
"A person is not as good as a good life", a child born in 5 hours is destined to be patronized by auspicious stars and is the most promising

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

"Heaven and earth are all working together, and heroes are not free." Since ancient times, people have been filled with endless curiosity and reverie about the mysteries of time.

In this cycle of the sun, moon and stars, a specific hour seems to be endowed with a mysterious aura, which has become an auspicious star in the life of some children, indicating that their future road is bright and promising.

Today, we will explore how those children born at the five auspicious times are specially favored by the god of destiny and how they shine on the stage of life.

"A person is not as good as a good life", a child born in 5 hours is destined to be patronized by auspicious stars and is the most promising

"The first dew of the morning, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious" - Mao Shi (5 a.m. to 7 a.m.)

Mao Shi (5 a.m. to 7 a.m.) is given a special meaning, symbolizing new life and hope, as the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei wrote in Lu Chai: "You don't see people in the empty mountains, but you hear people's voices." Return to the deep forest, and revisit the moss. Although the poem describes the scene in the evening, the tranquility and vitality revealed in it are also applicable to the mood of the hour, indicating that a new day is about to begin, and anything is possible.

The ancients believed that studying or working at this time would be more efficient and the results would be more significant.

Ouyang Xiu said in "The Story of the Drunkard Pavilion": "Towards the morning, returning at dusk, the scenery of the four seasons is different, and the joy is endless." He emphasises the good times in the mornings and the pleasures that come with enjoying nature during this time.

Mao Shi is not only a concept of time, but also a life attitude, advocating people to cherish the beginning of each day and meet new challenges with a positive spirit.

In ancient literature, Mao Shi is often associated with good luck and good promise. In the "Book of Songs", "the phoenix is singing, in the high gang." The sycamore is born, and the sun rises in the sun. These two poems not only depict the scene of the phoenix perched on the high hill under the reflection of the morning sun and the plane tree growing in the warm sun, but also imply the combination of nobility and talent, symbolizing auspiciousness and success.

As one of the most important auspicious meanings in traditional Chinese culture, "dragon and phoenix are auspicious" is often used to describe the harmony and happiness of husband and wife, the success of children and the prosperity of the family. Therefore, children born at the age of Mao are regarded as "dragons and phoenixes among people", indicating that they will be able to stand out in their respective fields and become pillars of society in the future.

In folk proverbs, there is also a lot of wisdom about the time of the mao. For example, "the early bird gets the worm", this sentence simply and clearly explains the relationship between hard work and harvest, and encourages people to grasp every morning and create their own beautiful future with practical actions.

Another example is "the plan of the year lies in the spring, and the plan of the day lies in the morning", which further emphasizes the importance of the morning, reminding people to cherish time and plan reasonably to lay a solid foundation for achieving the goals of the year.

"The first dew of the morning, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious" is not only a description of the beautiful scenery of the time, but also contains a profound philosophy of life and cultural connotation. It not only reminds us to cherish every morning and welcome the arrival of a new day with a positive attitude, but also places good expectations on the new generation, hoping that they will be on the road of growth, like the rising sun, with their own light, to achieve an extraordinary career and become a real "dragon and phoenix among people".

In modern society, we should transform this reverence and cherishment of Mao Shi into practical actions, whether it is study, work or life, we must maintain a fresh and bright heart like the morning, and write our own brilliant chapter with unremitting efforts and pursuits.

"A person is not as good as a good life", a child born in 5 hours is destined to be patronized by auspicious stars and is the most promising

"Three poles in the sun, ten thousand taels of gold" - noon (11 noon to 13 o'clock)

The old saying "three poles in the sun, ten thousand taels of gold" not only depicts a vivid scene, but also contains a profound philosophy.

In ancient China, noon was given a special meaning, it is the most vigorous time of the day, symbolizing the prosperity and prosperity of life. As the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi said in "Farewell to the Ancient Grass": "Leaving the grass on the plain, one year old and one withered." Wildfires burn inexhaustibly, and spring breezes blow and regenerate. "A child born at noon is like a tenacious plant growing in this wildfire, full of vitality and infinite possibilities.

And in the West, the story of noon is just as exciting. In ancient Greek mythology, the sun god Apollo drove a golden chariot through the sky every day, and noon was the moment when his light was at its brightest. Apollo is not only the embodiment of light and art, but also the power of wisdom and prophecy.

