
In 1950, the female driver Tian Guiying shook hands with the chairman and deliberately made a move, and the chairman: The temper is not small


When Chairman Mao met Tian Guiying, he was surprised and said, "Can you really drive a train?" "Why is the chairman so surprised? What's the story behind this? When Tian Guiying took the initiative to shake hands vigorously during the toast, the chairman smiled and said that she "has a good temper", what is going on?

In 1950, the female driver Tian Guiying shook hands with the chairman and deliberately made a move, and the chairman: The temper is not small

A hundred years of train love: the indissoluble bond between the Tian family and the railway

When it comes to family legends related to trains, the Thomas family may first come to mind. The Thomas family, who have been in the railroad industry for generations, have formed an indissoluble bond with trains. But in Dalian, Liaoning, there is also such an ordinary family who has a faint love affair with the train.

Tian Guiying was born in such an ordinary family with a connection to trains. Her great-grandfather, Tian Weixin, was a farmer who worked for a time as a laborer in the construction of the China Eastern Railway. At that time, the Eastern Railway was the first railway line built by the Russians to connect Zhili (Hebei) and Fengtian (Shenyang).

Although Tian Weixin only worked as a temporary worker for a period of time, this small experience made him have a strong interest in this new thing called "train". When the China Eastern Railway was first opened, many farmers did not understand what the "ironclad beasts" were, and some people used the straw in the fields to drive away the "burning monsters". But Tian Weixin was deeply attracted by its large size and fast driving.

In his eyes, the train is nothing less than a great force, a power created by human intelligence to connect distant places with each other. After that, Tian Weixin always looked for opportunities to catch a few trains to the north or south to see the appearance of this miraculous creation. He also made a special effort to write down the train schedules along the line and memorize them by heart, so that he would not miss any of the heroic appearances of the trains.

In this way, Tian Weixin's family slowly became contaminated with the love of the train. After working in Dalian for a while, Tian Weixin moved his family to Panjin County, Fengtianfu at that time, which was closer to a wider area to enjoy the train. His sons grew up with a strong interest in trains.

And Tian Guiying's father, Tian Xi, is Tian Weixin's eldest son. When Tian Xi was a child, his biggest wish was to become a train driver in the future. However, due to the poverty of his family and the turmoil of the war years, Tian Xi did not get his wish. But this love for trains has continued to his son Tian Bingxian's generation.

Tian Bingxian was a child during the Russo-Japanese War, and witnessed the scene of trains being occupied by Japanese devils and arms and ammunition being frantically transported. This led him to develop mixed feelings about the train: both awe of its power and disgust at its misuse in war. It was not until after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War that he really drove the train for the first time as a railroad man in New China.

And Tian Guiying is the only daughter that Tian Bingxian is most proud of. She was nurtured by her father's love for trains since she was a child, and stood out among the younger generation as the first generation of female train drivers in New China, which also made the love between this ordinary family and trains more eye-catching.

Like the Tian family, it is rare for ordinary people to have a faint fate with the train all their lives. Starting from the great-grandfather Tian Weixin, all the way to her daughter Tian Guiying, the feelings of the entire three generations are closely connected with the train. This curiosity and yearning for scientific and technological wisdom of ordinary people, and the persistent feelings that have lasted for a hundred years, have finally realized their dreams in Tian Guiying's generation, which can be described as a moving persistence.

Female railroad man in the steam age

In the fifties of the last century, trains were still the world of steam locomotives. This kind of locomotive, which produces steam from coal combustion and then uses steam to drive the piston to operate, requires extremely high physical strength on the driver. In those days, train drivers needed not only professional knowledge and technical skills, but also strength and endurance. Therefore, people always associate the job of train driver with men.

In 1950, the female driver Tian Guiying shook hands with the chairman and deliberately made a move, and the chairman: The temper is not small

However, it was in this era that a group of brave women broke through gender stereotypes and threw themselves into the extremely difficult railway career. They are diligent, down-to-earth, tenacious and hardworking, and have contributed their own strength to the construction of railways in New China. As one of the representative figures, Tian Guiying deserves it.

In those days, rail transport relied almost entirely on the traction of steam locomotives. Every steam locomotive needs to be equipped with a strong driver who is responsible for adding a large amount of coal to the furnace. In order to ensure the normal operation of the train, the driver had to add 280 shovels of coal weighing more than 20 catties to the furnace with a shovel in just 15 minutes, which was extremely difficult.

