
37 finalists jointly reported, Damo Academy revised the documentary! Who did Jiang Ping offend!

author:Colorful clouds
37 finalists jointly reported, Damo Academy revised the documentary! Who did Jiang Ping offend!

What are you waiting for? Wealth and good fortune are hidden in attention! Hurry up and join us for the arrival of luck and fortune!

The 17-year-old secondary school girl won the first prize in the mathematics competition, but was questioned

In the summer of 2024, Jiangsu Lianshui, a 17-year-old girl named Jiang Ping, like many of her peers, originally lived an ordinary and fulfilling campus life, but the gears of fate quietly turned, pushing her into the spotlight

37 finalists jointly reported, Damo Academy revised the documentary! Who did Jiang Ping offend!

This international mathematics competition, bringing together top mathematical talents from all over the world, the competition is extremely fierce, Jiang Ping as a dark horse, won the 12th place in one fell swoop, this result not only won her honor, but also for her school and hometown to win glory, the news returned to Lianshui, the whole county is boiling, Jiang Ping has also become the pride of the people in her hometown

The joint open letter detonated the Internet genius girl caught in the whirlpool of cheating

On June 22, 2024, shortly after the end of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition finals, a joint open letter quietly appeared on the Internet and spread at an alarming speed, this open letter, jointly issued by 37 contestants, directly pointed to Jiang Ping's cheating in the competition

37 finalists jointly reported, Damo Academy revised the documentary! Who did Jiang Ping offend!

In the open letter, the contestants violently listed all kinds of mistakes made by Jiang Ping in the process of solving the problem, questioned whether she really understood the question, and hinted that her results were suspected of fraud

Online public opinion is polarized, and support and skepticism are intertwined

The appearance of the open letter was like throwing a pebble on the surface of a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves, and on the Internet, the discussion about whether Jiang Ping cheated intensified, and various voices came and went, forming two camps

37 finalists jointly reported, Damo Academy revised the documentary! Who did Jiang Ping offend!

Some netizens choose to believe in Jiang Ping, they think that Jiang Ping can stand out among many contestants and achieve such excellent results, it is no accident, they firmly believe in Jiang Ping's strength, and think that she cannot do such a self-destructive thing as cheating in pursuit of fame and fortune, these netizens have spoken out on social media, supporting Jiang Ping, hoping that the public can look at this matter rationally and not easily label a young girl as "cheating".

There are also many netizens who are skeptical of Jiang Ping's achievements, they believe that Jiang Ping is just a student from an ordinary secondary school, and lacks systematic training and learning in the field of mathematics, how can he achieve such impressive results in an international competition full of masters? These netizens believe that Jiang Ping's results are too dazzling, but they seem a little unreal, which inevitably makes people suspicious, and they call on the relevant departments to conduct a thorough investigation of Jiang Ping's qualifications and the competition process, so as to set the record straight and play in a fair and just environment

The math teacher is deeply involved in the whirlpool of public opinion, and behind-the-scenes manipulation theory is rampant

As the incident continues to ferment, the spearhead of doubt gradually points to Jiang Ping's math teacher - Wang Yanqiu, some netizens believe that Teacher Wang, as Jiang Ping's instructor, is likely to be involved in cheating, and they speculate that Teacher Wang may leak the competition questions to Jiang Ping in advance, or secretly help during the competition, so as to help Jiang Ping get a high score

37 finalists jointly reported, Damo Academy revised the documentary! Who did Jiang Ping offend!

What's more, fabricated all kinds of "evidence" to try to prove that there was an improper relationship between Mr. Wang and Jiang Ping, and for a while, all kinds of rumors flew all over the sky, pushing Mr. Wang to the forefront

Officials remain silent, and the truth of the incident is confusing

37 finalists jointly reported, Damo Academy revised the documentary! Who did Jiang Ping offend!

In the face of the boiling doubts on the Internet, the organizing committee of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition and Jiang Ping's school chose to remain silent and did not issue any official statement on the matter, which also made the truth of the incident even more confusing, and various speculations and rumors were rampant

Some netizens believe that the official's silence is because of the weakness of the heart, and they dare not face the public's questioning, they speculate that there may be a cat in this, but for various reasons, the official is unwilling to disclose the truth, and some netizens believe that the reason why the official remains silent is to protect Jiang Ping and avoid causing her more pressure and harm

Lianshui Cultural Tourism took advantage of the opportunity to promote the genius girl to become a hometown business card

Just when Jiang Ping was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, her hometown, Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, made an unexpected move, starting from June 14, 2024, the official account of "Lianshui Cultural Tourism" released three short videos in a row, dedicated to introducing Jiang Ping and Lianshui County

Not only shows Jiang Ping's wonderful performance in the mathematics competition, but also intersperses the introduction of the natural scenery and cultural history of Lianshui County, these videos are well-made, beautiful pictures, and beautiful soundtracks, which perfectly integrate Jiang Ping's personal story with the beautiful scenery of her hometown, and convey positive, inspirational and touching positive energy

The government has responded positively with its pledge to provide learning support

As soon as the promotional video of "Lianshui Cultural Tourism" was released, it quickly attracted the attention and heated discussions of netizens, and on social media, many netizens reposted and commented on these videos, expressing their praise for Jiang Ping and Lianshui County

On June 16, the staff of the Hongyao Town Government of Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, said in an interview that they would wait until Jiang Ping's exam was over to organize relevant learning activities to provide her with better learning resources and platforms, which stimulated discussions and expectations among netizens

The incident continues to ferment, causing the public to pay attention to educational resources and government care

Jiang Ping's story, like a mirror, reflects the public's attention and thinking on issues such as the allocation of educational resources, the talent selection mechanism, and the responsibility of the government

Jiang Ping's journey in mathematics competition is full of drama and unknown, and the announcement of the results in August will finally reveal the final result of this competition, and for Jiang Ping, this is not only the result of a competition, but also an important turning point on the road of life

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