
The 10-day deadline is approaching, does the EU regret that it hasn't taken the medicine yet?

author:Fun to talk about the world

Recently, tensions between China and the EU have gradually heated up around the EU's temporary tariff policy on China's electric vehicles. According to exclusive Reuters news, China has issued an "ultimatum" to the European Union, demanding that it cancel this unreasonable tariff policy by July 4. Where is this tariff war headed? As we look down to the 10-day deadline, let's dive in.

The 10-day deadline is approaching, does the EU regret that it hasn't taken the medicine yet?

1. Negotiation starts: a prelude to the battle between China and the EU over electric vehicle tariffs

China and the EU have agreed to formally launch negotiations, which undoubtedly kicks off this electric vehicle tariff war. However, the road to negotiation is destined to be bumpy, and the EU's nine-month meticulous planning will be easily abandoned.

2. Ultimatum: China's firm position

China's "ultimatum" underscores its firm position. Within 10 days, the EU must make a choice: whether to continue with the tariff policy, or to compromise and eliminate this unjustified measure. Time is of the essence and pressure is high.

The 10-day deadline is approaching, does the EU regret that it hasn't taken the medicine yet?

3. Differences and contradictions within the EU

Although several EU auto giants have made it clear that they oppose the tariff policy, there are still serious divisions within the EU. France is actively promoting tariff policies in an attempt to squeeze Germany's market share in Europe; Germany, on the other hand, is opposed by concerns about damage to the auto industry. Who will win this internal game?

4. Habeck's visit to China: disappointment and expectation coexist

German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Habeck's visit to China did not have the desired effect. On the issue of tariffs, he did not give a clear position, but pointed fingers at climate change. This move has undoubtedly disappointed the Chinese side and cast a shadow over the China-EU negotiations.

The 10-day deadline is approaching, does the EU regret that it hasn't taken the medicine yet?

5. The True Face of Tariff Policy: The Game Between Protectionism and Market Laws

Is the EU's tariff policy based on market laws or protectionism? By all indications, the latter seems to have the upper hand. The EU's "presumption of guilt" approach to investigating Chinese automakers and its requirement for Chinese companies to submit information that goes beyond the norm have exposed the true face of its protectionism.

6. The costs and consequences of the "trade war" between China and the EU

If the EU-China negotiations fail and the temporary tariff policy turns into a formal policy, then a "trade war" between China and the EU will be inevitable. There will be no winners in this war, and both sides will pay a heavy price. Both Chinese automakers and the European auto industry will be severely impacted.

In today's increasingly globalized world, any form of trade war will have a profound impact on the global economy. We call on China and the EU to exercise rationality and restraint and resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation. After all, in this game, there are no real winners, only shared losses.

In this EU-China EV tariff war, we expect both sides to find a more rational and pragmatic solution. This is not only for the sake of the interests of China and the EU, but also for the stability and development of the global economy. Let's wait and see how this big battle ends!

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!