In addition, when the train has been running for a while, a large amount of embers are generated in the hearth. Drivers need to regularly clean out these embers one by one to prevent excessive accumulation of embers from affecting the speed of the train. It can be said that the nature of the work of train drivers at that time was no different from that of traditional fire workers, and they required long hours of high-intensity physical labor.

How Tian Guiying broke gender stereotypes

It was in this context that Tian Guiying decided to become a train driver, thus successfully breaking the gender stereotype of this profession. In 1950, 21-year-old Tian Guiying passed the assessment of the Dalian Railway Bureau, obtained a valuable train driver's license, and became the first batch of female train drivers in New China.

To obtain this license, Tian Guiying put in considerable effort. During the training, she not only had to memorize a lot of professional knowledge and theory, but also had to pass a series of rigorous physical tests. Although she had been trained by her family since she was a child, the long hours of heavy physical labor were still a challenge for a small girl.

In order to exercise her physical strength, Tian Guiying insists on doing push-ups, squats and other physical training every day. She also asks her workers to pile bags of coal in the operation room, repeating the action of shoveling up the coal one by one. Despite this, she often lies on the ground with blood blisters on her hands and feet after training. But she always gritted her teeth and persevered and never gave up.

In the end, Tian Guiying and two other female compatriots passed the layers of assessment and obtained the train driver's license. Since then, they have become the first batch of female train drivers in New China, and they are also a rare "half of the sky" in the railway industry at that time. In those days, this was undoubtedly a remarkable feat.

Tian Guiying took the lead in driving the train named "38", a metaphor for "women can hold up half the sky", which is full of inspirational power. When she drove the train for the first time, her colleagues in the Dalian Locomotive Depot also specially hung a pennant embroidered with the six characters of "Women's Locomotive" on the locomotive, proud of her for this first case.

Although in the first few months, Tian Guiying would often faint in the cockpit after the train captain drove due to physical exhaustion, she never gave up on her dream. With the support and encouragement of her colleagues, she gradually became proficient in train driving skills and exercised excellent physical fitness. That year, she safely drove the train for more than 60,000 kilometers and saved 58 tons of coal.

Since then, the distinctive figure has been reflected in the railway industry of New China. With their practical actions, they show that women in this era can challenge the traditional field of men, and send out a unique historical footnote.

An indomitable railroad holder

In 1950, the female driver Tian Guiying shook hands with the chairman and deliberately made a move, and the chairman: The temper is not small

As a pioneer in the railway industry of New China, Tian Guiying has experienced countless difficulties and challenges in her career. But she never gave up halfway, but with perseverance and perseverance, she went all the way to the last leg of her railway career.

Conquer the trials of the Hundred Mile Canyon

In 1958, Tian Guiying was transferred to the railway line from Dalian to Dandong and became the first female driver to drive a steam locomotive through this "Baili Canyon". The route is steep and steep, challenging the locomotive's traction capacity.

Driving through the canyon is like walking through tunnels. Once the power is lost, the entire train may slip out of control. For this reason, drivers must always be vigilant and precisely control the combustion of coal and the output of steam. At the bend, it is more necessary to rely on physical strength to pull the locomotive to the next straight section.

In the face of these difficulties, Tian Guiying never flinched. She was calm and unhurried, showing extraordinary courage and wisdom in every drive. She also takes advantage of her body size, which allows her to maneuver flexibly in tight cockpits. Once, when a pipeline suddenly broke in the middle of the train, she immediately avoided the steam and quickly eliminated the hidden danger, ensuring the safety of the train.

In this way, Tian Guiying accumulated valuable driving experience little by little and became a well-known "female driver" on this railway line. Whenever they see her heroic figure driving through the canyon, the people along the route will be impressed by her heroic spirit of "a woman who is fearless and indomitable".

A staunch defender of the transportation line to resist US aggression and aid Korea

Soon after, the Korean War broke out, and the railway line where Tian Guiying was located once became an important transportation lifeline to the front line. As an excellent female driver, she was soon transferred to the most difficult front-line transportation tasks.

