
A fierce contest broke out in the Black Sea, and the Russian military shot down one Global Hawk by unconventional means, which the US side did not admit

author:Hana Tsukiyo 11
A fierce contest broke out in the Black Sea, and the Russian military shot down one Global Hawk by unconventional means, which the US side did not admit

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U.S. and Russian drones clash, and an undercurrent surging over the Black Sea

On June 25, the Russian social media platform "F" threw out an explosive news: the Russian Aerospace Forces successfully shot down a US military RQ-4B "Global Hawk" drone in the Black Sea region, as soon as the news came out, it immediately ignited the global public opinion field, and people speculated about the ins and outs of the incident, trying to uncover the truth behind the incident

A fierce contest broke out in the Black Sea, and the Russian military shot down one Global Hawk by unconventional means, which the US side did not admit

On the other side of the incident, the U.S. military posted on social media platforms the flight trajectory of the RQ-4 "Global Hawk" drone that was on a cruise mission over the Black Sea that day, and the U.S. side tried to prove in this way that the drone had safely returned to the U.S. military base in Italy after completing the scheduled mission, so as to refute the Russian side's claims

Silent evidence? The suspicion behind the drone's track map

Can the drone track map released by the U.S. military really prove its innocence? Many people are skeptical about this, you know, those UAVs that specialize in performing secret military missions, their actions are often unpredictable and elusive, they will not only deliberately turn off the transponder, shield electronic communication signals, but also will not take the initiative to disclose their flight tracks, just by virtue of the so-called "civil aircraft track map" to prove that a spy plane performing military missions is safe and sound, it is too far-fetched, and the integrity and credibility of its "chain of evidence" are debatable

A fierce contest broke out in the Black Sea, and the Russian military shot down one Global Hawk by unconventional means, which the US side did not admit

Looking back at the early days of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Ukraine's sea and air military forces were crushed under the thunderous offensive of the Russian army, and almost lost the ability to resist, and Russian naval ships frequently launched the "Caliber" series of cruise missiles in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, carrying out long-range precision strikes on key targets such as military airports, infrastructure, and military training centers in Ukraine, effectively weakening Ukraine's war potential

Informatization blessed Ukraine to counterattack the Black Sea

With the strong support of the United States and NATO, the Ukrainian army has been supported by an advanced intelligence information system, and combined with flexible and mobile tactical tactics, in the case of weapons and equipment at a disadvantage, it has given full play to its advantages in obtaining intelligence information, closely cooperated with land strike forces, and actively carried out local counterattack operations, through weapons platforms such as missiles, drones and unmanned boats, the Ukrainian army successfully sank and damaged a number of Russian ships, with a total tonnage of nearly 40,000 tons, which greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Forced the withdrawal of its lead ships from the port of Sevastopol and retreated to the eastern coast of the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea

A fierce contest broke out in the Black Sea, and the Russian military shot down one Global Hawk by unconventional means, which the US side did not admit

In the Ukrainian army's counterattack, the US military's RQ-4B "Global Hawk" UAV and MQ-9 "Reaper" UAV played a crucial role, providing key intelligence support and target designation for the Ukrainian army

Drones hunt the smoke of gunfire over Crimea

Recently, with the full support of the United States and NATO, the Ukrainian army has used American-made "tactical missiles" and long-range drones to launch a large-scale "hunting" operation against the Russian ground-based air defense forces stationed on the Crimean Peninsula, according to the Ukrainian side, they successfully destroyed and injured 6 S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft missile battalions during the operation, seriously weakening the Russian army's air defense in the Crimean Peninsula

A fierce contest broke out in the Black Sea, and the Russian military shot down one Global Hawk by unconventional means, which the US side did not admit

On June 23, the Ukrainian army, with the support of the US and European intelligence systems, launched five "tactical missiles" at the port of Sevastopol, one of which accidentally hit a resort beach with cluster munition fragments, causing a large number of civilian casualties, which triggered strong condemnation from the international community

U.S. military drones: the driving force behind the Black Sea war

In the above-mentioned series of military operations of the Ukrainian army, the US military and its NATO allies have sent reconnaissance aircraft of various models, including RC-135, E-8C, P-8A, EP-3E, RQ-4B and MQ-9, combined with the platform characteristics and reconnaissance technical means of each model, carried out high-intensity, high-frequency, and targeted aerial reconnaissance in the Black Sea and the Crimean Peninsula, and provided intelligence support for the military operations of the Ukrainian army

A fierce contest broke out in the Black Sea, and the Russian military shot down one Global Hawk by unconventional means, which the US side did not admit

Among them, the RQ-4B "Global Hawk" UAV, as the core of the US military's aerial reconnaissance force, provides target data and situational awareness support for the Ukrainian army's "tactical missile" strike operations, and plays an important role in target designation and damage effect evaluation

The Black Sea game escalates the reconnaissance confrontation between the United States and Russia

In fact, since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States and its NATO allies have been using their advantages in maritime reconnaissance platforms to carry out all-weather, high-intensity approach reconnaissance in the Black Sea and the Crimean Peninsula, trying to fully grasp key information such as the deployment of Russian troops, military operations and air defense forces on the battlefield in Ukraine

Soon after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, NATO launched the so-called "enhanced air patrol" mission, using various intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance platforms to conduct high-density real-time reconnaissance and monitoring of Russia's military movements, and maintain regular patrols in the direction of the Black Sea

"A tooth for a tooth"? The Russian army may take unconventional measures to counteract

It is worth noting that during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, there have been many frictions and confrontations between the United States and Russia around the Black Sea approach reconnaissance issue, and as early as March 14, 2022, a US military MQ-9 "Reaper" drone was "shot down" by Russian fighters using special means

Therefore, in the context of "terrorist attacks" on Russian civilians, the possibility of the Russian army taking unconventional means to shoot down US drones cannot be ignored, and the United States is likely to choose to remain silent in order to avoid a head-on conflict with Russia, but this does not mean that the US military will stop its military activities in the Black Sea, it is foreseeable that in the future, the military game between the United States and Russia in the Black Sea region will be more intense, and the undercurrent over the Black Sea will continue to surge

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