
Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

author:Total wealth

Source: CCTV

This week, for primary and secondary school students across the country, it is an exam week, some are busy with the middle exams, and some are busy with the final exams. Next week, with the holidays of primary and secondary schools, summer tourism will kick off. Summer travel is a top priority for the entire tourism industry, and in order to meet the flow of summer tourists, all localities are naturally working hard. For example, it is free for college entrance examination candidates or offers a reduced price. For the online reservation of scenic spots that have been criticized, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism recently announced that except for individual locations such as the Forbidden City and the National Museum, the city's tourist attractions have completely canceled the reservation requirements. Not long ago, Shanghai, Suzhou and other places also launched similar measures to cancel real-name appointments. The warm-up for summer travel has begun. How to deal with the huge summer passenger flow? How can tourism services develop in a more refined and humane direction?

The summer vacation has not yet arrived, so apply for a certificate first. This week, the public security government affairs halls in various places ushered in the peak of entry and exit permits. In order to cope with the increased passenger flow, the Qiantang District Bureau of the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau has opened a night extension window for obtaining permits, and the end of work has been extended from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The extended two-hour period allowed many students and office workers to apply for passports without asking for leave.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Ms. Zhan, a citizen of Hangzhou: I just got out of school and brought it here. It was already 4:30 a.m. when I got here, but if I had left work at 5 a.m., I would have been completely late. Then I came over and the staff said that they would leave work at 7 o'clock, which was more convenient.

  Ms. Zhan plans to take her two sons on a summer trip, but the children are not on vacation yet, and they only have time for weekends. The introduction of the weekday night window solves this problem.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Ms. Zhan, a citizen of Hangzhou: The younger children are in the kindergarten class, the older ones are in the fourth grade of primary school, the older ones are just about to have a holiday, and the younger ones are not on vacation yet. In fact, it is possible to do it during the summer vacation, but it may affect the itinerary, so if you want to get your passport earlier, you can do it in 7 working days.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Yang Lidan, Deputy Instructor of the Government Affairs Service Center of the Qiantang District Bureau of Hangzhou Public Security: We also went to inquire, some of them got out of class at half past four, and some of them had to come at five o'clock after the evening nursery, in fact, they couldn't catch up with our five o'clock off work, and our Education Bureau issued a time slot for the final exam, and at that time we decided to ensure that the children could get the certificate before the exam, so we opened a special night entry and exit session from five to seven o'clock in the evening.

  For families planning to travel abroad, applying for a passport is the first step before their journey begins, and whether they can easily apply for a passport directly affects their itinerary planning and travel experience. Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Department opened a night window for the first time before the summer last year, and since this year, outbound travel continues to be hot, the city accepts all kinds of entry and exit documents increased by 42% year-on-year, the opening of the night window is more necessary, last Tuesday, the city's districts 15 government affairs halls of the night window opened simultaneously.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Yang Yingzi, Deputy Captain of the Exit Management Brigade of the Hangzhou Public Security Exit and Entry Administration: The city's acceptance volume has reached more than 1,200 certificates that night.

  As the summer vacation approaches, this travel agency in Hangzhou has also entered the peak period of booking tours. Compared with last year, their summer orders this year are expected to increase by 15%, and the staff is very busy, and recently, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and other places have canceled the new policy of online reservation of scenic spots, making their work of booking tickets a lot easier.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Pan Qilin, General Manager of Hangzhou Hongyuan Travel Agency: As a core business of our travel agency team, it is indeed very troublesome to make these reservation systems. Some customers may be random, thinking that all of a sudden I want to play, and it is really difficult to make a reservation, so if the reservation system is canceled, it will definitely be good for our travel agency.

  At the beginning of this month, Suzhou announced that in addition to eight key scenic spots and museums, other A-level scenic spots, cultural venues, and religious activity venues in the city have canceled real-name reservations. This Friday, the reporter found that tourists can scan the code to buy tickets through their mobile phones, and they need to fill in the mobile phone number to buy tickets, or they can buy tickets through self-service machines, and they can also buy tickets with cash.

