strange and terrifying. Two middle-aged men who had never seen him looked down on him, claiming to be his new parents. The man said coldly: "Your biological parents don't want you anymore, and we will be your family from now on."

Gao Weitao's world collapsed at that moment, and tears blurred his vision and his life for the next twenty years.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

In this strange family, Gao Weitao was forcibly given a new identity. The name "Gao Weitao" has become his new label, but deep down, he has never been able to identify with this identity.

Every silent night, he would silently recall the bits and pieces of his original family in his heart: the pair of mighty stone lions in front of the door, the lush hawthorn forests nearby, and the sweet and sour hawthorn fruit.

These sporadic memories have become the spiritual pillar of his heart, and they are also a ray of light for him to find hope in the darkness.

The adoptive father took strict control measures against Gao Weitao. Every day, he was forced to recite his new name and home address over and over again, as if that would erase his past.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

Although Gao Weitao is obedient on the surface, he always believes in his heart that this is not his home, and these people are not his relatives.

As time passed, Gao Weitao gradually learned the truth about his purchase: this family of three daughters urgently needed a boy to carry on the lineage. This brutal fact made him even more disgusted by the behavior of his adoptive parents.

In order to escape from this cage that imprisoned him, he tried to escape, but was captured by his adoptive father at the entrance of the village. A brutal beating ensued, which not only hurt his body, but also deeply pierced his young mind.

Since then, his adoptive father's distrust of Gao Weitao has reached its peak. He forced Gao Weitao to drop out of school and stay at home, taking on heavy labor every day: weeding, planting vegetables, and feeding livestock.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

This not only hindered Gao Weitao's physical and mental development, but also made him a growing gap with his peers. His world has become small and closed, and only the desire to return to the arms of his biological parents sustains him to survive.

What made Gao Weitao even more painful was that his adoptive parents later bought another boy as their new adopted son. The new "younger brother" soon gained the favor of his adoptive parents, and Gao Weitao felt more and more that he was a superfluous presence in the family.

He witnessed the care of his adoptive parents for his new adopted son, and his inner gap and loneliness became more and more intense.

In this environment full of oppression and injustice, Gao Weitao's childhood lost the joy and warmth it deserved. His resentment towards his adoptive parents' family grew, and the wounds in his heart grew deeper.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

However, it was in such a difficult situation that Gao Weitao's will became stronger. He secretly vowed that one day he would find his biological parents and return to his true home.

This belief became the only motivation for him to continue in the darkness, sustaining him through one difficult day after another.

After entering adulthood, Gao Weitao thought that he could gain a little freedom, but found that his adoptive father's control had become tighter. He was forcibly placed to work in a hardware store in Beijing, and his adoptive father sent an "older sister" to follow him to Beijing.

On the surface, he is taking care of his daily life, but in fact, he is monitored around the clock.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

Every night, Gao Weitao had to report every expense of the day to this "sister". His life was so tightly restricted that he didn't even have the slightest breathing room.

Years of repression have gradually numbed Gao Weitao, and he has begun to repeat the monotony of life mechanically, and his inner struggle seems to have subsided. His world seems to be framed in an invisible cage, with no hope in sight and no future in sight.

However, fate is always full of drama. Under the arrangement of his adoptive parents, Gao Weitao married a woman he had never met. Unexpectedly, this arranged marriage gave Gao Weitao a trace of warmth.

Instead of taking his anger against his adoptive parents on his innocent wife, he regarded her as his closest family member. In this strange world, his wife became the only person he could trust and rely on.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

Just when Gao Weitao thought that he would continue to live an arranged life, an incident occurred during the Spring Festival in 2013 that completely changed his mind. It was the first Spring Festival after they got married, and the wife wanted to go back to her parents' house on the second day of the Lunar New Year.

Although this was not in line with local customs, Gao Weitao respected his wife's wishes and carefully prepared the trip.

However, shortly after they left, Gao's younger brother was in a serious car accident. The adoptive parents were anxious to bring their younger brother to Beijing for treatment, but they did not forget to call to accuse Gao Weitao of violating traditional customs.

On the phone, Gao Weitao heard words that broke his heart.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

At this moment, Gao Weitao woke up like a dream. He finally understood that in his adoptive father's heart, the only real son was his younger brother. Twenty years of dedication and patience are not as good as a loyal dog in the eyes of his adoptive father.

This intense sense of unfairness wrenched his heart and rekindled his deep desire to find his biological parents.

On this cold winter night, Gao Weitao stood alone on the streets of Beijing, looking at the traffic and pedestrians, and his heart stirred up huge waves. He secretly made up his mind that no matter what, he would find his roots and find his true home.

