
Fever for 5 days, man confirmed! The mortality rate is so high that many people think it's a cold

author:Mall media

Xiao Gao is 21 years old and a delivery boy who works in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. A month ago, Xiao Gao had a fever and cough for five days, but in order not to delay his work, he did not rest and did not go to the hospital.

On the evening of May 8, Xiao Gao felt some abdominal pain after dinner, but he was too sleepy to fall asleep. The next morning, the intense vomiting and chest tightness made him unbearable, and he went to the community hospital and returned home, thinking that he would get better after resting, but the abdominal pain did not relieve.

Fever for 5 days, man confirmed! The mortality rate is so high that many people think it's a cold

Hard to carry for 5 days

He contracted a dangerous explosive myocarditis

In the afternoon of the same day, Xiao Gao's condition continued to worsen, he went to the Qiantang Campus of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine alone, and the emergency doctor conducted a detailed examination and examination of him, realizing that Xiao Gao's condition was not as simple as he said, and it was likely to be myocarditis, so he immediately arranged for him to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

According to the cardiologist's assessment, Xiao Gao's condition is more complicated than the initial judgment of the emergency department and requires further examination.

The results were quick to come in, and the ECG showed multi-lead ST-segment elevation and frequent multi-source premature ventricular contractions; Bedside echocardiography showed left ventricular systolic function (severe) and cardiac ejection fraction of only 30%; Cardiac enzyme results are also abnormally elevated hundreds of times; Liver and kidney function and blood clotting function are abnormal—Xiao Gao's heart is seriously damaged.

"It's fulminant myocarditis!" The doctor judged that Xiao Gao's condition was extremely dangerous at this moment, and the risk of malignant arrhythmia and even sudden death was extremely high, and he needed to be admitted to the ICU for emergency treatment.

Fever for 5 days, man confirmed! The mortality rate is so high that many people think it's a cold

Less than an hour after being admitted to the ICU, the heart stopped

Less than an hour after Xiao Gao was admitted to the ICU, something worrying happened. Xiao Gao's condition deteriorated rapidly, chest tightness worsened, oxygenation decreased, heart failure, cardiogenic shock, malignant arrhythmia, and suddenly, the monitor showed cardiac arrest.

Fever for 5 days, man confirmed! The mortality rate is so high that many people think it's a cold

At present, the most important thing is to let Xiao Gao's severely damaged heart get respite, and the team of doctors immediately put into rescue work, chest compressions, endotracheal intubation, pressurized anti-shock, and start ECMO treatment...... Fortunately, the team reacted in time and pulled Xiao Gao back from the brink of death.

After treatment, Kodaka's "strike" heart finally gradually returned to working autonomously. On the 6th day, the ECMO machine was successfully evacuated.

Fever for 5 days, man confirmed! The mortality rate is so high that many people think it's a cold

▲Xiao Gao insisted on treatment and rehabilitation in the hospital (photo courtesy of the hospital)

Fever for 5 days, man confirmed! The mortality rate is so high that many people think it's a cold

The disease "favors" young people

It can cause death in a short period of time

"The disease of fulminant myocarditis deteriorates very quickly, and if the best time for treatment is missed, young lives can be lost at any time." Afterwards, the doctor said that it was fortunate that everyone persuaded Xiao Gao to enter the ICU together, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Doctors point out that many people are unaware of the dangers of viral myocarditis. At the onset of the disease, the disease is violent, often tired, staying up late, etc. are all predisposing factors, and some patients develop from ordinary symptoms to "acute severe myocarditis" in only 1-2 days, or even death in a short time.

He reminded that it is generally believed that young people are in good health, but in fact, it is precisely because of their strength that young people are more likely to trigger a strong immune response after being infected with the virus, and the inflammatory storm is also more violent, and the chance of inducing myocarditis will increase. In addition, young people tend to think that they are in good health and have to fight hard even if they are sick, thus giving the virus more opportunities to erode.

Fever for 5 days, man confirmed! The mortality rate is so high that many people think it's a cold

Colds with these symptoms require a high level of vigilance

What is myocarditis? Why does a small cold have such a "lethal effect" on the heart?

Myocarditis refers to inflammation and damage to the heart muscle caused by viral infections or autoimmune diseases.

Among the various factors, viruses are the main cause of myocarditis. When the virus invades the human body, more than 90% of the cases will not have any symptoms, and the body can clear the virus, and 10% of the cases will show cold symptoms, which is known as viral cold. Only in a few cases, such as when the body's immunity is low, can the unscrupulous virus invade the heart and injure the heart muscle.

From the perspective of the severity of the disease, it can be divided into fulminant myocarditis and mild myocarditis. People with mild disease may have no symptoms or only mild, occasional arrhythmias that usually resolve on their own. In other words, most mild myocarditis is self-limiting, does not cause much damage to the body, and does not leave sequelae.

However, it is much more dangerous in the case of fulminant myocarditis, which is a rapidly developing and critical type of myocarditis, and if not treated in time, can lead to severe heart failure, cardiogenic shock and even sudden death.

Patients with virus-induced myocarditis generally have a history of colds 1 to 2 weeks prior to the onset of the disease. When infected by respiratory viruses, patients often present with symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and fever; Enterovirus infections are mainly caused by diarrhea and bloating. Clinically, some people progress very quickly, with typical symptoms appearing within one to two days of onset.

Fever for 5 days, man confirmed! The mortality rate is so high that many people think it's a cold

Doctor reminds

If you feel unwell after a cold, don't advocate taking medicine indiscriminately for "autonomy", you should seek medical attention in time, and get enough rest to avoid fatigue, strenuous exercise, and staying up late. If you have symptoms such as fatigue, poor spirit, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other symptoms after a cold, you should be vigilant, which is likely to be an important clue of "myocarditis". If myocarditis is found, early treatment can prevent further damage to the heart muscle.

If left untreated, wait until the virus damages the myocardium and then treat it with medication, although it can help clear the virus, but the damage to the heart has already occurred, leaving sequelae, dilated cardiomyopathy (dilated cardiomyopathy), causing chronic heart failure, and the prognosis is relatively poor. Because patients with chronic heart failure can have recurrent heart failure, shortness of breath and dyspnea after a little exertion or activity, which seriously affects the quality of life and even threatens life.

Again: Children, young adults aged 16 to 40, and people with low immunity are people with a high incidence of fulminant myocarditis.

This article is reprinted from the WeChat public account of "China News Network", source: Guangzhou Daily, Hangzhou Daily, Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou Daily Health Appointment