
Putuo's first! The "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" empowers the full supervision of the cultural tourism industry with science and technology

author:Thoughtful client

Since the beginning of 2024, Putuo District has held more than 600 performances, not only famous artists, famous troupes, and famous dramas, but also premieres, debuts, and premieres. With the increasingly prosperous performance market, how to further optimize government services and improve regulatory efficiency? This year, the "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" independently designed and developed by the Putuo District Bureau of Culture and Tourism was officially launched, using big data to collect and consolidate information, help hierarchical and classified supervision and effective law enforcement, and truly realize accurate supervision without disturbance.

Putuo's first! The "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" empowers the full supervision of the cultural tourism industry with science and technology
Putuo's first! The "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" empowers the full supervision of the cultural tourism industry with science and technology

Bandai Namco Theater, Putuo District

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Bandai Namco Cultural Center, staff member Tong Qiujun directly entered the "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" platform through the account scanning code to fill in and upload the self-check list of potential safety hazards in the new performing arts space. On the filling page, there are three steps: intelligent filling, signature of the filler, and completion of the filling. During the application process, the system can not only automatically read the information options checked in the previous application, but also intelligently review and remind errors and omissions, and the whole process takes about 5 minutes.

The self-check list of potential safety hazards is the material that enterprises need to fill in and upload every month, compared with the previous content after the completion of the word-by-word item-by-item filling, and then sent to the competent department in the form of a document, now through the "smart cultural tourism management system" platform can be directly uploaded to complete the filling work, which not only simplifies the workflow of information upload, but also effectively reduces the communication cost between the enterprise and the competent department. "As an enterprise, we upload industry data and self-inspection of security management through exclusive accounts every month, and we can also receive industry work tips pushed by the competent authorities through the smart cultural tourism system, which is smoother and more convenient than before." Tong Qiujun said.

Putuo's first! The "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" empowers the full supervision of the cultural tourism industry with science and technology
Putuo's first! The "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" empowers the full supervision of the cultural tourism industry with science and technology

The staff scans the code to enter the "smart cultural tourism management system" to fill in the information

Filling in information materials is intelligent and efficient, and the collection and review process is naturally much more convenient. The "smart cultural tourism management system" relies on the platform of "one network for all offices" and "one network for unified management" to coordinate market supervision, fire protection, public security and other departments to strengthen the sharing and convergence of data and information, and effectively realize cross-departmental comprehensive supervision.

In the district government affairs service center, the staff quickly used the mobile app of the "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" to check the self-inspection list of potential safety hazards submitted by the enterprise. Li Jia, head of the Market Management Section of the Putuo District Bureau of Culture and Tourism, said: "In the process of system operation, enterprises can also be reminded of some policy information and work tasks through the account, and enterprises can also directly enter the account by scanning the code to complete the upload of some materials online." ”

Putuo's first! The "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" empowers the full supervision of the cultural tourism industry with science and technology

The district cultural tourism staff is showing the mobile APP of the "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System".

The "smart cultural tourism management system" in Putuo District has taken the initiative to connect with 17 municipal-level approval platforms, and more than 700 cultural and tourism business units in the district have been included in the system management. "Through the smart cultural tourism management system, we can do nothing to disturb our cultural and tourism enterprises, and achieve a more efficient supervision during and after the event." Enterprises can complete information updates, safety self-inspections, rectification feedback and other work through the account. At the same time, the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism can also clarify the regulatory requirements and service content through the platform, carry out online training and online inspections on a regular basis, and discover hidden problems in a timely manner. In addition, the SMS reminder function is also set up to realize the timely release and accurate delivery of work information and tips in the cultural and tourism industry during extreme weather, major events, important nodes and other periods, so as to truly achieve nothing to disturb and accurate supervision.

Putuo's first! The "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" empowers the full supervision of the cultural tourism industry with science and technology

The "Smart Cultural Tourism Management System" page display

In the next step, in order to thoroughly implement the work deployment of the Party Central Committee, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government on accelerating the transformation of government functions, innovating the comprehensive supervision model, and continuously optimizing the business environment, Putuo District, from the perspective of enterprises and the masses, on the basis of implementing the reform of administrative examination and approval and continuing to promote "efficient completion of one thing", deepened the proposal of "efficient handling and management of one type of thing", and improved the integration level of "one type of thing at a time", and created a high-standard supervision system of "one type of thing to do together", "one type of service to do together", and "one type of thing to manage together" with high quality. As an important starting point for optimizing government services and improving regulatory efficiency, it will maximize the benefits of enterprises and the people, and stimulate the endogenous driving force of high-quality economic and social development.

Source: Shanghai Putuo

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