
Chen Yi insisted on advancing eastward, but Xiang Ying objected: If the troops are lost, you will be responsible

author:A💟葫芦 娃

In the early spring of 1939, there was a solemn atmosphere in the headquarters of a detachment of the New Fourth Army. Zhou Enlai had just conveyed the central directive, requiring the New Fourth Army to "fight to the east and develop north." This policy provoked a fierce debate within the detachment. Chen Yi insisted that it was necessary to move eastward, open up the situation, and increase its strength. Xiang Ying, on the other hand, strongly opposed it, fearing that this move would undermine the united front and even lead to the annihilation of the troops. The two leaders insisted on their own words, and neither of them would budge. Just when the two sides were arguing, the arrival of an important person made a subtle change in the situation. How will the news he brought affect this decision-making that concerns the fate of the New Fourth Army? In the face of many obstacles, how will Chen Yi choose in the end? Where does the road to the east lead?

In February 1939, the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui welcomed an important guest - Zhou Enlai. The purpose of his visit is to convey the latest instructions of the CPC Central Committee. At that time, the New Fourth Army was in the critical period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and how to survive in the cracks and how to seek development in the midst of difficulties became a major issue facing the leaders of the New Fourth Army.

As soon as Zhou Enlai arrived at the military headquarters, he immediately summoned the senior generals of the New Fourth Army, including army commander Ye Ting, deputy army commander Xiang Ying, and team commander Chen Yi. In a humble conference room, Zhou Enlai explained the purpose of the trip straight to the point. The instructions he conveyed to the central authorities were simple, but they were of profound significance: The New Fourth Army should mobilize the masses and implement the principle of "fighting in the east and developing in the north."

This instruction sparked a lively discussion among the participants. Chen Yi was the first to express his support for this policy. He believed that fighting to the east meant that the New Fourth Army could open up the situation and enter the southern Jiangsu region. With its geographical location and good economic foundation, it was an ideal place for the development of anti-Japanese forces. At the same time, the development to the north can echo the anti-Japanese base areas of the Eighth Route Army and form a greater anti-Japanese situation.

Chen Yi said impassionedly: "We must not be limited to the existing territory, we must take the initiative to open up new worlds. Only in this way can we truly develop and grow and make greater contributions to the War of Resistance Against Japan! "

However, Xiang Ying, the deputy commander of the army, had a different opinion. He believes that the primary task of the New Fourth Army at present is to consolidate the existing base areas, rather than to take the risk of advancing eastward. Xiang Ying was worried that if he rashly fought to the east, he might arouse the dissatisfaction of the Kuomintang and undermine the united front. More importantly, he believed that the strength of the New Fourth Army was not enough to gain a foothold in areas heavily defended by the Japanese army.

Xiang Ying said in a serious tone: "We cannot put the troops in danger. If we suffer heavy losses in the eastward advance, it will not only weaken our strength, but also affect the entire anti-Japanese situation. We must proceed with caution. "

The arguments between the two sides became more and more intense, and the atmosphere in the conference room became more and more tense. Those who support eastward expansion believe that only by taking the initiative can the situation be opened; Opponents insist that it is more important to play steady. The controversy was difficult to settle for a while.

At this moment, the army commander Ye Ting, who had been silent, spoke. He offered a compromise proposal: a small force could be sent in for a tentative eastward advance, and then a decision on whether or not to operate on a large scale would be made as appropriate. This proposal has been endorsed by many people, but it has not completely resolved the differences.

After listening to the opinions of all parties, Zhou Enlai did not immediately express his position. He just said: "The instructions of the central authorities have been conveyed, and you still need to study and make decisions on how to implement them according to the actual situation." I believe that you will certainly be able to find a plan that is both in line with the spirit of the central authorities and feasible. "

After the meeting, the debate did not stop. Chen Yi and Xiang Ying separately lobbied for more support. The entire military headquarters of the New Fourth Army fell into a delicate atmosphere, and everyone was thinking about this major decision concerning the future of the New Fourth Army.

Chen Yi insisted on advancing eastward, but Xiang Ying objected: If the troops are lost, you will be responsible

On the third day after the end of the meeting of the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army, Chen Yi rode alone to the station of a detachment. He went directly to Ye Fei's office and said with a solemn expression: "Comrade Ye Fei, I have important matters to discuss with you. "

Ye Fei immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, hurriedly asked Chen Yi to sit down, and instructed the guards to prepare tea. After the guards withdrew, Chen Yi said straight to the point: "I have decided to let you lead the 6th Regiment to implement the battle plan to the east and advance to the east area. "

Ye Fei was slightly stunned after hearing this, but quickly came back to his senses. He knew what that decision meant. The Ludong region, which is the Yangtze River Delta east of Changzhou and on both sides of the Nanjing-Shanghai Railway, is a strategic location. It is not only well-developed in transportation, rich in economy and culture, but more importantly, its strategic position is very important.

