
The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

author:Historical ruins
[Opening statement]: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

Between the Mekong and Yesai rivers, there is a mysterious and formidable delta. It is the meeting place of Myanmar, Laos and Thailand, and is known as the world-famous Golden Triangle.

Once upon a time, this supposedly fertile land was notorious for its poppies, and the drug trade and armed conflict made it a taboo place for the international community.

So many people have a question, knowing that the Golden Triangle is the source of drugs and harming the people of the world, why don't all countries join forces to eradicate the Golden Triangle?

In fact, this question is really not as simple as you think, let's review the history of the Golden Triangle together, and you will know why.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

1. Poppies Bloom: The Dark Origins of the Golden Triangle

In the long history of the Golden Triangle, opium poppy cultivation dates back to the 18th century. At that time, the British colonists took a fancy to the unique natural conditions of this land. The fertile soil of the Mekong Delta, coupled with abundant water, provides an ideal environment for opium poppy growth.

The British not only brought poppy seeds, but also taught cultivation techniques. They carefully selected local agents and established a complete system of opium production and distribution.

This practice quickly took root in the local area, forming a fixed industrial structure. By the end of the 19th century, European countries had joined the opium poppy cultivation boom, making the Golden Triangle an important source of drugs in the world.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

Over time, opium production in the Golden Triangle has shown an astonishing growth trend. In the fifties and sixties of the 20th century, the annual production here has reached 200 tons. And in the 90s, this number soared to a staggering 3,000 tons. Opium poppy cultivation spreads like wildfire across the land and becomes the main source of income for local farmers.

However, behind this seeming prosperity, there is the cost of countless lives and the shattering of families. Drugs not only destroy the physical and mental health of countless drug addicts, but also bring serious security problems to the whole society.

In this way, the security situation in the Golden Triangle region has deteriorated day by day, armed conflicts have occurred frequently, and it has become a real "three-regardless" zone.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

In this chaotic land, a figure named Kun Sha begins to emerge. With his iron fist, he gradually took control of the drug trade in the Golden Triangle. Khun Sa not only monopolized drug smuggling, but also boldly declared the establishment of the "Shan State Republic", becoming the de facto ruler of the Golden Triangle.

Under Khun Sha's rule, the Golden Triangle's drug industry reached its heyday. Many of his bandit brothers became high-ranking officials in the so-called "republic". Through the drug trade, they amassed an astonishing fortune, but at the same time brought more blood and violence to the land.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

2. Kunsha Kingdom: The Rise and Fall of the Drug Lord

In the history of the Golden Triangle, Khun Sa is undoubtedly a legendary and notorious figure. Kunsha's real name is Zhang Qifu, and he is rumored to have been born into a family of Chinese descent. From an early age, he showed extraordinary intelligence and ambition, and grew up rapidly in a complex political environment.

Kunsha's success is inseparable from his right-hand man Zhang Suquan. Zhang Suquan was a top student at the Whampoa Military Academy and provided valuable military and strategic advice to Kun Sha. Thanks to their combined efforts, Khun Sha's power expanded rapidly, and soon took control of much of the drug trade in the Golden Triangle.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

The rise of the Kunsha Group marks that the drug industry in the Golden Triangle has entered a new stage. Not only did they monopolize the production and sale of drugs, but they also built up a strong private army. The armed forces not only protect the drug trade, but also have frequent clashes with government forces, keeping the Golden Triangle in turmoil for a long time.

However, Kunsha's ambitions don't stop there. In 1985, he boldly proclaimed the establishment of the "Shan State Republic", which became an independent regime. In this so-called "republic", Khun Sha is the supreme ruler. His subordinates were transformed into high-ranking officials of the "Republic".

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

However, Khun Sha's reign was not monolithic. Over time, his tyranny caused more and more discontent. At the same time, the international community's attention to the drug problem in the Golden Triangle is also increasing. Governments began to intensify their crackdowns on the Khun Sa group, putting his rule in jeopardy.

Eventually, in 1996, Khun Sha chose to surrender. This once invincible drug lord finally fell under the power of justice.

The demise of Khun Sa marked an important turning point in the Golden Triangle drug trade. However, this does not mean that the drug problem in the Golden Triangle is over. On the contrary, new challenges await this land that has suffered a lot of vicissitudes.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

3. Joint Action: The Government's Crackdown and Dilemma

With the collapse of the Khun Sa group, the drug problem in the Golden Triangle has not disappeared with it. On the contrary, new drug lords and armed forces quickly filled the power vacuum. This has made the Governments of Myanmar, Laos and Thailand aware that the drug problem in the Golden Triangle can only be truly tackled through joint action.