In the years that followed, Tian Guiying worked tirelessly between the front line and the rear. She drove trains laden with ammunition, food, and other military supplies, even on cold winter nights. In order to ensure that the supplies arrived safely and quickly, she did not hesitate to extinguish the lights in the carriage many times, and crossed the blockade line under the cover of night.

Sometimes, bombs from enemy planes would fall near the railroad tracks. Tian Guiying will struggle to move forward in the violent bumps of the body, overcoming all kinds of obstacles. At one point, a bomb blew up the tracks, causing the train to derail out of control. She was not afraid of danger and organized everyone to evacuate as soon as possible, ensuring the safety of all employees.

It is precisely with this hot blood of "thousands of miles of transportation and full horsepower" that Tian Guiying and countless colleagues have ensured the combat readiness needs of the front-line officers and soldiers. They used practical actions to interpret what is called "thousands of rivers and thousands of mountains are just waiting for leisure" perseverance.

Persistence from the age of steam to the age of internal combustion

Just when Tian Gui was in his prime, the train began to transition from steam locomotives to diesel locomotives. This means that she will no longer be driving the old-fashioned car that is traditional, relying on physical strength. However, she did not choose to retire because of this, but temporarily left the railway line to concentrate on the training of a new generation of diesel locomotives.

After more than a year of hard study, Tian Guiying quickly mastered the driving skills of diesel locomotives. In 1969, at the age of 54, she returned to the railway and became one of the first female diesel locomotive drivers in New China.

In 1950, the female driver Tian Guiying shook hands with the chairman and deliberately made a move, and the chairman: The temper is not small

Until his retirement in 1984, Tian Guiying contributed a total of 35 years to the country's railway industry. She has personally experienced the transition from the steam age to the internal combustion age, and witnessed the growth and progress of the railway industry in New China. In these long years, whether it is a steam locomotive or a diesel locomotive, she has always been an indomitable adherent, and she has implemented her ideals and beliefs to the end with her own practical actions.

The fragrance of the life of a railway hero

As a representative of the first generation of female train drivers in New China, Tian Guiying's life story not only reflects her personal courage and tenacity, but also highlights the transformation of women's status and the rise of women's power in that era. They are true pioneers who contribute to the advancement of society.

In the social environment at that time, Tian Guiying's breakthrough in becoming a train driver is undoubtedly of extraordinary significance. It's not just a personal career choice, it means challenging long-ingrained stereotypes.

For a long time, train drivers, as a physically demanding profession, have been influenced by patriarchal culture and have become a traditional profession for men. It is generally accepted that women are weak and simply cannot withstand such overwork. Even if a small number of women apply for the train driver examination, they will be questioned and opposed by those around them.

But Tian Guiying and other women of her time broke the old stereotypes with real actions through their own efforts. With their tenacious will and extraordinary courage, they finally stood in the new position of train drivers under the environment and conditions at that time.

When Tian Guiying was seen sweating and driving a huge steam locomotive, people finally realized that women were no worse than men, and that they could also become the backbone of society if given the opportunity. This is tantamount to a conceptual revolution that has injected new vitality into the status and rights and interests of women in New China.

Therefore, Tian Guiying is not only a meritorious figure in the railway industry of New China, but also a pioneer in leading social progress. Their efforts, at least for people to re-examine women's capabilities and status, have become an important force in China's modernization process.

Looking back on Tian Guiying's arduous and long career, we can find that her enthusiasm and dedication to her career are out of simple patriotic enthusiasm and a sincere heart for the people and the country. It is this selfless love that allows her to constantly surpass herself and defy hardships and hardships.

During the Korean War, the situation at the front was at a stalemate. At this juncture, Tian Guiying disregarded her personal life and safety, and desperately opened the transportation channel between the front line and the rear. Her train was laden with bombs and ammunition, and every trip was a matter of life and death. Even when the bombs fell from the air raids, she continued to drive and deliver the necessary military supplies.

This deep love for the motherland and the people has enabled her to keep a clear head and deal with it calmly in the face of severe trials. She had an almost religious devotion to her duty, and she worked diligently and courageously at critical moments in maintaining wartime transportation.

It can be said that Tian Guiying represents the most singable and crying spirit of love in that era. It is not so much brave and fearless, but a hot and pure heart for the country and the people. It is precisely with such a group of ordinary heroes who cherish the motherland that New China has been able to develop tenaciously in the smoke of war.

