
From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes
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From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

In 2002, the song "It Doesn't Matter" swept the entire Chinese music scene like a fresh wind. Yang Kun's unique deep voice seems to have a magical power to attract countless listeners.

For a time, this grassroots singer from Inner Mongolia became the focus of attention, and even won the crown of the "20th Chinese Song Chart".

However, time flies, and today, 22 years later, Yang Kun's situation has changed dramatically. was once the top of the music scene, but now it is frequently caught in the whirlpool of public opinion.

The Internet is full of voices asking him to "get out of the entertainment industry", and the aura of the past seems to have faded.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

What exactly caused this talented singer to fall from the clouds? This article will reveal Yang Kun's journey from the top, explore the price he paid for no one, and the profound impact of his words and deeds on his career after becoming famous.

Yang Kun's musical journey began in Inner Mongolia with an ordinary working family. After graduating from high school, he joined the steel company where his parents worked.

However, fate seems to have already arranged a different path for him. In a singing competition held by the company, Yang Kun amazed the audience and won the championship. This experience was like a seed that planted a love for music in his heart.

With a longing for music, Yang Kun resolutely resigned from his job and joined the Inner Mongolia Armed Police Art Troupe. However, the reality is not as rosy as he imagined. The troupe did not immediately let him sing on stage, but arranged for him to start by learning the instrument.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

The unwilling Yang Kun began to sneak to the song hall to sing, and released his musical talent on the stage. However, this behavior eventually led to his dismissal from the team.

Yang Kun, who lost his job, did not give up his music dream, but made up his mind to go north. When he first arrived in Beijing, he couldn't help but feel retreating in the face of the bustling metropolis.

However, his love for music and his self-esteem kept him going. During the North Drift, Yang Kun experienced unimaginable hardships for ordinary people, and even faced the dilemma of not having enough to eat.

Just when Yang Kun was in trouble, the god of fate favored him again. Chen Lin, a singer who has become famous, discovered Yang Kun's talent and introduced him to her husband's company.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

It was this opportunity that gave Yang Kun's famous work "It Doesn't Matter" a chance to come out.

This song is like a lightning bolt, instantly lighting up Yang Kun's music career. With a deep and magnetic voice and soulful lyrics, "It Doesn't Matter" quickly became popular across the country.

Yang Kun also became famous in one fell swoop, from an unknown North Drifter singer to a high-profile new star.

Yang Kun's history of struggle is the epitome of countless grassroots artists with dreams. From an ordinary worker in Inner Mongolia to a well-known singer in Beijing, the road is full of hardships and bumps.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

However, it was this experience that forged Yang Kun's unique musical style and attitude towards life. It's a pity that with the growth of fame, Yang Kun, who once had dreams and worked hard, seems to have gradually lost himself.

In the difficult years of Yang Kun's northward drift, a girl from his hometown of Inner Mongolia was like a ray of sunshine, illuminating his lonely life. This kind girl not only provided Yang Kun with a place to live, but also supported him to pursue his music dream with her meager salary.

With her encouragement and care, Yang Kun was able to devote himself to creation, and it was during this period that he created "It Doesn't Matter", which later became popular all over the country.

Two lonely souls from the same township meet and know each other in the bustling city of Beijing, as if there is a providence in the dark. The girl's understanding and support for Yang Kun became his most precious comfort in the difficult years.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

She firmly believes that Yang Kun will one day break out of the world with her talent, and this trust gives Yang Kun infinite strength.

However, with the passage of time, Yang Kun's talent has never been recognized by the industry. Successive failures and setbacks filled his heart with anger and unwillingness. The once warm little home began to break out into frequent quarrels.

Yang Kun's self-esteem is difficult to accept the doubts of the outside world, and he can't stand the discussion of his "little white face" in the neighborhood. These negative emotions end up breaking the heart of the girl who has always supported him.

At the time of separation, the girl gave Yang Kun her precious gold necklace as a testimony to their good time together. However, it is heart-wrenching that Yang Kun sold the affectionate necklace shortly after the girl left, as if the relationship had lost its meaning to him.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

This move not only reflected Yang Kun's inner indifference, but also laid the groundwork for his future behavior.

In this relationship experience, we can see the contradictions in Yang Kun's character: he longs to be understood and supported, but it is difficult to cherish sincere feelings; He has a dedication to chasing his dreams, but he also shows a utilitarian side.

This complex personality trait appeared many times in his later career, which became one of the important reasons why he fell from the top.

Looking back on this past, I can't help but sigh. The young man who was once nourished by love and had dreams became indifferent and ruthless after becoming famous. This transformation not only hurt the people who loved him deeply, but also made Yang Kun himself gradually lost.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

With the popularity of "It Doesn't Matter", Yang Kun is like a rising star and quickly occupies an important position in the Chinese music scene. However, fame seems to have caused him to gradually lose himself, lose his initial humility and gratitude.