  Tourists: Bring children to play during the summer vacation, the Master-of-Nets Garden is small and exquisite, and there are generally more people in the Humble Administrator's Garden, so we want to come to a place with fewer people. I used to come and need an ID card, so I also reminded them to bring it, and found that this time I didn't need it, which is very convenient, especially when there are a lot of people in the summer vacation.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Master of Nets Garden Scenic Area is a national 4A-level scenic spot and a national key cultural relics protection unit, although it is not small, but the number of tourists entering the park on weekdays is not small from the maximum carrying capacity. At the time of the reporter's interview, at the entrance of the scenic spot, the real-time number of people in the park displayed on the big screen was only 105, far less than the maximum number of tourists in the scenic spot of 6,000.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Zhao Yansu, staff of Master of Nets Garden Scenic Area: Our maximum carrying capacity is 6,000 people. Generally during the holidays, the number of our visitors can reach this number, in the usual Master of Nets Garden this situation is relatively rare, in fact, most of the carrying capacity of the garden is able to meet the number of visitors to the park every day, many tourists are actually to the door of the attraction before thinking of buying tickets, at the door to enter his various information, it will cause congestion at our door, now cancel the real-name reservation after the tourists feel very convenient.

  For ordinary scenic spots with small visitor flow, canceling online reservations can not only reduce the collection of personal information, but also make it more convenient for tourists to enter the park. However, for popular scenic spots such as the Humble Administrator's Garden, Lion Grove and Zhouzhuang, Suzhou still retains the reservation system. In the opinion of experts, the reservation system for popular scenic spots should also be adhered to, and the principles of necessity and minimization should also be adhered to.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Zhong Yunfei, deputy director of the Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism: For these scenic spots with limited capacity, retaining real-name reservations is not only to maintain the tourist experience and reduce queuing, but also to maintain tourism order and prevent scalping. We are mainly based on some data such as the entry conditions and capacity of the scenic spot itself and the pressure of holiday control, and a result of comprehensive research and judgment. After running for a while, we will make some minor adjustments, hoping to leave more convenience to tourists.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy: The reservation system should keep pace with the times, cancel all unnecessary reservations, and leave the greatest convenience to tourists. Our general principle is that we do not make an appointment without making an appointment, and we must minimize the principle of making an appointment if we must make an appointment. What is the principle of minimization? On the premise of our argument, whether this scenic spot is in short supply, whether it has been crowded for a long time, and whether it has been overloaded for a long time, if it is not this case, we should not make an appointment. The place where you must make an appointment is also announced to the public as soon as possible, and then the way of making an appointment and the interface of the reservation are done well, so as to leave the greatest convenience to tourists.

  Can the cold inbound tour really heat up?

  As July approaches, foreign countries have also entered the peak season for summer vacation. Recently, well-known attractions in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou have clearly seen a much increase in the number of foreign tourists compared to previous months. Many netizens lamented that there are more foreigners around them. This week, on social media abroad, "traveling to China" has become a hot topic. Many foreign bloggers shared their experiences of traveling in China, which attracted a lot of viewers who wanted to join in. Why did "travel to China" suddenly become popular abroad? With this momentum, can this year's summer tourism market, which has been cold, really heat up?

  Austrian tourists: I want to taste all kinds of food and I want to enjoy the night view of the city. I've seen it before, and the neon lights in Shanghai at night are very beautiful.

  Russian tourists: This time we are going to stay in China for 27 days, and we will go to Shanghai, Xi'an, Beijing.

  This Friday, many more international passengers arrived at Shanghai's Pudong Airport with family and friends for a holiday in China than in the previous two weeks. Since the beginning of the summer, the international passenger flow at Pudong Airport has been steadily rising. Two weeks ago, on June 15, it exceeded 100,000 in a single day, setting a record in the past four years.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy: Whether it is the data of the Immigration Bureau or our daily perception, we highlight the feeling that there are more foreigners around us, and the inbound tourism market is ushering in a good period of recovery and development, and we expect that by the end of this year, China's inbound tourism market will reach about ninety percent of the level in 2019. If we do it right, we will even be back to 2019 levels completely.

  After completing the immigration clearance, foreign tourists will soon find a one-stop immigration facilitation service point in the lobby. Here you can buy a mobile phone card, and there is a special person to answer how to bind an overseas bank card and open electronic payment for tourists. For tourists who are still worried about electronic payments, Shanghai has launched a new stored-value city travel card. The card is in units of 10 yuan, and the maximum stored value does not exceed 1,000 yuan. The card can be used not only in buses, subways, taxis, ferries, but also in shopping malls and convenience stores.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  With the continuous liberalization of the 144-hour transit visa-free policy and the implementation of a number of measures to facilitate foreigners to come to China, a large number of bloggers have appeared on overseas social media since this spring to share their experiences of traveling to China. These videos are very popular with foreign netizens, with significantly higher views than other works, and have pushed "China Tour" onto the topic list this summer.

  Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy: It has narrowed the psychological distance between China and inbound tourists to the greatest extent, China is China around you, and you look at it as a small thing, which may change some of the inherent impressions of foreign tourists on our China.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  The vast majority of the popular "Tour China" videos on the Internet are independent travel. Not long ago, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, and the National Immigration Administration jointly stated that the hotel industry should not refuse to accept foreign personnel on the grounds that it has no foreign-related qualifications. It is also proposed to coordinate the network operation platform to open a series of hotel English courses, and provide free hotel English training for operators such as check-in and room reservation.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Hungarian blogger Li Tianyu: According to the latest policy, we can book homestays and hotels at will, which brings us a very convenient way to travel, and we can experience various places in China in a more free way of traveling.

  The 26-year-old Hungarian guy gave himself a Chinese name called Li Tianyu. He has been studying Chinese for 7 years. On Friday, he received an invitation to Chongqing to shoot a short video broadcast in Hungary promoting Chinese tourism. Since the beginning of this year, the Chongqing Culture and Tourism Commission has invited nearly 300 people from nearly 20 countries and regions to come to Chongqing. From January to May this year, Chongqing received an 80% increase in overnight arrivals compared to the same period in 2019. However, in terms of structure, it is still dominated by Asian countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, so the European and American markets have become the focus of the next stage of local work.

  Hungarian blogger Li Tianyu: Whatever I want to shoot, the inviter will not say how I should shoot or from which angle, each video represents my real feelings, and it will not happen if the real shot becomes fake.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  The strong promotion of inbound tourism in the local area has also brought vitality to the recovery of travel agencies that have been hit hard by the epidemic. As of this week, the travel agency surpassed the operating level of inbound tourism in 2019 in June this year.

  This is when our transportation was inconvenient in the past, we had to transport it from the Jialing River to this place for people to live, and there were no cars at that time, and it was all this kind of steps.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy: The friendship between the countries lies in the people-to-people relationship, and the people-to-people relationship lies in the frequent exchanges, especially in the field of culture and tourism.

  How much can tourists get this summer?

  When you go out to travel, you must spend money, but how to spend this money comfortably and affordably, there is a lot to do. In order to take the lead in this wave of marketing in the summer, many provinces have launched preferential measures. More than ten days ago, Chengdu, Sichuan Province announced in a high-profile manner that it would issue 30 million yuan of cultural and tourism consumption vouchers on 6 platforms. Immediately afterwards, Hefei, Anhui Province also launched 6 million tourism consumption vouchers, and said that this is only the first round, and there will be more later. On Thursday, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that it would also integrate resources from all parties to increase consumption to benefit the people. How much benefit can tourists get this summer?

  This Friday, Yang Fei from Guizhou met up with a friend to travel to Dujiangyan. My friend lives in Chengdu and grabbed the cultural tourism voucher issued by the local government more than ten days ago, so the two discussed and booked a distinctive hotel.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Tourist Yang Fei: I communicated with the boss on the phone, and it can indeed be used, it is really quite discounted, it was originally more than 800 rooms, and now more than 400 can be booked.

  For this year's summer tourism, Chengdu issued 30 million yuan of cultural and tourism consumption vouchers in two batches on six online platforms, including online platform tourist attractions, tourist routes, hotel accommodation, inbound air tickets and offline tourism commodities. Among them, the subsidy for hotel accommodation is divided into four levels, and the homestay booked by Yang Fei can use the 200 yuan reduction and exemption of cultural tourism consumption coupons, plus the homestay's own discounts, and the accommodation cost is reduced by half.

  The subsidy part of the cultural and tourism consumption vouchers issued by Chengdu is completed by the government and the platform party, and merchants do not need to subsidize the fee.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  B&B owner Jiang Qiong: I will receive a consultation call every day, I have a cultural tourism consumption voucher here, can I come to your hotel to participate in this activity, about the daily consultation volume may account for 20% of our check-in order,

  Since the beginning of this year, many cities have relied on cultural tourism to get out of the circle, so that all localities have once again seen the pulling effect of tourism on the economy. This year's summer vacation is also regarded as an important consumption growth window in various places, and the strategies of discounting and attracting tourists are one after another. This week, Anhui Province is still adjusting and upgrading its consumption voucher strategy.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Chen Zhe, deputy director of the Industrial Development Department of the Hefei Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism: The flexibility of the consumption voucher this year is relatively high, and we now have three forms of consumption vouchers, one is a voucher, one is a full reduction coupon, and one is a direct reduction in consumption. Please all participating platforms are free to choose, use our cultural tourism consumption vouchers in the best way you are best at, we do not impose particularly strict restrictions on it, but there is a bottom line is a government subsidy of 20%.

