
To improve children's resistance, pediatricians recommend eating more of these 5 things!

author:Liu Ruixiu popularized science

Dear moms and dads, have you ever felt helpless and anxious when your child has frequent colds and low immunity?

Today, as a pediatrician, I would like to share with you a little secret: I want to strengthen my child's immunity,

The key is to provide them with balanced nutrition.

The following 5 nutrients are the "superheroes" that improve immunity.

Let's take a look at how they protect our little warriors!

I remember one time, an anxious mother came to my office with her little baby.

This little guy is always prone to illness and every cold lasts for a long time.

To improve children's resistance, pediatricians recommend eating more of these 5 things!

After asking my child about his eating habits in detail, I found out that there were some key nutrients missing in his diet.

So, I gave targeted dietary advice, and soon after, the little warrior's resistance was significantly strengthened, and the number of illnesses was greatly reduced.

Now, let me reveal the true colors of these 5 "superheroes":

High-quality protein:

Protein is the basic substance that makes up the body's cells and is essential for a child's growth and development.

Fish, meat, eggs, milk and soy products are all good sources of high-quality protein.

Not only do they help children build strong bodies, but they also boost the function of the immune system.

To improve children's resistance, pediatricians recommend eating more of these 5 things!

Vitamin C:

This "little disease fighter" can enhance the activity of white blood cells and improve the child's resistance.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, strawberries, kiwifruit, and broccoli, are all rich sources of vitamin C.

Remember to let your child eat one serving a day so that the virus has nowhere to hide.

Vitamin A:

It is the "guardian" of vision and skin health, as well as the "strong backing" of the immune system.

Foods like carrots, pumpkin, spinach and animal liver are rich in vitamin A, which helps children build strong defenses.

Vitamin d:

Sunshine vitamin D not only helps with calcium absorption, but also regulates the function of the immune system.

In addition to moderate outdoor activities, fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods are also good options for vitamin D supplementation.

To improve children's resistance, pediatricians recommend eating more of these 5 things!


This "little immune guard" can help children defend against the virus and promote wound healing.

Beef, pork, chicken, seafood, and nuts are all excellent sources of zinc, allowing children to enjoy delicious food while also adding points to their health.

Do these 2 things well to better improve immunity

Let's talk about the first key point: getting enough sleep.

Imagine if our body is an army, then sleep is the rest and recovery time for this army.

When children get enough sleep, their bodies have a chance to repair damage from daytime combat.

Reserve energy so that you can continue the fight with energy the next day.

Studies have shown that getting enough sleep can significantly improve the efficiency of the immune system.

To improve children's resistance, pediatricians recommend eating more of these 5 things!

So, make sure your child gets enough sleep each night, for children of different ages,

The recommended amount of sleep varies, but in general, preschoolers need about 10 to 13 hours of sleep and elementary school students need 9 to 11 hours.

Next, let's talk about the second key point: regular exercise.

Exercise is like an energizing agent for our immune system.

It can promote blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and allow immune cells to patrol the body more quickly, detecting and destroying invading enemies in time.

Exercise also reduces stress and boosts your mood, which is just as important for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Encourage children to participate in the sports they enjoy, whether it's an outdoor chase game, or indoor dancing,

As long as it is an activity that can get children moving, it is a good choice.

To improve children's resistance, pediatricians recommend eating more of these 5 things!

As parents, what we need to do is to skillfully incorporate these nutrients into every meal in our children's daily diet.

Remember, a balanced diet is the key to improving your child's immunity.

At the same time, maintaining good lifestyle habits, such as adequate sleep, moderate exercise, and a happy mood, are also important factors in boosting immunity.

If you found this article inspiring, don't forget to follow me for more practical information on healthy child development.

Let's work together to build an indestructible fortress of health for children, so that they can move forward bravely and fearlessly on the road of growth!

Remember, healthy children are the source of happiness for families, and let's work together to protect their future.

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