The decision scared and excited him, but he knew it could be the most important turning point in his life. From this moment on, Gao Weitao began to make choices for his own life, instead of passively accepting the arrangements of others.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

With the longing for his biological parents and the desire for the truth, Gao Weitao resolutely embarked on the arduous road of finding his relatives. He left his "home" alone, where he had lived for twenty years, and began a long and lonely life of wandering.

During this time, he made ends meet by doing odd jobs, and whenever he had a little money to spare, he would rush to Internet cafes and search various websites for information that might be relevant to him.

Every time he sits in front of the computer, Gao Weitao is full of apprehension and anticipation. He hopes to find a clue in the vast sea of nets, even if it is a vague image or a possible missing person notice.

However, the disappointment did not dampen his determination. He told himself that as long as he didn't give up, he would find his loved ones one day.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

During these difficult years, Gao Weitao experienced countless disappointments and setbacks. Sometimes, he would get excited about a seemingly similar message, only to find out that it was just an empty joy.

Every disappointment was like a sharp blade, piercing his heart deeply. But he persevered because he knew that giving up meant losing the opportunity to find his biological parents forever.

Finally, in 2013, with the help of anti-trafficking volunteers, Gao Weitao returned to his hometown after a long absence. When he got his identity documents, the long-lost sense of belonging brought tears to his eyes.

He finally has a legal identity, which makes him feel that he is one step closer to finding his biological parents.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

However, when he stepped on the threshold of his adoptive parents' house, he was greeted not by the warm scene he imagined. Although the grandfather, grandmother and adoptive mother showed ecstatic expressions, the adoptive father's attitude remained cold.

The adoptive father's words were like a sharp sword, stabbing Gao Weitao's heart fiercely: "Time flies, a full twenty years have passed in a hurry, and I have paid selfless care and love for you, including the care of food, clothing, housing and transportation, as well as the marriage for you."

It can even be said that even when it comes to a pet, there is a deep emotional bond between us.

These words made Gao Weitao feel both angry and sad. He wanted to refute, to tell the pain in his heart over the years, but in the end he chose to remain silent. He understands that no matter what he says, he can't change his adoptive father's opinion, nor can he make up for the regrets of the past twenty years.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

Despite obtaining his identity documents, Gao's journey to find his relatives was still full of ups and downs. Years of hard work have failed to find his loved ones and solve the mysteries in his heart.

But he did not give up hope and still insisted on his own path of finding his relatives.

Every failure made Gao Weitao more determined. He started sharing his story on social media, hoping to get more people on it. He participated in various family search activities and met many people who had similar experiences to him.

The support and encouragement of these fellow travelers became the motivation for him to continue to move forward.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

Although his biological parents have not yet been found, Gao Weitao's story has drawn social attention to the problem of child trafficking. His experience has become a microcosm of the promotion of relevant laws and the importance of combating child trafficking.

Gao Weitao knows that his road to finding relatives may be long, but he is no longer the lonely and helpless child he was at the beginning. He has his own identity, friends who support him, and a mission to speak up for separated children.

He believes that as long as he persists, one day, he will find his true home and fulfill this twenty-year-old wish.

From a legal point of view, Gao Weitao's adoptive parents' behavior has violated a serious legal bottom line. According to article 240 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the crime of child abduction and trafficking not only includes direct sales, but also covers related acts such as buying and transporting.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

The penalties for this offence are extremely severe, ranging from imprisonment of more than five years to life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

Gao Weitao's adoptive parents' actions not only violated the law, but also caused irreparable harm to many families. Their actions destroyed the happiness of Gao Weitao's original family and distorted Gao Weitao's growth trajectory.

This case underscores the mainland's determination to combat child trafficking and warns of the need for all sectors of society to work together to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

Gao Weitao's story is not only a personal tragedy, but also the pain of the whole society. It reveals the far-reaching impact of illegal adoptions on multiple families: families of origin have lost their flesh and bones, abducted children have lost their normal growth environment, and adoptive families have faced legal sanctions for violating the law.

The man was abducted for 20 years, and in 2013 he wanted to find his parents, and his adoptive father scolded: raising a dog has feelings

This case highlights the important responsibility of society in the fight against child trafficking.

Although the road to finding relatives is full of hardships, Gao Weitao's persistence shows the brilliance of human nature. His experience reminds us that everyone should play their part in building a society free of trafficking and where every child can grow up healthy by their biological parents.

Only by the concerted efforts of the whole society can we truly put an end to the occurrence of such tragedies and protect the integrity and happiness of every family.

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