  Hefei Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism has launched more than 10 days of tourism vouchers, this year is different from previous years, the scope of use of cultural tourism vouchers, is no longer limited to scenic spots, accommodation, catering and other traditional tourism projects, but also covers bookstores, theaters, etc., to experience the scene of urban cultural life.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Bookstore clerk: You can rush to buy at 9 o'clock in the morning every day, we look at the App every day, and it is almost empty quickly, and the consumption coupon is equivalent to a direct 80% discount for customers to buy books, plus the membership discount in our bookstore, it is very cost-effective, almost equivalent to 6 to 7% off the price to buy books.

  Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy: Tourism consumption is a comprehensive consumption, to a tourist destination I want to eat, I want to live, to sightsee, to visit, to entertain, so the cultural tourism vouchers can benefit a little wider, consumers can have more choices.

  However, the consumption voucher alone is not enough to make consumers decide to link their destination directly to them.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy: Returning to the basic economic law, price subsidies use public resources and some commercial resources, which are often mixed. So since it is a resource, it involves the issue of cost and benefit, and I hope that we may as well be "smarter" in various places. Don't think that if I lower the price, there will be a lot of people. Some places even put the data on the newspaper and said that because of the price increase, because I issued cultural tourism consumption vouchers, how much the number of people and consumption have increased, you have to consider that it itself has a natural increase. Be sure to settle economic accounts.

  Let tourists have a good experience, in addition to the service quality of the tourism project itself, the convenience and discount of travel is the beginning of everything. Not long ago, the trial operation of Shenzhen Airport with a permit or a code pass has begun to be officially operated, in order to cooperate with the summer convenience travel upgrade, this week, with the help of the opening of Shenzhen and Zhongshan channel, through the "air-ground combined transport" way, so that the citizens of Zhongshan and other places through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel, quickly go to Shenzhen Airport to take a flight, one-way time from the past 2 hours to about 50 minutes.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Yang Yachen, Director of the Service Quality Department of Shenzhen Airport Co., Ltd.: For passengers who drive to and fro, the airport has recently launched a 7% discount for long-term parking, and passengers can save 120 yuan if they park for a week. In addition, passengers can also experience the ultimate convenience of "one card (code) pass" at Shenzhen Airport. With only a mobile phone and a boarding code, you can complete the whole process of check-in, check-in, security check and boarding, saving the time of looking for and showing your ID card, printing your boarding pass, and not worrying about losing or forgetting to bring your ID card and not being able to take the flight.

  Tourism consumption is changing from the traditional view of mountains and rivers to a more life-oriented direction. Everyone's choice of tourist destinations has also expanded from a single feeling of scenic spots in the past to a comprehensive consideration of all aspects of the city. This is also a reminder that doing a good job in summer tourism is no longer something that can be done by the cultural and tourism departments alone.

Cancellation of appointments, issuance of consumption vouchers...... Learn about these "worry-free and money-saving" tips for summer travel

  Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy: I hope that all parts of us can seize the opportunity of summer vacation and provide better services for our tourists with more colorful products. Whether the tourism image of the place is recognized in the minds of consumers, whether it is a kind of goodwill, warmth and quality, this is the most important. If I am satisfied with the consumption of this place, I am willing to pay, even if I am willing to pay a higher fee, or even a premium. But if the place is not good, you are cheap and I don't want to go, so for the image of a place must be good, warm, and quality, which is the most crucial.

  The experience of travel actually starts from the moment you go out. Convenient travel experience makes people feel more comfortable on the road; Affordable, unconventional consumption, which makes people feel more at ease; More importantly, a variety of interesting tourism programs make people feel happy and comfortable. Tourism is a happy consumption, but also a continuous consumption, tourists this time has a smooth, assured, comfortable, next time will be more full of expectations to carry the bag. In this way, the related industry can develop healthier and longer. I hope that this year's summer tour can be as hot as this year's temperature, so that every participant can reap their own happiness.

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