
Hungry at two points in time, the spleen and stomach are getting stronger and stronger, and can it delay aging? Explain it in one article

author:Dr. Wang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

In the pulse of the hustle and bustle of the city, people are like non-stop flywheels, struggling to meet the pace of life. The improvement of material conditions has made the choices on the table more and more abundant, behind this colorful food, have we really paid attention to our spleen and stomach health? Three meals a day seems to be an iron law, but if you think about it, is this kind of eating habit really the best choice for our body?

When we indulge in the feast of good food, we may have forgotten the capacity of the spleen and stomach and their importance to health. Like a never-ending machine, the spleen and stomach are gradually exhausted from the daily labor, and even show signs of "strike".

Hungry at two points in time, the spleen and stomach are getting stronger and stronger, and can it delay aging? Explain it in one article

1. The relationship between the spleen and stomach and health

The spleen and stomach are the hub of human digestion, and their health status profoundly affects the uptake and transformation of nutrients in our body, and is the cornerstone of physical health. In the profound wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach are known as the "root of life", symbolizing their indispensable and fundamental support for the life activities of the human body. The spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry, as the ancients said: "If the spleen and stomach are healthy, the qi and blood will be prosperous; If the spleen and stomach fail, the qi and blood will be deficient. ”

When the spleen and stomach function strongly, they are like an efficient machine, constantly converting the food we consume into nutrients that the body needs, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. These nutrients are carefully processed by the spleen and stomach and are delivered to all parts of the body, nourishing our body, filling up qi and blood and rejuvenating the body. In such a good situation, we are always full of energy and strong enough to handle the challenges of daily life.

When the spleen and stomach function is out of balance, the picture is completely different and the state of health is impaired. The decline of spleen and stomach function is like a machine that does not run smoothly and cannot efficiently convert food into nutrients that the human body depends on for survival. This can lead to nutrient malabsorption, and even if we consume more food, we cannot receive adequate nutritional support. At the same time, the growth of qi and blood will also be blocked, showing a trend of insufficient qi and blood, and a deficit. In such cases, we tend to feel physically weak, fatigue easily, and even various diseases may occur.

Hungry at two points in time, the spleen and stomach are getting stronger and stronger, and can it delay aging? Explain it in one article

2. The benefits of starvation at two points in time

Be hungry before breakfast

In the hectic life of the modern day, many people are accustomed to rushing in a snack or drink before breakfast in an attempt to wake up the day. This practice may inadvertently interfere with the normal functioning of the spleen and stomach. In the early morning, the spleen and stomach are like a dancer who has just woken up, and it needs a buffer time to rejuvenate. Giving the spleen and stomach a short "wake period" before breakfast to gradually wake them up from a night's rest helps to promote the natural enhancement of appetite and optimal digestion.

Hunger does not mean completely emptying, but rather preventing too much food too early and giving the spleen and stomach enough time to adjust and prepare. Not only does this make breakfast tastier, but it also helps the body better absorb the nutrients from breakfast, so you can avoid indigestion or nutrient underabsorption caused by rushing in the morning.

Hungry before breakfast has the added benefit of helping to reduce your overall total food intake. When we give our spleen and stomach a buffer time in the morning, our hunger pangs will be more natural and real, thus allowing us to be more rational and restrained when eating, and avoid obesity and other health problems caused by overeating.

Hungry at two points in time, the spleen and stomach are getting stronger and stronger, and can it delay aging? Explain it in one article

Hungry after dinner

After dinner, a busy day comes to an end and people begin to enjoy a rare moment of rest and entertainment. This time period is also the time when many people are most likely to consume too much food. Busy work or social activities make it easy for people to ignore the body's hunger signals, and overeating will not only increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, but also may affect the quality of sleep, and even lead to long-term health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Staying hungry in moderation after dinner is actually a profound philosophy of health. This is not to say that we should fast completely, but that we should give the spleen and stomach time to rest and recover after dinner. During this time, we should choose light activities such as leisurely walks or yoga to help digest food and soothe the spleen and stomach.

In this way, we can reduce the load on the spleen and stomach, and prevent indigestion and sleep disturbance caused by excessive eating. At the same time, being hungry after dinner can also help us face the temptation of nightly snacking more sensibly, reduce unnecessary calorie intake, and maintain a healthy weight and figure.

Hungry at two points in time, the spleen and stomach are getting stronger and stronger, and can it delay aging? Explain it in one article

3. How to strengthen the function of the spleen and stomach when hungry

Promote the peristalsis of the spleen and stomach

When the body is in a fasting state, the peristaltic function of the spleen and stomach is naturally strengthened. This natural peristalsis process not only helps to completely empty the stomach of food residues and toxins, but also ensures a clean and healthy environment inside the spleen and stomach. Imagine that the spleen and stomach are like an efficient cleaning machine, and during the fasting period, it is more focused on cleaning up the "garbage" in the body and preparing for the next nutrient absorption.

