
Dadong District, Shangyuan Street, Mine North Community, skillfully braided color rope, happiness into the community

author:Starlight Media World

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Dadong District, Shangyuan Street, Mine North Community, skillfully braided color rope, happiness into the community

In order to deeply practice the concept of "two neighbors", we will strive to promote happiness education into the community livelihood project, continue to improve the quality of cultural life of "one old and one young", and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of residents in the jurisdiction.

Dadong District, Shangyuan Street, Mine North Community, skillfully braided color rope, happiness into the community

On June 27, 2024, the Kuangbei Community of Shangyuan Street and the Liaoshen First School of Shenyang City jointly launched an activity with the theme of "Skillful Weaving Colored Ropes and Happiness into the Community". At the beginning of the activity, the children sat neatly at the table, holding colorful weaving materials in their hands, and their eyes flashed with curiosity and anticipation. The teacher stood beside them, patiently and meticulously guiding each step.

Dadong District, Shangyuan Street, Mine North Community, skillfully braided color rope, happiness into the community

From simple weaving methods to intricate pattern designs, the children listened carefully and actively experimented with their hands. As the activity progressed, the children gradually mastered the skills of weaving, and their works gradually took shape. Some children weave beautiful Chinese knots, while others make cute ornaments.

Dadong District, Shangyuan Street, Mine North Community, skillfully braided color rope, happiness into the community

Everyone was looking intently at their work, with a smile of satisfaction and pride on their faces. The development of this activity not only brought a rich and colorful life experience to the children, but also deepened the concept of happiness education into the community. In the next step, Kuangbei Community will continue to explore the deep connotation of home, school and social co-education, actively integrate educational resources from all parties, and continue to promote the series of activities of "Happiness Education into the Community" as the goal, so that the concept of happiness education can take root and blossom in the community.

Contribution source: Mine North Community