
Within 24 hours, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had done a major job on the island, and the bell rang for a whole day


When the United States made arms sales to Taiwan, it may not have imagined that the mainland side would react so strongly this time by sending warships and planes to Taiwan for many days in a row, so that the alarm bell of the Taiwan military's missile unit rang from morning to night, but the Taiwan military did not dare to move at all.

In the Taiwan Strait region, the activities of the mainland military have aroused a high degree of vigilance on the part of Taiwan. According to Taiwanese media reports, Taiwan's defense department said that in just 24 hours, a total of 35 PLA military aircraft and seven warships operated around the Taiwan Strait. In particular, it is worth mentioning that 33 of the military planes flew in four directions, including the north, the center, the south, and the east, forming a "four-bread sandwich" situation. The actions of the mainland Chinese military have caused alarm bells in Taiwan's defense department, which they describe China's encirclement of Taiwan on all sides as a "270-degree" encirclement of the island, and even the missile units in the entire Taiwan region are facing a great enemy, and the sirens sound from morning to night.

Within 24 hours, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had done a major job on the island, and the bell rang for a whole day

[PLA military aircraft data map]

According to the relevant schematic diagram released by Taiwan's defense department, 33 of the 35 sorties of military planes crossed the so-called "center line of the strait" and encircled Taiwan Island from four directions; at the nearest point, the Continental Army planes were less than 30 nautical miles away from Taipei and only 43 nautical miles from Eluanbi. In the face of the mainland's approaching action, the Taiwan side does not seem to dare to do anything other than to report the news, and the Taiwan military does not dare to move at all, because if the slightest carelessness is made, the situation in the Taiwan Strait may fall into the abyss from which it will never recover.

It is worth mentioning that in recent times, the mainland military has been making very frequent approaches to the island, and warships and planes are approaching the island almost every day. After the conclusion of the "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercise around Taiwan, the Taiwan side thought that the mainland would not take any further action in the near future, but it never expected that the Taiwan side underestimated the mainland's determination to promote cross-strait reunification.

Judging from recent reports, it seems that the Taiwan side has become a hot spot for the mainland military to "check in" every day, and every day more than a dozen or even dozens of military planes are approaching Taiwan Island, and at the same time, warships are not idle, and continue to carry out activities around the Taiwan Strait. The Taiwan side has been reporting on the news of the Continental Army's encirclement of Taiwan almost every day, stressing on many occasions that the Continental Army's planes have flown over the so-called "center line of the strait" and its extension line, and are getting closer and closer to the island.

Within 24 hours, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had done a major job on the island, and the bell rang for a whole day

[U.S. arms sales to Taiwan drones]

As the mainland military's approach to action is getting closer and closer, the Taiwan media have begun to speculate about the mainland's intentions for such actions, and their analysis believes that the mainland's move is likely to have a lot to do with the two batches of arms sales to Taiwan worth $3.6 recently approved by the United States. It is reported that the new round of US arms sales to Taiwan covers unmanned aerial vehicles and their supporting systems, and the United States has threatened to implement the "hellscape" strategy in the Taiwan region, which requires a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles.

As a matter of fact, there is no need for the Taiwan side to panic at all, because as long as the United States and Taiwan are still colluding and as long as the two sides of the strait do not complete reunification, similar actions by the mainland military will become normalized. Moreover, the so-called "middle line of the strait" on the Taiwan side has no legal basis in the first place, and the patrolling of the Continental Army planes in the relevant areas has become a regular action, and it is the mainland's freedom to send as many warships and military planes as the mainland wants, and there is no need for the Taiwan side to make a fuss at all. Moreover, the mainland side has stressed many times that the Taiwan issue is one of China's core interests, and the mainland will never make any compromise or concession.

It is worth mentioning that the current tension in the Taiwan Strait did not arise overnight, but is the result of a complex interweaving of political, military, economic and other factors over a long period of time. The US arms sales to Taiwan have not only exacerbated regional tensions, but also had a negative impact on mutual trust between China and the United States, seriously violating a series of agreements signed between the two sides and interfering in China's internal affairs.

Within 24 hours, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had done a major job on the island, and the bell rang for a whole day

[PLA military aircraft arrived near Taiwan Island]

The exercises and patrols of the mainland military in the Taiwan Strait are a necessary response to the current complex situation. These activities are aimed at safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, warning and stopping interference by external forces and provocations by "Taiwan independence" forces, and are also important actions to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Under the current situation, instead of blindly blaming and engaging in tense confrontation, the Taiwan side should find effective ways to ease tension through dialogue and communication and ensure peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the entire Asia-Pacific region.