
The national boxing team prepares for the Paris Olympics

author:Dunhuang release

Source: Xinhua Pictures

On the same day, the Chinese national boxing team trained in Beijing to prepare for the Paris Olympics.

The national boxing team prepares for the Paris Olympics

On June 29, Xu Zichun (left), a member of the national boxing team, was in actual combat training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jia Haocheng

The national boxing team prepares for the Paris Olympics

On June 29, Chang Yuan, a member of the national boxing team, was in actual combat training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jia Haocheng

The national boxing team prepares for the Paris Olympics

On June 29, Yang Wenlu, a member of the national boxing team, continued to practice after actual combat training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jia Haocheng

The national boxing team prepares for the Paris Olympics

On June 29, Yang Liu, a member of the national boxing team, continued to practice after actual combat training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jia Haocheng

The national boxing team prepares for the Paris Olympics

On June 29, Yang Liu (middle), a member of the national boxing team, was in actual combat training. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jia Haocheng

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