
Daddy's Horoscope Reminder for Next Week (7.1-7.7)

author:Seven Daddy Zodiac Sign
Daddy's Horoscope Reminder for Next Week (7.1-7.7)

Major astrological signs for next week

July 2: Neptune retrograde in Pisces, water-sea trine, and Mercury enters Leo

July 3: The sun is at the intersection of the north and south moons, the gold and earth are divided, and the water is in the dark

July 6: Fire and Earth sex, New Moon in Cancer

On Tuesday, Neptune retrogrades, beginning on July 2 and ending on December 8, with a retrograde range of 29°56′ - 27°08′ in the constellation Pisces.

Daddy's Horoscope Reminder for Next Week (7.1-7.7)

If it were not for the four pivot points (ascent, descent, zenith, and nadir) on the personal chart and the conjunction, opposition, square, and arch angles of the sun, moon, water, metal, and fire stars and Neptune in the passing year, Neptune's retrograde motion would be basically negligible.

You can make your own chart by going to [Make Astrolabe] in the menu bar at the bottom of your account, and check whether the above mentioned positions (ascent, descent, zenith, nadir, sun, moon, water, metal, fire) are between 27 degrees of Pisces and 0 degrees of Aries. Yes is more affected by it, vice versa is no.

Daddy's Horoscope Reminder for Next Week (7.1-7.7)

Any astral body has two meanings, positive Neptune: idealism, compassion, empathy, spiritual inspiration, keen intuition, creativity. Negative Neptune: Feelings of confusion, doubt, untruthfulness, confusion, frustration, futility, falsehood, unworthiness, and unworthiness.

Unfortunately, it is easier to manifest or, we are more likely to feel its negative effects.

For those affected by it:

If the Sun in the natal chart is in opposition to Neptune, health can be easily damaged, such as skin allergies, or diseases due to viral infections, and fatigue is easy. It is recommended to increase the time of physical activity while resting more. Secondly, it may also bring a sense of lack of direction in the career, a sense of confusion about the responsibilities of the current job role and the future career goals.

For example, the Moon in the natal chart is in aspect to Neptune in the passing year, which affects personal emotions more, such as paying too much attention to those details of the "failure" nature, and then self-denial, complaining, complaining, and complaining may be directed at oneself or family. Second, be careful of being so enchanted by an idea or ideal that you can't clearly and rationally judge the changes around you, the actual situation. Some people also suffer from alcohol or drug abuse under this kind of travel.

For example, if Mercury in the natal chart is aspected to Neptune in the passing year, it is the ability to be logical and rational that is affected by the confusion, so that it is no longer certain about one's opinion on anything and hesitates. This is a bad sign for most business decisions. It can also bring about self-deception, being deceived by others, or deceiving others. Be extremely careful with these risks in any negotiation, as deception may be unintentional. For example, if you have many and complex ideas, you don't express yourself clearly, and others misunderstand your message. You might think of it as the effect of water inversion.

If Venus in the natal chart is aspected to Neptune in the passing year, it is in a relationship, and you may be in a relationship that seems to be a match made in heaven, thinking that the other person is the object of ideals and expectations, but be careful if this is just a "beautiful illusion". The illusion is that beauty is just that you project your inner beautiful expectations of love onto the relationship, which may not be real. You will find problems when Neptune is retrograde, and there can be deception and betrayal in the process.

For example, Mars in the natal chart has an aspect to Neptune, which is the same as the Sun, and it is also prone to physical fatigue. Or there is often a frustration in the achievement of goals and execution, and they fall into a dilemma that they don't know how to solve. And during retrograde, you may find out what is bothering you with the problem.

For those who are not at an angle to Neptune on the natal chart, the retrograde influence of this star is much weaker.

On Tuesday, Mercury trine Neptune.

The trine is a harmonious aspect that represents the harmony of the energies of the two stars. It will make you more sensitive to the people and things around you than usual, more imaginative and creative, for example, when reading romantic literature, poetry, and music, you will feel the thoughts and emotions that the author wants to express.

Or simply daydreaming. But everyone needs to let go of this fantasy from time to time, it may inspire you for your next job, or subtly influence the ideal goal you set for yourself in the future.

Mercury will then enter Leo. Leo is a fire sign, an exaggerated, generous, well-behaved, optimistic, and domineering sign. In a sense, Mercury in this sign increases subjectivity, drama, and exaggeration in verbal expression and communication, as well as creativity in language arts and written works.

On Wednesday, the Sun is at the intersection of the North and South Moons, indicating that there is a struggle between trying new methods or using old experiences when dealing with something, or there is a back-and-forth balance in relationships.

Then Venus trine Saturn, reaching a tacit agreement with someone, such as the implementation of an agreement, on the private level, and on the commercial level, such as the implementation of a cooperation, agreement, or contract document. In terms of relationships, this sign signifies mutual trust in the relationship, or even if there are differences in age, education, or occupation between the two people, they will also work hard to stabilize the relationship from practical considerations.

Mercury opposes Pluto after ending its trine to Neptune. It may be the teaching, assigning, or issuing orders of an authoritative figure, and as a recipient, it can only be passively accepted, and even if there is a complaint, it seems that it cannot be refuted. This astrological sign also signifies the deep study of an idea, problem, or subject knowledge to discover the ultimate principle or truth. Secondly, it may also bring about verbal conflict in communication, which is manifested as a merciless and point-to-point pointing out the problem, which is a little embarrassing, but on the other hand, the other party may indeed point out the essence of the problem.

On Saturday, Mars sextile Saturn, seeing some progress in what it is trying to do. There is also the New Moon in Cancer on weekends.

If this New Moon is understood from the perspective of the zodiac sign alone, Cancer represents family, family, real estate, living environment, as well as the inner world and security of the individual. The crescent moon symbolizes new opportunities, new atmospheres, a new idea or the beginning of something.

So it may mean a family plan, news related to the family, or something related to the living environment and real estate, such as renovations, renovations, transactions, relocations, etc. Of course, housing transactions are not a common occurrence, and this needs to be combined with the personal chart to have a more personal judgment.

The New Moon in Cancer may also make people pay more attention to their inner world, bringing questions such as "Are you satisfied with your work, life, and relationships at the moment?" "Is this what I want my life to look like?" "What is the state of the person, thing or person that is most important? "What are you most worried about losing? Similar self-questioning and self-answering. You may have some answers to the question "What do I cherish and what do I fear of losing?"

The New Moon accompanies a sextile to Mars and Saturn, so it doesn't make you overly sensitive or insecure. In addition, it also indicates that there may be financial planning for family, family, and property.

That's the overall picture for next week, good luck!

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