
The American rice bowl is not fragrant? The former richest man capsized overseas, and the 465-year sentence became a joke!

author:Fun to talk about the world

From the "Asian Aluminum King" to his dismal departure, why did Liu Zhongtian's business empire collapse?

Once upon a time, the name of Liu Zhongtian, the "Asian Aluminum King", was thunderous in the business world. China Zhongwang, which he single-handedly founded, was once the largest aluminum company in Asia, ranking third in the world, and was in the limelight. Now, however, the former richest man is in deep trouble, and his business empire has collapsed. What happened to bring this business giant from the top to the bottom?

The American rice bowl is not fragrant? The former richest man capsized overseas, and the 465-year sentence became a joke!

Grassroots counterattack, aluminum legend

Liu Zhongtian was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province and dropped out of school at the age of 14 to enter society. With a keen sense of business, he decisively entered the chemical industry, bought low and sold high, and successfully dug the first pot of gold. Subsequently, he aimed at the preferential tax policies of joint ventures and private enterprises, and turned to ##房地产投资. In 1993, he founded Liaoning Zhongwang, focusing on the construction aluminum business, and with the rapid development of the real estate industry, Zhongwang rose rapidly.

The transformation of industrial aluminum, the pinnacle is within reach

In 2002, Liu Zhongtian decided to transform the company from architectural aluminum to an industrial aluminum producer. In the face of internal doubts and external challenges, he firmly believed, invested heavily in the introduction of technology and equipment, and vigorously developed research and development. A few years later, China Zhongwang successfully transformed and became a leader in the field of high-end industrial aluminum in China. With the undertaking of a series of national engineering projects, Zhongwang's performance has reached its peak, and Liu Zhongtian has also become the "Asian Aluminum King".

The American rice bowl is not fragrant? The former richest man capsized overseas, and the 465-year sentence became a joke!

Ambitious, cross-border finance

After the great success of the aluminum industry, Liu Zhongtian's ambitions did not stop. He has successively invested in the construction of aluminum rolling projects in Tianjin, expanded production capacity, and at the same time entered the financial industry, holding shares in a number of banks. However, these investments did not bring the expected returns. The construction progress of the Tianjin project is slow, and it is difficult to withdraw funds; The financial business, on the other hand, is subject to new regulations and regulations, and its benefits are limited.

The United States encircled and suppressed and was imprisoned

Just when Liu Zhongtian's business empire seemed indestructible, the U.S. government's anti-dumping investigation dealt him a heavy blow. In order to avoid high taxes, Liu Zhongtian set up a factory in Mexico to process aluminum for export to the United States. However, this move eventually led to an investigation and prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice. Faced with the threat of a 465-year prison sentence and a hefty fine, Liu's business empire began to crumble.

The empire collapsed and left the scene

As debt accumulates and operating conditions deteriorate, China Zhongwang's share price has been tumbling. Although Liu Zhongtian tried to save himself, he was unable to recover in the end. In April 2023, China Zhongwang was officially delisted, and Liu Zhongtian's business empire collapsed.

The American rice bowl is not fragrant? The former richest man capsized overseas, and the 465-year sentence became a joke!

Looking back on Liu Zhongtian's entrepreneurial journey, he has created a legend in the aluminum industry with his extraordinary courage and keen business sense. However, after his success, his ambition and adventurous spirit also set him on a path of no return. From the "Asian Aluminum King" to his dismal departure, Liu Zhongtian's story is full of tragedy and makes people sigh: the vagaries and cruelty of the business world.

Fame and fortune turned empty, and the end of the era led to deep thought

Liu's business empire is history, but his story remains thought-provoking. In the pursuit of business success, ambition and risk coexist. How to balance the relationship between the two, and how to maintain the original intention and cautious attitude after success, are all questions worthy of every entrepreneur's deep thought. Farewell, "Asian Aluminum King" Liu Zhongtian, your legendary story will forever remain in the long history of the business world.

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