While his career was thriving, Yang Kun made a shocking decision: he did not hesitate to choose to develop independently, openly breaking with the company that had helped him.

This move not only made Chen Lin, who has always supported him, angry and disappointed, but also made the public begin to question Yang Kun's character. The singer who once had dreams and worked hard seemed to have lost his eyes to fame and fortune.

With the improvement of his status, Yang Kun's words and deeds became more and more incomprehensible. At the 2010 Music Billboard Decade Ceremony, a jaw-dropping thing happened.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

Singer Daolang, who was also born at the grassroots level and became popular with his strength, was unexpectedly excluded from the list of winners. What's even more shocking is that Yang Kun openly ridiculed Daolang's music on the show, saying that it "can't be called real music at all".

This attitude towards his peers makes people wonder if Yang Kun chose to elevate himself in such a mean way because he felt the competitive pressure from Daolang.

Yang Kun's arrogance is also reflected in his frequent brag about his experience of holding 32 concerts. In his opinion, this seems to have become the only criterion for measuring the strength of singers.

However, he ignores the fact that the real music giants not only have brilliant stage experience, but also profound musical attainments and persistent pursuit of art.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

Yang Kun's behavior not only seems shallow, but also makes people feel that he has lost his pure love for music.

However, Yang Kun's arrogance culminated in his evaluation of Andy Lau, a legend in the Chinese music scene. In a live broadcast, he openly declared: "Andy Lau doesn't know how to sing, or, strictly speaking, Andy Lau is not a real singer."

Such remarks not only showed that Yang Kun had no one in sight, but also completely angered the public. You must know that Andy Lau is not only a superstar in the music industry, but also an all-round artist in the entertainment industry, and his professionalism and artistic achievements have been widely recognized.

Yang Kun's remarks are undoubtedly self-inflicted humiliation.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

From these events, we can clearly see the trajectory of changes in Yang Kun's personality. The vanity of fame swelled and made him lose respect for others and objective perception of himself.

He seems to have forgotten that he was also a grassroots singer with dreams, who gave him the opportunity to become famous, and even more forgot that on the road of music, there will always be someone ahead of you.

This kind of pride and prejudice not only damaged Yang Kun's public image, but also made him countless enemies in the music industry. In the end, these words and deeds became the last straw that crushed his career, making him fall from the top of the music scene to the altar.

Yang Kun's experience undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for us: talent is important, but morality and attitude are also indispensable.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

Yang Kun's series of inappropriate words and deeds were like a bombshell, which caused a strong response among the public. Former fans have changed their attitudes, and social media is full of calls for him to "quit the entertainment industry".

This reaction reflects the public's high concern and strict requirements for the words and deeds of artists.

Whenever Yang Kun starts the live broadcast, his comment area will be swiped by the names of "Andy Lau" and "Daolang". This phenomenon is not only an expression of anger from fans, but also a concentrated manifestation of the public's dissatisfaction with him.

The praise and support that used to be turned into ridicule and questioning in the blink of an eye, and this huge contrast undoubtedly brought heavy psychological pressure to Yang Kun.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

The backlash of public opinion is like a mirror, reflecting the decline of Yang Kun's career. He can no longer be as high and empty as he used to be. The voice of public criticism followed him like an invisible shackle, restraining his words and deeds.

What's worse is that as time goes by, Yang Kun seems to have lost the ability to create excellent works, but he has frequently attracted attention due to negative events.

In this predicament, Yang Kun's career fell into an unprecedented trough. His once-proud talent seems to have dried up, and his words and actions continue to make enemies for himself.

The public's reaction made it clear that they no longer tolerate an arrogant and impudent entertainer, even if that person once created well-loved work.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

This continuous public opinion turmoil not only affected Yang Kun's career development, but also caused a huge impact on his psychology. From the spotlight to the public's spurned, this huge gap can undoubtedly hit anyone hard.

Yang Kun's experience is also a wake-up call for other artists: in this era of highly transparent information, the negative impact of inappropriate words and deeds may destroy the reputation and career accumulated over the years in an instant.

Throughout Yang Kun's music career, we have to admit that he does have excellent musical talent. The success of "It Doesn't Matter" is not accidental, but the culmination of years of hard work.

However, Yang Kun's experience also profoundly tells us that talent is not the whole element of a person's success. A person's words and deeds, and attitude towards others are also very important, especially in the special industry of the entertainment industry.

From "the top of the music world" to "get out of the entertainment industry", Yang Kun finally paid the price for no one in his eyes

For Yang Kun, the present may be an opportunity for reflection. He needed to re-examine what he said and did and regain his passion for making music in the first place. At the same time, he also needs to learn to respect others, whether it is to treat nobles who have helped him or fellow artists.

Only in this way can we regain public recognition and respect.

We hope that Yang Kun can learn from this experience and adjust his mindset and behavior. Maybe in the future, he can create more excellent music works and prove his worth with his strength.

After all, a true artist must not only have excellent talent, but also have the character and cultivation to match.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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