Seeing that Ye Fei did not respond immediately, Chen Yi explained in detail: "The Ludong region stretches from Taihu Lake in the south, the Yangtze River in the north, and Shanghai in the east. After the full-scale invasion of China, the Japanese army took control of the place with heavy troops. If we can open up this situation, we can not only fight the Japanese army, but also create more space for our development. "

Ye Fei nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Commander, what are your specific plans?" "

Chen Yi stood up, paced back and forth in the room, and said in a firm tone: "We must let go and advance behind enemy lines to fight the Japanese army." We must not rely on Jiang Jun to issue guns and pay salaries, we must independently and independently develop the ranks and strengthen our own strength! You have three main goals in this eastward expansion: first, to develop your team; second, to seize weapons and equip themselves; Third, fundraising to resist Japan. "

After Ye Fei listened, a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes. Recently, he has been subject to Jiang Jun everywhere, and he has long been holding back a lot of energy in his heart. Chen Yi's words undoubtedly gave him a chance to vent.

However, Ye Fei still raised his doubts: "Commander, some people may say that this is opportunism. How can we respond? "

Chen Yi insisted on advancing eastward, but Xiang Ying objected: If the troops are lost, you will be responsible

Chen Yi stopped and said, "Opportunism? I don't think so! Only by mastering these resources can we truly have the strength to resist Japan. Comrade Ye Fei, you must remember that our goal is to resist Japan and save the country, and everything must serve this goal. "

Ye Fei was infected by Chen Yi's words, and immediately said, "Commander, I understand. Please rest assured that I will do my best to complete this task. "

Chen Yi nodded with satisfaction, and then admonished: "In order to avoid extraneous branches, you have to use the pseudonym Ye Chen." In the early stage of the operation, it was necessary to pay attention to concealment measures, not only from the Japanese invaders, but also from the three theaters of Chiang's army. "

Ye Fei nodded solemnly in agreement. Subsequently, the two began to discuss in detail the specific plan of action. They studied the terrain of the Ludong area, the deployment of the Japanese army, and the various difficulties and countermeasures that might be encountered.

The discussion continued late into the night, and by the time the last detail was finalized, it was already dark. Chen Yi looked out the window and said, "It's almost dawn, you hurry up and prepare." Remember, this operation is crucial for us and it is important to proceed with caution. "

Ye Fei stood up and said firmly: "Please rest assured, commander, we will definitely live up to our mission." "

Just as Ye Fei was about to leave, Chen Yi suddenly stopped him: "Wait, there is one more thing." "

Ye Fei turned around and looked at Chen Yi suspiciously.

Chen Yi said in a deep voice: "If you encounter an unexpected situation on the way, you must report to me immediately." Whatever happens, we have to face it together. "

Ye Fei nodded solemnly: "Yes, I understand." "

After sending Ye Fei away, Chen Yi stood alone in front of the window, looking at the gradually whitening sky in the east. He knew that the decision could be controversial and could even face challenges from his superiors. However, he firmly believes that only in this way can we truly open up the situation and create greater space for the development of the New Fourth Army.

As the morning sun rose, the eastward expansion plan of the 6th Regiment of the New Fourth Army was officially launched. This decision will open a new page in the development of the New Fourth Army and will also leave a strong mark in the course of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Just as the 6th Regiment of the New Fourth Army was about to set off for the east, a sudden news disrupted the original plan. Early one morning, Chen Yi was in his office reviewing the final details of the East Movement, when a correspondent hurried in, a telegram in hand.

"Commander, Deputy Army Commander Xiang sent an urgent telegram." The correspondent said, handing the telegram to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took the telegram and read it carefully. The contents of the telegram surprised him, and Xiang Ying once again expressed strong opposition to the eastward expansion plan and warned of the serious consequences that could be brought about if he insisted on going eastward. The telegram reads: "Advancing eastward is afraid of destroying the united front and losing troops, and the consequences are at your own risk." "

Chen Yi put down the telegram and fell into deep thought. Xiang Ying's opposition was stronger than he expected. This is not only a disagreement in strategic decision-making, but also has a bearing on the future direction of the development of the New Fourth Army. Chen Yi realized that he had to think carefully about this issue.

At this moment, Ye Fei came to Chen Yi's office, ready to report on the final preparations before advancing eastward. Seeing Chen Yi's solemn expression, Ye Fei realized that something might be wrong.

Chen Yi insisted on advancing eastward, but Xiang Ying objected: If the troops are lost, you will be responsible

Chen Yi looked up at Ye Fei and asked directly, "Comrade Ye Fei, how sure are you about this eastward movement?" "

Ye Fei didn't answer immediately, but thought carefully for a while. Then, he said firmly: "Commander, we are fully prepared." While difficulties and risks do exist, I believe we have the ability to overcome them. This eastward advance is not only a military operation, but also an important opportunity for our development and growth. "

Chen Yi carefully observed Ye Fei's expression and saw the firmness and confidence in his eyes. This made Chen Yi feel a little relieved, but he still decided to confirm again.

