
married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

author:The blue sea chats about the world
married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children
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married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

In 1994, a dazzling new star rose in the Chinese film industry. Ju Xue won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress with her superb acting skills in "Never Lose My Love", and her acting career seems to have embarked on a bright road.

However, fate is always full of drama.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye to 2016. At this time, Ju Xue was 55 years old, and it should have been a golden age for her to create brilliance with her rich experience. But in this year, her husband, the famous director He Qun, unfortunately passed away.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

Unexpectedly, after experiencing this life change, Ju Xue made a decision that surprised fans - she chose to quit the film and television industry completely.

Why did this once popular actress choose to retire at an age when she could continue to shine? Is it a silent mourning for the loss of love, or is it tired of the complicated entertainment industry? Or do you have a new understanding and pursuit of your acting career? Let's walk into the inner world of Ju Xue and try to uncover the mystery of her choice to live in seclusion and stay away from the hustle and bustle.

In 1968, an ordinary family in Beijing ushered in a new life. Ju Xue, a girl destined to shine on the acting stage, began her life journey under the care of her parents.

Ji Xue's father was a soldier, adhering to the rigorous style of a soldier, and he paid special attention to the education of his two daughters. Under the strict requirements of her father, Ju Xue has developed a good habit of loving reading and writing diligently since she was a child.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

These habits inadvertently laid a solid cultural foundation for her future acting career, and also shaped her unique and elegant temperament.

Girls' Generation's drama Xue did not set her sights on the showbiz. In the 80s of the last century, there was a wave of table tennis craze in China, and the young drama Xue was also deeply attracted to this sport.

She has been professionally trained for several years and has become more and more sophisticated. If it weren't for his father's concern about affecting his studies, perhaps the Ju Xue we know today would have been an excellent table tennis player.

However, fate always likes to joke. When he was 17 years old, a chance chance completely changed the trajectory of Juxue's life. She followed her classmates to the set of Beijing Film Studio, originally wanting to just feel the shooting atmosphere.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

Who knew that Director Wang Chengcheng, who was directing on the spot, was attracted by this girl with a refined temperament at a glance. He took the initiative to talk and asked if Ju Xue was interested in participating in the movie.

In this way, Ju Xue, who was still in high school, received the first starring role in her life, playing "Sanya" in the movie "Father and Son". Her performance was recognized, and Director Wang also encouraged her to apply for film school.

Although her parents did not approve at first, worried that their daughter would enter the entertainment industry full of unknowns, Ju Xue still insisted on her choice and was finally admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy.

Ju Xue in college gradually overcame her introverted personality and started with small roles in stage plays, accumulating experience step by step. It wasn't until her sophomore year that she ushered in an important turning point - playing Xia Jiahui in "Thief of Change".

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

This role opened the door to her acting career, and in the years that followed, the invitations continued.

In 1991, Ju Xue successfully graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy and joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force Political Department Drama Troupe. It was in this year that she worked closely with the famous director He Qun, who would become her husband, and wrote a new chapter in her brilliant acting career and ups and downs.

1991 was a year full of opportunities and challenges for Juxue. The university years are coming to an end, but the road ahead is still unclear.

In this year, the gears of fate quietly turned, leading her to a person destined to change her life - Director He Qun.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

That year, Ju Xue was still a young senior and received an invitation to participate in the movie "Fire King Kong" directed by He Qun. When they first met, He Qun was attracted to this girl who was 13 years younger than him.

Ju Xue's acting talent and unique understanding of the role made the experienced director shine. And Ju Xue was also moved by He Qun's dedication and professional attitude towards the film industry, and there was a sense of sympathy between the two.

In the next two years, the cooperation between Juxue and He Qun became more and more frequent. In 1992, Ju Xue participated in two movies directed by He Qun in a row, and the tacit understanding is increasing day by day.

In 1993, she contributed an amazing performance in He Qun's work "Phoenix Qin". This film not only won the applause of the audience, but also won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Picture.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

In the frequent cooperation, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up, and the spark of art gradually evolved into the flame of love.

1994 was a year worth remembering for Juxue. She won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Yang Yan in the movie "Never Lose My Love" directed by Feng Xiaogang.

The success in her career seems to have given her the courage to pursue happiness, and in this year, Ju Xue and He Qun entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. This pair of friends who are 13 years apart are praised by the outside world as a "match made in heaven" and envy others.

After marriage, Juxue seems to have found the other half of her life, and her career is thriving. She has won many awards such as Huabiao Award for Outstanding Actress and Feitian Award for Outstanding Actress, proving with her strength that she is not just a "director's wife".

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

On the screen, Ju Xue has created one character after another that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Her interpretation of Cai Wenji is talented, poignant and moving; The female judge Jiang Weihua she portrayed is upright, resolute, and humane.

And the Queen Ma she played in "Zhu Yuanzhang" was even more delicate and deep emotional portrayal, surpassing the performances of her predecessors and leaving a deep impression on the audience.

In almost every work of director He Qun, you can see the figure of Ju Xue. Their husband and wife cooperation is perfect, and "Mixed in Beijing" won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Feature Film.

In their careers, they are like twin stars standing side by side, supporting each other, making progress together, shining with dazzling light.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

Although the marriage came to an end, Ju Xue and He Qun's artistic pursuit did not stop. Their story has witnessed a legend that transcends age and integrates art and love, and has also left a strong mark on the Chinese film and television industry.

