
There have been multiple attacks during the European Championship! The Chinese Embassy reminds again!

author:Overseas Chinese Network of China
There have been multiple attacks during the European Championship! The Chinese Embassy reminds again!

■ Recently, the National Anti-Fraud Center, together with the Consular Protection Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Service Center for Overseas Study of the Ministry of Education, produced and launched the "Overseas Publicity Manual on Preventing Telecommunication Network Fraud", focusing on eight types of overseas high-incidence fraud cases and related typical cases, so as to further improve the awareness and ability of overseas Chinese citizens to recognize and prevent fraud.

■ On June 27, local time, the Chinese Embassy in Argentina received 14 cultural relics and artworks returned from Argentina to China.

■ The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Walk of Fame selection panel announced the list of 2025 Walk of Fame inductees on the 24th local time, and 97-year-old Chinese actor Lu Yan became the only Chinese finalist.

■ Giant pandas "Yunchuan" and "Xinbao" arrived in Los Angeles on a charter flight on the 27th, and then transferred to the San Diego Zoo in Southern California for a quarantine period of about one month.

■ The semi-finals of the 2024 "Cultural China Water Cube Cup" Chinese Song Contest ended on the evening of the 27th in the "cloud". 30 players from the youth group and the youth group in the overseas competition area each advanced to the finals.

■ A few days ago, the unveiling ceremony of the Hunan Overseas Chinese Research Center was held at Hunan Normal University. The Hunan Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese and Hunan Normal University signed a cooperation agreement to jointly build the Hunan Provincial Overseas Chinese Research Center.

■ According to the Identification Bureau of the Macao SAR Government on the 28th, the Macao SAR Government received a notice from the Georgian Embassy in China that Macao SAR passport holders can enter Georgia without a visa for a stay of up to 30 days.

■ On the evening of the 28th, the direct route from Nanjing to Melbourne was opened, with three flights per week. This is the first intercontinental passenger route opened by Nanjing Lukou International Airport this year.

■ Recently, the "International Cultural Exchange Base for Overseas Chinese in China" was officially inaugurated in the Kizil Grottoes Research Institute in Baicheng County, Xinjiang.

There have been multiple attacks during the European Championship! The Chinese Embassy reminds again!

■ Since the opening of the European Championship on June 14, there have been a number of cases of indiscriminate and violent attacks against the European Championship across Germany. The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Germany would like to remind Chinese citizens who have recently visited Germany and those who have recently visited Germany to pay attention to the relevant safety warnings and strengthen their awareness of safety precautions and self-protection.

■ Recently, the number of outbound "independent travel" Chinese tourists has gradually increased, and some tourists choose to rent local transportation to travel, and often suffer penalties for violations due to unfamiliarity with local traffic regulations, and suffer from theft and loss of money and property. The Chinese Embassy in Italy reminds Chinese citizens in Italy to abide by traffic laws and pay attention to driving safety.

■ With the arrival of summer, many tourists choose to travel by car. The Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles reminds Chinese citizens in the consular district to raise their awareness of traffic safety, abide by local traffic rules, and ensure that their vehicles are in good condition.

■ The Chinese Embassy and Consulates in France have issued consular reminders on several occasions to warn Chinese citizens in France to beware of telecommunications, networks, currency exchange and other frauds, but there are still compatriots who have unfortunately been "recruited", causing economic losses. The Chinese Embassy and Consulates in France once again remind Chinese citizens in France to guard against the above typical fraud methods, and to keep in mind the six-word formula for fraud prevention: ignore him, don't send money.

There have been multiple attacks during the European Championship! The Chinese Embassy reminds again!

■ On the evening of June 27, local time, U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Trump began the first televised debate on candidates for the 2024 U.S. presidential election. 【Details】

■ At noon on the 28th local time, Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company opened the seventh round of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge, and the discharge of nuclear contaminated water is about 7,800 tons, which is expected to end on July 16.

■ According to NBC on the 28th, three US defense officials and a former US official familiar with the relevant plans revealed that the Pentagon is moving US ships closer to Israel and Lebanon in order to evacuate Americans as the conflict between Israel and Allah intensifies.

■ On the 27th local time, Bolivia's Minister of the Interior, Eduardo del Castillo, confirmed that 17 people suspected of participating in the attempted coup have been arrested.

Source: China Overseas Chinese Network Comprehensive

Editor: Li Mingyang

There have been multiple attacks during the European Championship! The Chinese Embassy reminds again!

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