In 1950, the female driver Tian Guiying shook hands with the chairman and deliberately made a move, and the chairman: The temper is not small

In the era of peace, Tian Guiying also has a persistent and sincere heart for the cause. Even as she grew older and was about to retire, she took the initiative to receive training in new diesel locomotives and continue to contribute to the country's railway industry. This dedication and perseverance to the cause is also the embodiment of the spirit of great love.

It is precisely with ordinary heroes like Tian Guiying with great love that a glorious chapter in the railway industry of New China has been written. They use their lives to interpret what is the sincere love for the motherland and the people, and write an extraordinary fragrance of life in ordinary posts.

The glory of railway heroes has been passed down from generation to generation

As an outstanding representative of the first generation of female train drivers in New China, Tian Guiying's deeds have long been condensed into a shining historical story. Her courageous and indomitable heroism has aroused strong repercussions in contemporary times, and has been remembered and praised by future generations.

When Tian Guiying was still alive, her heroic image of defying difficulties and moving forward bravely had been widely spread. No matter where she goes, the people along the way will have great respect for her.

In 1961, Tian Guiying was awarded the honorary title of "National Model Worker". On the way to Beijing to attend the commendation meeting, at every station, the enthusiastic crowd would gather around the window to greet her. Seeing this brave "locomotive" heroine, people all showed sincere admiration and envy.

At this time, Tian Guiying was over half a hundred years old, but she was still in good spirits and strutting forward, not at all like a woman of her age. When the train slowly entered the Beijing Railway Station, thousands of people spontaneously gathered on the platform to cheer warmly. Many people rushed to ask for a photo with her, and even the staff volunteered to serve her, showing the highest level of courtesy.

It can be said that this sincere respect from the heart is the best affirmation and praise of Tian Guiying's deeds. It was not easy for an ordinary peasant girl to obtain such a high social reputation back then. This kind of social repercussions also reflects the sincere respect of the new Chinese people for heroes.

As a train driver, Tian Guiying's heroic deeds have a natural origin and connection with the railway industry. Therefore, her story has also become a good story in the history of the development of New China's railway industry, which has been widely circulated and passed down from generation to generation.

After retiring, Tian Guiying was invited by the Dalian Railway Bureau from time to time to participate in some commemorative events or train novices. Whenever she came with silver hair but still in good spirits, the scene would burst into warm applause. The young people present were all in awe and offered their most sincere respect to this old hero who had experienced the age of steam.

When Tian Guiying was about to die, he was invited to Dalian Railway Technician College to teach railway knowledge to the freshmen. The 90-year-old woman, who was already unable to move at the time, accepted the invitation generously. At the scene, she told her own personal experience over the years, and told fascinating stories one by one. Even after her death, her spirit lives on in the hearts of every railroad person.

Whenever a new project is completed, the engineers always invite Tian Guiying's relatives to cut the ribbon. In the eyes of the people, this old hero has already integrated his life into the entire railway industry of New China. Her spirit and struggle have become immortal spiritual icons, forever remembered and praised by people.

In 1950, the female driver Tian Guiying shook hands with the chairman and deliberately made a move, and the chairman: The temper is not small

In addition to being widely circulated in the railway industry, Tian Guiying's deeds have also been reported by a large number of media and recorded in history, becoming the most shining hero image in the minds of a generation. As a pioneer, she has become a valuable asset to inspire future generations.

She has been depicted in several films and comic strips driving a steam locomotive. On the screen, people saw a heroine with a straight waist and a shovel in hand, fearlessly charging into battle in the midst of fire and smoke. This shocking scene inspires the heroism in the audience's heart.

Tian Guiying's name has also been forever engraved in the annals of the railway industry. As early as 2000, she was named one of the "100 Railway Workers in China in the 20th Century". Later, relevant magazines and newspapers also reported and praised her life and deeds many times. People have reason to believe that as long as the railway industry of New China exists, Tian Guiying's name will be praised from generation to generation.

It is precisely with this kind of widespread praise and respect in society that Tian Guiying has truly become an immortal hero in the minds of a generation. Her spirit will always shine in the memory of every Chinese, and she will grow together with the glorious history of the railway industry in New China.