
Premature ovarian failure? Early menopause? These symptoms require prompt medical attention!

author:The official micro-course of the big doctor

  Heck, I heard that some sisters who are not yet 40 years old have symptoms of premature ovarian failure, is this the legendary "early menopause"? Don't worry, let's talk about this topic today, so that you can easily deal with it!

Premature ovarian failure? Early menopause? These symptoms require prompt medical attention!

  1. What is premature ovarian failure?

  Premature ovarian failure sounds quite scary. In fact, it refers to the decline of ovarian function before the age of 40, and a series of symptoms similar to menopause appear.

For example, the menstrual cycle is disordered, and even amenorrhea, as well as memory loss, decreased libido, and so on. This is no joke, we need to go to the hospital immediately!

Premature ovarian failure? Early menopause? These symptoms require prompt medical attention!

  Second, menopause is early, what's going on?

  Menopause, which is supposed to be something that will only be encountered around the age of 50, how can it be advanced? Actually, there are many reasons behind this. For example, bad lifestyle habits, such as staying up late and working irregularly, may lead to a decline in ovarian function.

There are also factors such as family history, systemic diseases, etc., which may also make you enter menopause early. So, sisters, take care of your body!

Premature ovarian failure? Early menopause? These symptoms require prompt medical attention!

  3. What should I do if I have symptoms?

  If you also have symptoms of premature ovarian failure, don't worry, go to the hospital for a check-up first. The doctor will give you a professional treatment plan according to your condition. Remember, don't take your own medicine or listen to some home remedies!

Premature ovarian failure? Early menopause? These symptoms require prompt medical attention!

  4. How to prevent it?

  Of course, prevention is always better than cure. If you want to avoid premature ovarian failure, you must maintain good lifestyle habits. For example, work and rest on time, eat reasonably, exercise properly, etc. In this way, your ovaries can stay young and vibrant!

Premature ovarian failure? Early menopause? These symptoms require prompt medical attention!

  Don't panic when you encounter premature ovarian failure and early menopause. Seek medical attention in time and treat it aggressively, and you will definitely get through this difficult time! Come on, sisters!