Improve the metabolic ability of the spleen and stomach

Hunger is not only a craving for food, but also a physiological signal that reminds the spleen and stomach to improve their metabolic capacity. Moderate starvation can stimulate the spleen and stomach to accelerate metabolism, especially for the breakdown and consumption of fat. This process helps to reduce body fat accumulation and curb fat cell overgrowth, thereby maintaining a light and healthy body. Not only that, but the improvement of metabolism also helps the body to detoxify efficiently and maintain overall health.

Enhance spleen and stomach immunity

As the "acquired foundation" of the human body, the immunity of the spleen and stomach is essential for the health of the whole body. Moderate hunger can be used as a form of "exercise" to stimulate the immunity of the spleen and stomach, making it more acute and powerful. This enhanced immunity is able to better resist the invasion of pathogens and reduce the occurrence and spread of spleen and stomach diseases. Imagine that the spleen and stomach are like a brave warrior, and under the exercise of hunger, it is more tenacious and powerful, escorting the health of the body.

Hungry at two points in time, the spleen and stomach are getting stronger and stronger, and can it delay aging? Explain it in one article

Fourth, the potential value of starvation and delaying aging

Reduces oxidative stress

A moderate state of starvation triggers a series of physiological responses within the human body that help reduce the production of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a condition that occurs when too many free radicals are produced in the body and the antioxidant system is unable to remove them completely. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that attack various components within cells, leading to cell damage and aging. By reducing food intake, the body adjusts its metabolic processes in a state of starvation, reducing the production of free radicals, thereby reducing the damage to cells. This effect helps to slow down the process of cellular aging and organ function decline, allowing the body to remain more youthful and energetic.

Maintain endocrine balance

Starvation also stimulates the regulatory function of the body's endocrine system, helping to maintain the balance of hormone levels. The endocrine system is a complex network that regulates various physiological functions of the body, including metabolism, growth and development, reproduction, and immunity. When there is a disorder in the endocrine system, it can lead to a series of health problems, such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc. Moderate starvation can trigger the self-regulation mechanism of the endocrine system to return hormone levels to normal, thereby alleviating various discomforts caused by endocrine disorders.

Promotes cell regeneration

Moderate starvation also has the function of promoting cell regeneration and repair. In a state of starvation, the body needs to use the available resources more efficiently, including the renewal and regeneration of cells. Cells are the basic units of life, and they maintain the normal functioning of the body through constant renewal and regeneration. Moderate starvation stimulates the activation of cell regeneration and repair functions, promoting the generation of new cells and the renewal of old cells. This effect helps to maintain skin elasticity and radiance, reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and dark spots, allowing the body to radiate youth and vitality from within.

Hungry at two points in time, the spleen and stomach are getting stronger and stronger, and can it delay aging? Explain it in one article

6. Implement the suggestions and precautions for starving

Moderate control

When implementing a "starving" eating strategy, let's first be clear that this does not mean fasting altogether or pursuing excessive hunger. Each person's physical condition and lifestyle habits are unique, so when trying this method, the degree and length of hunger should be moderately controlled according to the individual's actual situation. Excessive hunger can cause unnecessary strain on the body and even trigger health problems.

Rational feasting

While "starving", we should pay more attention to the reasonable combination of diet and comprehensive intake of nutrition. During starvation, priority should be given to foods that are rich in essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, etc. These nutrients provide the body with the necessary energy and nutrients to help maintain normal physiological functions. At the same time, we should also avoid excessive intake of high-calorie, high-fat, and high-sugar foods to avoid increasing the burden on the body.

Regular medical check-ups

In the process of implementing "Hungry for a Hungry", regular medical checkups and check-ups are indispensable. Through regular physical examinations, we can keep abreast of our physical condition and spleen and stomach health, so as to detect and deal with possible spleen and stomach diseases or other health problems. This preventive measure can help us maintain good health and live a long and better life.

Hungry at two points in time, the spleen and stomach are getting stronger and stronger, and can it delay aging? Explain it in one article

Moderate starvation can promote the recovery and strengthening of spleen and stomach function, improve the body's metabolic ability and immunity, and reduce problems such as oxidative stress and endocrine disorders. At the same time, attention should be paid to the precautions such as moderate control and reasonable diet in the process of implementing starvation. It is hoped that this article can provide readers with useful reference and enlightenment, and promote people's attention to the importance of spleen and stomach health and anti-aging.

I'm Dr. Want Want, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat