
World of Warcraft nostalgic suits are all immersed in practicing trumpets, and see what professions everyone practices

author:The Stars of the Falling Stars

After the peak period of Thursday and Friday, everyone has also experienced that the three group books also have CDs, so everyone's enthusiasm for playing trumpets is unprecedentedly high. Let's not talk about the newly opened Gianna and other servers, the perennial queue is thousands larger, and the number of each stage of the search for a PVE server where the author is located is 50+, so everyone feels that there is no one in the World of Warcraft recently, in fact, there are still people, but everyone is playing the trumpet. After all, the group book was also open for a period of time before the service, and the equipment level of the players in the first echelon was generally 210+, and the demand for the group book was not large, and the three group books were finished in 2-3 hours in one night, so the rest of the time was to play the trumpet.

Hunter is also the number one popular class

I probably searched for a 10-19 stage, 20-29 stage, 40-49 stage, and the number of hunters in each stage was 50+, and I don't know if it was a batch number from the studio or a real player. The hunter profession is very powerful in the 80 stage, especially his AOE ability, according to the experience of the Asian server, to the copy of the Icecrown Fortress, the top three DPS are basically hunters, and there are a small number of cat virtues, but it is difficult for warlocks to get the top three. And the position of the hunter will basically have 2-3, but the professional group is also very large, it can only be said that the hunter can enter the group or enter the group, but it will not be 23 missing 2 or 24 missing 1.

World of Warcraft nostalgic suits are all immersed in practicing trumpets, and see what professions everyone practices

The Grand Lord Paladin is in second place

Searched for a 10-19 stage, 20-29 stage, 30-39 stage of the number of paladins are 50+, 30-49 people 44 people, after all, it has only been two days of service, and many players have not yet reached level 40, so it is really difficult to make a direct conclusion whether there are more hunters or more paladins. But no matter what, the Paladin's population can't run away from the top two. I hope these big lords can persevere, otherwise they will often wait for half an hour because of one or two less milk riders.

Everyone knows that this version of the paladin is very strong, especially the anti-riding and milk riding, the anti-riding is the real sense of MT, what DK Tan, Xiong De, and Warrior Tan are all sewer tanks in front of him; Not to mention milk riding, the core of treatment, no milk riding is not a group capital.

World of Warcraft nostalgic suits are all immersed in practicing trumpets, and see what professions everyone practices

Hero class, Death Knight

As a new hero class in the 80s, it was born at level 55, which can be said to be the first choice for playing trumpets, especially with the blessing of the current [Happy Festival] BUFF, the level of the novice village is 60+. So the Death Knight's trumpet player base is also quite large. This profession can only be said to be at the middle level in the 80's version, neither weak nor strong.

World of Warcraft nostalgic suits are all immersed in practicing trumpets, and see what professions everyone practices

Other professions are half a catty and eight taels, and the master is slightly more

I also searched for other occupations, so I can see the approximate occupation percentage. 7 thieves, 15 priests, 11 druids, 22 mages, 9 shamans, 14 warlocks, and 14 warriors.

As Blizzard's own son, the mage has never been weak in any version, the population has always been large, and the population of the mage is more reflected in the full-level role, and the trumpet is also ranked in the third echelon, so it is conceivable that it is more difficult for the mage to enter the group later.

As one of the iron triangles of this game, priests have always been a very popular profession, and the population of 30-39 or 20-29 priests is above 30, so the role of priest is still quite multi-player. This version, whether it is the Commandment Pastor or the Dark Pastor, is very playable. Especially the precept herd.,It's too strong so it's too boring to play a dungeon.,Except for a few boss tired points, the rest is basically from the head of the shield to the end.,So the cycle.,If the team has only one precept shepherd.,There's basically no suspense about the first amount of healing.。

Warlocks have been played by very few people, as a particularly strong class in this version, but the number of trumpets is basically at the bottom, it may be that this class is really unpleasant, and there is no pleasure in the lack of outbursts. But both pain and demonism are very popular, with strong self-preservation ability and T0 level output, and one of the preferred classes for the head of the wasteland stage.

Druid shaman has a variety of professions, these two professions are actually good, especially the druid, because there is combat resurrection and DPS that is not low in itself, it is also the preferred profession of the team leader, after all, there is combat resurrection is fault tolerance. And the Shaman profession will open heroes or bloodthirsty, and the team must bring one. Whether it is an electric sa or a milk sa has his place, it is not recommended to play enhanced sa, and dogs are disgusted.

Warrior thieves melee double waste, to be honest, the number of warriors is a bit beyond my expectations, how can there be so many people playing warriors, maybe they are also going for the orange axe. When it comes to the profession of thieves, it's all tears to talk too much, and after experiencing the DPS benchmark in the 60s, it will decline forever, and at the beginning of the 70s, the dogs were disgusted, and finally Krypton Gold took the double knife, and it could only force other DPS to talk on an equal footing. In the 80s, it was reduced to an armor-piercing tool man, and someone grabbed the equipment and no one brought it, so take you to the gold coins in your bag.

From the proportion of the population of a server, you can basically see the number of people, and the top three are most likely to be hunters, paladins, and death knights. But the trumpet is always the trumpet, it may be that everyone is too bored to practice at the current stage, and the proportion of the population of the tuba or the group behind it is not necessarily like this, after all, the number of mage priests and the number of tuba cannot be ignored.

That's all for this issue.,Like friends like to add a follow.,Different views can be discussed in the comment area.,I hope you are happy with the main game.。

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