The end of her marriage did not stop Ju Xue from pursuing art. On the contrary, she seems to pour more enthusiasm into her acting career, as if she wants to fill the emptiness in her heart with work.

However, fate once again brought her an unexpected turn.

In 2010, an unexpected news came to fans - Ju Xue, the former darling of the film industry, almost completely withdrew from the film and television industry. Those viewers who are looking forward to seeing her superb acting skills on the screen again can't help but feel a trace of regret and confusion.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

In the face of questions from the outside world, Ju Xue responded with a consistent indifferent attitude. She admits that the current film and television works are too similar in theme and lack novelty and depth. This situation has created a huge gap with her pursuit and understanding of art.

She candidly admits that she is powerless to change the trend of the entire industry, and has no choice but to opt out.

Ju Xue's decision reflects her dedication and persistence in art. She is unwilling to give up her artistic pursuits in order to cater to the market demand, and she is even less willing to become one of those actors who follow the crowd for profit.

This persistence may have cost her some business opportunities, but she has won the respect of many people.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

Looking back on Ju Xue's acting career, it is not difficult to find that she has always had extremely high standards for the selection of roles and scripts. She would rather give up an opportunity than accept a role that does not match her artistic philosophy.

It is this almost paranoid persistence that has left a deep impression on her in the hearts of the audience, creating one classic character after another.

Although she chose to withdraw from the mainstream film and television industry, Ju Xue's artistic life did not end there. Instead, she turned her attention to her original passion for the performing arts, theatre.

The famous director Lai Chuansheng once invited her to star in the drama "The Seagull", and the drama Xue readily agreed. Since then, she has continued to challenge herself on the drama stage, creating a variety of vivid and vivid characters.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

On the drama stage, Ju Xue seems to have found a new artistic home. There are no commercial constraints, no pressure of ratings, just pure performance and artistic sublimation.

She can devote herself to the role and impress the audience with the most authentic emotions.

The choice of drama snow may make some people feel sorry. But for herself, this is undoubtedly a brave attempt to return to the original and pursue artistic purity.

She interprets the responsibility of a true artist with practical actions, and also composes a unique and moving movement for her life.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

With the passage of time, the figure of Ji Xue gradually faded out of the public eye. However, this does not mean that she has said goodbye to the art world completely. Instead, she continues her love of acting in a more restrained, pure way.

Although the marriage with He Qun has ended, the friendship between the two has not been severed because of this. They maintain a rare friendly relationship, and this mature attitude has also won praise from the outside world.

In 2010, when He Qun filmed the TV series "Teahouse", Ju Xue agreed to be an extras without hesitation. This gesture not only shows her support for her ex-husband's work, but also shows her selfless dedication to art.

However, an accident in 2016 once again brought a huge impact to Ji Xue's life. He Qun's death deprived her of an important life partner and artistic confidant.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

Ju Xue personally attended He Qun's funeral and expressed her grief with actions. This blow seems to have strengthened Juxue's determination to stay away from the hustle and bustle, and she has devoted all her time and energy to her beloved theater career.

Today, the 55-year-old drama Xue still maintains an independent and confident demeanor. Despite not remarrying and having no children, she does not feel alone or regretful. On the contrary, she enjoys this state of freedom and ease.

In a rare media interview, Ju Xue said frankly: "I enjoy my life now that I am not overly concerned. I feel very comfortable in this state, and I can play various roles freely and truly enjoy the beauty of life.

Ji Xue's choice may not be understood by everyone, but her persistence and pursuit have undoubtedly won the respect of many people. She interprets the responsibility of an artist in her own way, and also composes a unique music for her life.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

In this fast-paced era, Ju Xue has chosen a slow life. She is far away from the hustle and bustle of commercial film and television, but closer to the essence of art. She no longer pursues fame and fortune, but focuses on the in-depth understanding and portrayal of the character.

This way of life allowed her to maintain her passion and creativity for art even after she was over half a hundred years old.

The story of Juxue has brought us many inspirations. She tells us that true artists should not be bound by worldly standards of success, but should stay true to their hearts and pursue the purity and authenticity of art.

Her choice may be a silent protest against the current impetuous culture, but also a commitment to the authenticity of art.

married a 13-year-old famous director who was popular, and after her husband died, she didn't want to act anymore, and at the age of 55, she is now unmarried and has no children

The trajectory of Ju Xue's life is like a drama with ups and downs. From being appreciated and famous by the famous director He Qun, who was 13 years older, to the ups and downs of marriage, to the resolute choice to quit the film and television industry after the death of her husband, and finally to maintaining a single life at the age of 55, her every choice shows her dedication to art and deep thinking about life.

Although Ju Xue's decision may not be understood by everyone, she proves with practical actions that a true artist should not only play a role on the stage, but also interpret himself on the stage of life.

She chose a different path and interpreted the perfect blend of art and life in her own way.

The story of Juxue is like a low-to-back tragic song, but it contains the strength of perseverance. She used her life to tell us that true art does not lie in fame and fortune, but in the unremitting pursuit of beauty and self-loyalty.

In this impetuous era, the choice of drama snow has undoubtedly brought us a deep inspiration.

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