The governments of the three countries began to strengthen cooperation in the fight against drug-related crimes. They have stepped up their crackdown on drug cultivation and trafficking, while also tightening border controls. However, these efforts have encountered a number of difficulties in their implementation.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

First of all, the complex terrain of the Golden Triangle region, with its high mountains and dense forests, poses great challenges to law enforcement. Drug traffickers often take advantage of these geographical advantages to evade crackdowns. Secondly, opium poppy cultivation has long been the main source of income for local farmers. Without alternative industries, a simple ban on planting is unlikely to gain farmers' support.

What is even more problematic is that some local officials and armed forces have colluded with drug traffickers to form a community of interests. This not only makes it difficult to penetrate the crackdown, but also prevents many policies from being put in place.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

Despite the many difficulties faced, countries have persevered in their crackdowns. Efforts should be made to curb the spread of narcotics by strengthening intelligence exchanges and joint law enforcement. At the same time, countries are beginning to realize that cracking down on the drug problem alone is not enough to solve the root cause of the drug problem. Alternative livelihoods must be provided for the local population in order to truly wean them off their dependence on the drug economy.

The support of the international community has also played an important role in this process. International organizations such as the United Nations have provided substantial financial and technical support to help the Golden Triangle region with alternative cultivation and economic transformation. However, it is clear that it will take longer and greater efforts to completely eradicate the drug industry, which has been around for hundreds of years.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

4. The World's Intervention: Economic Transformation and Alternative Cropping

Countries have stepped up their investment in the Golden Triangle. A large number of businessmen poured into the Golden Triangle, bringing with them capital and business opportunities. In Laos, the Golden Triangle Special Zone was created with the impetus of investors. With tourism and entertainment as the main economic pillars, this special zone has created a large number of local employment opportunities.

Tourists can take a boat trip on the Mekong River and experience the unique charm of the border between the three countries. On the shore, a glittering Buddha statue overlooks the entire Golden Triangle and has become a landmark here.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

At the same time, the local government is also actively promoting the "alternative planting" policy. Agricultural experts from various countries have traveled to the Golden Triangle to provide technical support to local farmers and encourage them to switch to cash crops such as tea, rubber and coffee. These crops not only provide farmers with a stable income, but also help them wean themselves off opium poppy cultivation.

In alternative planting, the promotion of hybrid rice has achieved remarkable results. Agricultural experts from various countries have introduced hybrid rice varieties suitable for the local climate into the Golden Triangle, which has greatly increased rice yields. This not only solves the local food problem, but also brings considerable economic benefits to farmers.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

In addition, countries have helped to improve infrastructure in the Golden Triangle. The construction of roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and other facilities has greatly improved the living conditions of local residents. These measures have not only improved the local economy, but also created a good social environment for the eradication of the drug problem.

Thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community, opium poppy cultivation in the Golden Triangle region has begun to decline significantly. By 2006, drug production in the Golden Triangle had declined significantly, and the land was gradually shedding its notoriety as a "drug den".

Today's Golden Triangle is undergoing unprecedented changes. What was once a "drug den" is gradually transforming into an exotic tourist destination. This transformation has not only brought new economic growth points to the local area, but also injected new vitality into this land that has suffered many vicissitudes.

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve

However, there is still a long way to go in the transformation of the Golden Triangle. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) survey, opium cultivation in Myanmar and Laos is still expanding.

The problem of collusion between drug lords and some local officials persists, making it difficult to implement many policies. To eradicate the drug problem once and for all, the Golden Triangle region will need more time and the continued support of the international community.

Looking ahead, the development of the Golden Triangle region still faces many challenges. How to effectively control the drug problem while developing the economy? How can we promote tourism while preserving the local natural environment and cultural traditions? These are difficult problems that need to be faced jointly by Governments and the international community. What do you think differently about this?

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve


[1] Zhang Yongli, Li Qiang. Legal System and Society,2014(34):195-196.DOI:10.19387/j.cnki.1009-0592.2014.34.100.

[1] Li Yang. Journal of Yunnan Police College,2012(06):11-17.)

[1] Liu Yanlei. The impact of the drug problem in the Golden Triangle on mainland security and its countermeasures[J].Journal of Yunnan Police College,2015(01):20-23.)

The world knows that the "Golden Triangle" is the source of drugs, so why not send troops to eradicate it? The idea is too naïve
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