
He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

author:The marshal talks about history


He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive
He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive
He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive


Changsha not only attracts the attention of the world with its unique geographical location and profound cultural heritage, but also is famous for providing fertile ground for the growth of many historical celebrities. Among them, Li Fuchun is undoubtedly a shining star. He not only made tremendous contributions to the cause of national independence and the people's liberation during the revolutionary years, but also devoted countless efforts to economic construction and social development after the founding of New China. Today, let us walk into the world of Li Fuchun, explore his revolutionary road, and feel his deep love for the country and the people.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

From a poor boy to a proletarian revolutionary

On May 22, 1900, Li Fuchun was born in Changsha, Hunan Province, in a poor family of teachers. The poverty of his family did not stop him from thirsting for knowledge and his deep concern for the rise and fall of the country. Since childhood, the seeds of changing the fate of the country have been planted in his heart.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

Network diagram

When he was a teenager, Li Fuchun witnessed the deep suffering of the country with his own eyes, and his heart was deeply touched. At that time, he set up a lofty ambition to fight for national independence and the liberation of the people. He knew that to achieve this ambition, he had to find a new way out.

In 1919, at the age of 19, Li Fuchun made a life-changing decision - to go to France to work and study. With the ideal of saving the country and the people, he embarked on this extraordinary journey. In France, he experienced the life of the working class, worked as a fitter, drove a train, and ate, lived and worked with the working people. These experiences not only tempered his will, but also made him more aware of the suffering and expectations of working people.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

During his stay in France, Li Fuchun not only worked part-time, but also conducted in-depth research on French social issues. He even conducted an investigation of French soldiers who had fought in the First World War, profoundly exposing the brutal nature of imperialist warfare. More importantly, he eagerly studied Marxist writings and searched for fundamental solutions to social problems. His thinking gradually shifted from engineering to Marxism, and this transformation laid a solid ideological foundation for his later revolutionary career.

In 1920, Li Fuchun, together with Li Weihan and other comrades, renamed the Work-Study Advancement Association as the Engineering World Society, and made it clear that the purpose was to carry out social revolution. This action marked his official embarkation on the road of revolution and his becoming a staunch proletarian revolutionary.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

In the years that followed, Li Fuchun's revolutionary activities became more frequent and deeper. In Paris, he participated in the establishment of the Young Communist Party of China in Europe and held important positions. Soon after, he honorably joined the Communist Party of China and became a member of the party. He held a number of important positions, providing Marxist-Leninist theoretical armament to the Communist Youth League members and youth in Europe and guiding them to the revolutionary road.

In 1923, Li Fuchun joined the Chinese Kuomintang in his personal name and shouldered the important task of helping the Kuomintang to carry out overseas propaganda and develop its strength. This action not only promoted the close cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, but also laid a solid foundation for the Northern Expedition later.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

In 1924, Li Fuchun went to Moscow to further his studies in Marxist theory. After returning from studying abroad, he joined the Second Army of the National Revolutionary Army as director of the Political Department, actively promoted the political work of the army, and made outstanding contributions to improving the political quality and combat effectiveness of the army.

In the context of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Li Fuchun was active in the political arena as a Kuomintang. However, he always kept in mind that his mission was to fight for the proletarian revolution. He actively participated in the organization and leadership of the "May Day Movement", and made great contributions to the successful promotion of the movement with his keen political insight and excellent organizational skills.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

As time passed, Li Fuchun's position within the Communist Party became increasingly important. In 1926, he became a member of the Guangdong District Committee of the Communist Party of China, responsible for organizing and leading revolutionary activities in Guangdong. He actively promoted the development of the workers' and peasants' movement and laid a solid mass foundation for the Northern Expedition.

In 1927, after the defeat of the Great Revolution, Li Fuchun was not defeated by setbacks. On the contrary, he strengthened his revolutionary convictions, participated in the decision-making process of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and made suggestions for the survival and development of the Party during the difficult period. In the same year, he was also sent to the Soviet Union to study, which not only improved his theoretical level, but also provided valuable experience for his later revolutionary work.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

After returning to China, Li Fuchun was appointed secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. In this position, he was faced with extremely complex and difficult tasks. As the frontline of the revolution, Guangdong's struggle environment was extremely harsh. However, with his extraordinary courage and wisdom, Li Fuchun led the Guangdong Party organization to persist in struggle, defend and develop the Party organization in the environment of the White Terror, and made great contributions to the revolutionary cause.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

He is the founder of China's economic construction

In 1931, the young Li Fuchun resolutely embarked on a journey to the Central Soviet District, closely linking his fate with that hot land of revolution. His arrival injected new vitality into the Soviet district. With his outstanding organizational skills and leadership skills, he quickly made a name for himself in the political work of the Central Soviet Region and made great contributions to the consolidation and development of the Soviet District.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

The Red Army is on a long march

Only three years later, Li Fuchun was appointed deputy director of the General Political Department of the Red Army, a position that was not only an affirmation of his past efforts, but also a foreshadowing of the heavy responsibilities he would shoulder in the future. However, the torrent of history never stopped, and in this year, the Red Army ushered in the severe challenge of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign. Faced with defeat, the Red Army was forced to embark on the arduous road of the Long March.

During the Long March, Li Fuchun's political work was particularly important. He not only maintained the morale and combat effectiveness of the Red Army in a difficult and difficult environment, but also took an active part in the strategic decision-making of the Red Army in his capacity as director of the Political Department of the Red Army after the Zunyi Conference. His political acumen and firmness were fully demonstrated at every critical juncture of the Long March, laying a solid foundation for the Red Army's eventual victory in northern Shaanxi.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

When the smoke of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression permeated the land of China, Li Fuchun once again transformed, shifting from the battlefield of military strength to the battlefield of economic construction. His appointment as Vice Minister of Finance and Economy of the CPC Central Committee is not only a new chapter in his career, but also a key step in the layout of the Communist Party of China in the economic field.

In Yan'an, Li Fuchun organized and carried out a large-scale production movement, overcoming serious financial and economic difficulties, not only providing a solid material foundation for the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but also demonstrating his outstanding economic leadership skills. He also took an active part in the "Rectification Movement" and made indelible contributions to promoting the party's ideological and organizational building.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

During the War of Liberation, Li Fuchun's economic wisdom was once again fully displayed. He assisted Premier Zhou, Chen Yun and other leaders in making forward-looking plans and preparations for the economic construction of New China, and his vision was not limited to the needs of the current war, but also took into account the long-term development of the country after the war.

In 1949, the founding of the People's Republic of China opened a new chapter in history, and Li Fuchun was also entrusted with important responsibilities as a member of the Central People's Government and a member of the Government Affairs Yuan. He took an active part in the decision-making and management of state affairs, and made unremitting efforts to consolidate New China and restore and develop the national economy.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

Only one year later, Li Fuchun was appointed vice chairman of the Financial and Economic Commission of the Central People's Government, and in the face of the difficult economic situation in the early days of the founding of New China, he conducted in-depth investigations and studies and put forward practical economic policy proposals. In the same year, he visited the Soviet Union with Premier Zhou, and after arduous negotiations, he successfully won economic aid and technical support from the Soviet Union.

In 1952, Li Fuchun was appointed a member of the State Planning Commission of the Central People's Government and a member of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, and he became more deeply involved in the formulation and implementation of the national economic plan. With his rich professional knowledge and practical experience, he made important contributions to the formulation and implementation of the "First Five-Year Plan", and at the same time actively promoted reform and innovation in the financial and economic fields, injecting a steady stream of vitality into the economic development of New China.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

In 1954, Li Fuchun became vice premier of the State Council and director of the State Planning Commission, where he fully participated in the management and decision-making of state affairs and presided over the formulation and implementation of the national economic plan. In this position, he gave full play to his leadership and organizational skills to promote the continuous development of New China's economic construction. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he took an active part in organizing the production and supply of the military industry, providing a powerful material guarantee for the victory of the war.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

The flame of revolution has been passed down from generation to generation

In 1956, when New China was in ruins, Li Fuchun was appointed as Minister of Heavy Industry. This is not only a recognition of his ability, but also a heavy responsibility. He is well aware that heavy industry is the backbone of the country and the cornerstone of the national economy. Therefore, he clearly put forward the strategic idea of giving priority to the development of heavy industry as an engine to promote the growth of the entire national economy.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

Under Li Fuchun's leadership, the Ministry of Heavy Industry radiated new vitality. He actively promoted technological innovation, optimized enterprise management, and improved production efficiency, laying a solid foundation for the heavy industry of New China. His vision and leadership skills were especially valuable in those passionate years.

Soon, the Great Leap Forward brought serious economic hardship. In the face of difficulties, Li Fuchun once again showed extraordinary wisdom and courage. He promptly put forward the idea of rectifying, consolidating, and improving the national economy, and this proposition was not only adopted by the central authorities, but also became a key policy for alleviating economic difficulties. It is precisely this series of adjustment measures that have laid the cornerstone for the comprehensive recovery and sustained development of the national economy.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive

On the eve of the Cultural Revolution, the society was in turmoil, but Li Fuchun still stuck to the front line of economic work. He tried to maintain order in the economic field, and presided over the drafting and issuance of the "Circular on Grasping the Revolution and Promoting Production," which played an important role in stabilizing the chaotic economic situation at that time. Even though his physical condition gradually deteriorated, he still cared about the country and made suggestions for economic construction until the last moment of his life. On January 9, 1975, Li Fuchun died of illness at the age of 75.

Li Fuchun's life is a portrayal of boundless loyalty to the party and the people. And his spirit has also been passed down in the family. His only daughter, Litter, is an outstanding inheritor of this revolutionary spirit. Born in Paris, France, he grew up as an outstanding Communist Party member and scientific researcher on the land of China. She was deeply influenced by her parents' revolutionary ideas since she was a child, and no matter where she was, she always adhered to that revolutionary belief. During her studies in the Soviet Union, she experienced the baptism of the Great Patriotic War, which not only tempered her will, but also gave her a deep understanding of the meaning of the revolution.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive


After returning to China, he devoted himself to agricultural research and contributed to China's agricultural modernization. In the reclamation work of the Great Northern Wilderness, she sweated and dedicated her youth; When conducting research on nuclear effects on the Gobi Desert in Xinjiang, she braved the difficulties and forged ahead. Her fighting spirit and selfless dedication have not only won the respect of her colleagues, but also become a model for the new era.

In addition to his scientific research achievements, he also actively participates in social welfare undertakings, and interprets the deep love of "all poor children in the world are my children" with practical actions. Her life is the best inheritance of her father's revolutionary legacy, and it is also an example that young people in the new era should learn from.

He served as vice premier of the State Council for 21 years, and after his death, he handed over his life savings to the state, and his daughter was very competitive


The story of Li Fuchun's family is not only a historical memory, but also a spiritual inheritance. In today's era, we may have moved away from that smoke-filled time, but the revolutionary spirit is still worth learning and inheriting. Li Fuchun and Li Tete used their lives to tell us that no matter how the times change, loyalty to the party and the people, adherence to revolutionary beliefs, and responsibility to the country and the nation will never become obsolete.

When we look back at history, we will find that it is revolutionary pioneers like Li Fuchun and strivers of the new era like Li Tete who have jointly forged our happy life today. Their stories inspire us to keep moving forward and strive for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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