Children born at noon, like the mythical sun god, not only have the light that illuminates the world, but also contain the wisdom and courage to explore the unknown.

Gu Shiyun: "Gold is easy to get, but a bosom friend is hard to find." This sentence comes from a classical masterpiece in ancient China, "Dream of the Red Chamber", in which the author Cao Xueqin expressed her desire and cherishment of sincere friendship. People at noon not only pursue excellence in their careers, but also know how to cherish every encounter on the road of life, they feel every moment with their hearts, and maintain every friendship with affection.

As the Song Dynasty lyricist Su Shi wrote in "When Will the Bright Moon Be There in Water Tune Song Header": "I hope that people will last a long time, and they will be Chanjuan for thousands of miles." "People at noon, even if they are in a prosperous situation, still maintain the yearning for pure emotions in their hearts, and are willing to share the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life with their best friends.

In modern literature, this theme is also widely explored. In his short story "The Maggie's Gift", American writer O. Henry tells the story of a young couple who give up their most precious belongings in order to prepare Christmas gifts for each other, and finally discover that love for each other is the most precious gift. This story profoundly reveals the true meaning of "gold is easy to obtain, but bosom friends are hard to find", reminding us not to ignore the pure emotional connection between people while pursuing material wealth.

We should be like the afternoon sun, maintain enthusiasm and vitality, move forward bravely, and at the same time cherish every sincere emotion around us, because they are the most precious wealth in life. Under the warm afternoon sun, let us go hand in hand to create our own glorious world.

"A person is not as good as a good life", a child born in 5 hours is destined to be patronized by auspicious stars and is the most promising

"The moon is like practice, and the wisdom pearl is in hand" - Zi Shi (23 o'clock in the evening to 1 o'clock in the morning)

In the long river of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign cultures, the story of Zishi is like the moonlight at night, which is both mysterious and reverie. "The moon is like practice, and the pearl of wisdom is in hand", this poetic sentence skillfully integrates classical Chinese aesthetics and philosophical thoughts, and outlines the unique temperament and wisdom of those born when they were children.

There is no shortage of passages in ancient Chinese literature that praise the time of the son. Cao Cao at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty sang in "Short Song Xing": "The moon and stars are scarce, the black magpie flies south, and the tree is three turns, what branches can be followed?" This poem not only depicts the natural landscape of Zishi, but also implies the desire to find support in the journey of life.

The children of childhood, just like the black magpie flying south in the poem, have keen insight and judgment, and can always find the most suitable habitat for themselves, whether it is in the academic, artistic or commercial fields, they can quickly emerge.

The "goodness is like water" mentioned in the Tao Te Ching further explains the philosophy of life of the people of the child. Lao Tzu borrowed the characteristics of water to warn the world to have a flexible and tolerant heart in order to achieve great things.

Those born as children, with their unique wisdom and calmness, practice this philosophy, they are not only able to maintain their composure in the face of adversity, but also learn and grow with humility, and finally reach the state of "wisdom in the hand", that is, they have superb wisdom and problem-solving skills.

There is also no shortage of incisive expositions on wisdom and insight in Chinese and foreign proverbs and sayings.

西方有句谚语说:“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” (预防胜于治疗),强调了提前洞察问题的重要性,这与子时出生者善于预见并解决问题的特点不谋而合。

The Chinese folk tradition of "dripping water through stones, not a day's work" tells us that the cultivation of wisdom and ability is not achieved overnight, but requires accumulated efforts and persistence.

"A person is not as good as a good life", a child born in 5 hours is destined to be patronized by auspicious stars and is the most promising

"Purple air comes from the east, nobles help each other" - Chen Shi (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.)

In the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization, the legend of Chenshi is like the first rays of sunshine in the morning, warm and full of vitality. "Purple gas comes from the east, nobles help each other", this sentence not only entrusts the ancients with a beautiful vision of Chenshi, but also compares those born in Chenshi to the purple gas rising in the east, indicating the arrival of auspiciousness and opportunities.

In ancient legends, there is a good story about "purple gas coming from the east". According to the "Historical Records: The Biography of Lao Tzu Han Feilie", during the Spring and Autumn Period, when Lao Tzu, the founder of the Taoist school, sent a letter to Guguan, Guan Ling Yin Xi saw that there was a purple air floating pass, and knew that the sage was coming, so he invited Lao Tzu to write a book and say, leaving behind the famous "Tao Te Ching" through the ages. This legend not only highlights the wisdom and virtue of Lao Tzu, but also implies the unique charm and opportunities of those born in Chenshi, who are like purple gas, attracting the attention and help of nobles.

The characteristics of the time are also reflected in the "Kun hexagram" of the Book of Changes, which symbolizes the motherhood and tolerance of the earth, and teaches people to carry all things with generosity.

The children of Chenshi are the embodiment of this spirit, they are gentle and helpful, so at all stages of life, they can always meet noble people who are willing to lend a hand. As the so-called "God helps self-helpers", the people of Chenshi are often able to turn danger into relief and achieve remarkable achievements by virtue of their unremitting efforts and good popularity.

There is an old Chinese saying: "Rely on your parents at home, and rely on your friends when you go out." This sentence speaks to the importance of interpersonal communication, and it is with the sincere attitude of treating people that they have won a wide range of network resources.

In modern society, it is often said, "One person goes fast, a group of people goes far." This sentence also applies to the people of Chenshi, who understand the power of teamwork and know how to use the wisdom and resources of others to create greater value together.

Not only that, but the folk traditions of Tatsutoki are also quite distinctive. In some parts of China, it is believed that the sun is rising during the day, and is suitable for the ceremony of blessing and the opening of the market. This custom reflects the respect and importance that the ancients attached to Chenshi, and also implies that the people of Chenshi have the unique ability to create a career and attract good luck.

"A person is not as good as a good life", a child born in 5 hours is destined to be patronized by auspicious stars and is the most promising

"Twilight is gentle, blessings are deep" - unitary time (17 pm to 7 pm)

"The twilight is gentle, and the blessings are profound", this sentence not only captures the beautiful scenery of the unitary time, but also contains rich cultural connotations and life philosophies.

The ancients said: "The sunset is infinitely good, but it is just near dusk." This sentence comes from the famous sentence of the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin's "Dengle You Yuan", which shows that although the sunset is short, it is extremely precious. Children born at the time of unitary, like this warm and short sunset, have an enviable personality trait - gentle as jade, compassionate.

On the road of life, they are always able to exude a warm light in their own way, bringing comfort and help to others, just as the modern writer Lin Qingxuan said in the "Bodhi Series": "Everyone has a lamp in their hearts, and lighting it can illuminate themselves and others." ”

In traditional culture, the combination of Youshi and gold symbolizes wealth and harvest, which not only refers to material wealth, but also reflects the inner wealth of the people of Youshi - rich interpersonal relationships and deep network of contacts.

As the ancients said, "Blessing is born in the small, and disaster is born in the sudden." "Those born in the unitary period know how to cherish every subtlety of getting along with others, and thus inadvertently accumulate profound blessings. Their charisma and kindness make them recognized as lucky stars in their families and social circles, as the saying goes: "If there is an old man in the family, there is a treasure." The same applies in the modern world, where it is often said, "Connections are money." It is through their sincerity and kindness that they have built a harmonious social network and brought stability and happiness to themselves and their families.

In ancient and modern folk proverbs, there is also a lot of wisdom about unitary time. For example, "At sunset, the red glow flies in the western mountains, and the soldiers shoot targets and return to the camp." This lyric comes from a song from the Chinese Revolutionary War, and although it describes the scene of a soldier, it also reflects the tranquility and return of the unitary period.

Those born in the unitary period, no matter how many storms they have experienced outside, can always return safely and enjoy the warmth and tranquility of the family, which is the embodiment of their profound blessings.

The children born in the unitary period, with their gentle and jade-like character, add warmth and beauty to the world, and their lives are like the sunset at dusk, although short, but incomparably bright.

In the twilight of each unitary hour, let us learn to appreciate the gentle twilight, feel every subtle beauty in life, cherish the people and things around us, and let our life, like this sunset, be full of warmth and blessings.

"A person is not as good as a good life", a child born in 5 hours is destined to be patronized by auspicious stars and is the most promising

"Destiny is determined by heaven, and things are done by man." Although the time of birth may add a bit of mystery to a person's growth trajectory, it is still the unremitting efforts and correct choices of the individual that ultimately determine the height of life. These anecdotes about auspicious times can be regarded as a kind of good wishes, inspiring us to cherish our time and move forward diligently.

On the road to pursue their dreams, no matter what time they were born, as long as there is light in their hearts and strength in their feet, everyone can live their most wonderful chapter of life.

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