"Comrade Ye Fei, you must know that this operation may face more than just military challenges. We may face pressure and skepticism from all sides. Are you ready? Chen Yi asked solemnly.

Ye Fei replied without hesitation: "Commander, I fully understand the complexity and importance of this operation. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we will persevere to the end and never disappoint you and the expectations of the New Fourth Army. "

Hearing Ye Fei's answer, Chen Yi stood up and paced back and forth in the office. He's weighing the pros and cons and considering the possibilities. Finally, he stopped, turned to Ye Fei and said, "Okay, I have decided to continue to advance the eastward expansion plan." However, we have to be more careful and work out every detail more thoroughly. "

Next, Chen Yi and Ye Fei began to discuss the various risks that may arise and countermeasures. They discussed how to avoid clashes with the Kuomintang during their operations, how to preserve their own strength while fighting the Japanese army, and how to develop popular power behind enemy lines.

The discussion continued for several hours until late at night. When they finally finalized all the details, Chen Yi said to Ye Fei: "Remember, no matter what situation you encounter, you must report to me in time." Together, we have to face any problems that may arise. "

Ye Fei nodded solemnly in agreement. Just as he was about to leave, Chen Yi added: "Also, if you really encounter insurmountable difficulties, don't force them. Preserving strength is the most important thing. "

Ye Fei understood Chen Yi's intentions and once again said that he would definitely act cautiously.

After sending Ye Fei away, Chen Yi stood alone in front of the window, looking at the night sky in the distance. He knows that this decision may attract more criticism and questioning, but he is convinced that it is the right choice. The New Fourth Army needs to develop and open up a new situation. Only in this way can we find our place in the complex anti-Japanese situation and make greater contributions to the final victory.

Early the next morning, the 6th Regiment quietly set off and advanced eastward. Chen Yi stood on the high ground of the headquarters and watched the troops go away. He knew that an operation concerning the fate of the New Fourth Army had begun, and only history could give an answer to the rights or wrongs of this decision.

In the spring of 1940, the 6th Regiment of the New Fourth Army, under the leadership of Ye Fei, quietly advanced eastward. Although the number of this team is small, each fighter has a strong belief and determination to win. Their goal is to open up new battlefields behind enemy lines and develop and strengthen the strength of the New Fourth Army.

The road to the east has not been easy. At the beginning, the 6 regiment had serious supply problems. Due to the distance from the base areas, food and ammunition are in short supply. Ye Fei organized the troops to collect local materials, marched covertly during the day, and sent small detachments to nearby villages to buy food in disguise at night. Sometimes, they had to eat wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger, but none of the fighters complained.

During one of the marches, the 6 regiment encountered a Japanese patrol. In order to avoid revealing his whereabouts, Ye Fei ordered the whole group to hide in a dense bamboo forest. The fighters lay motionless on the ground, holding their breath, and some did not dare to slap even when they were bitten by mosquitoes. This state of tension continued for a whole day and night, until the Japanese patrol left.

Despite all the difficulties, the 6th Regiment persisted in advancing eastward. They used flexible tactics to avoid the main forces of the Japanese army and specialize in attacking small groups of the enemy. In one operation, they successfully ambushed a Japanese convoy, captured a large amount of weapons, ammunition and food, and solved the urgent need.

As it penetrated deep behind enemy lines, the 6th Regiment began to come into contact with the local anti-Japanese forces and masses. Ye Fei realized that in order to gain a firm foothold in this strange land, he must have the support of the masses. He organized soldiers to help farmers harvest crops, assisted villagers in building water conservancy facilities, and preached to the masses the truth of resisting Japan and saving the country. Gradually, the 6th regiment won the trust and support of the local population.

In a small town called Shipu, the 6th Regiment encountered an anti-Japanese guerrilla force composed of local youth. Although the guerrillas were poorly armed, they were highly motivated. Ye Fei had a long talk with the guerrilla leaders and finally persuaded them to join the ranks of the New Fourth Army. This not only strengthened the 6th regiment, but also provided them with valuable local guides.

Over time, the influence of the 6 regiment gradually expanded. They not only dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Japanese army, but also opened up contact with other anti-Japanese forces. At an important meeting, Ye Fei successfully coordinated several anti-Japanese armed forces with different backgrounds to form a unified anti-Japanese alliance. The establishment of this alliance greatly strengthened the overall strength of the local anti-Japanese forces.

Chen Yi insisted on advancing eastward, but Xiang Ying objected: If the troops are lost, you will be responsible

However, with the increasing activity of the 6 regiment, they also attracted the attention of the Japanese army. Late one night, Ye Fei received information that the Japanese army was gathering a large number of troops and preparing to "encircle and suppress" them. Faced with this situation, Ye Feizhao held a meeting of the group department to discuss countermeasures.

At the meeting, it was proposed to retreat immediately, others advocated dispersal and concealment. After heated discussions, Ye Fei finally decided to take the initiative. He said: "Instead of being beaten, it is better to take the initiative. We want to disrupt the enemy's deployment and then take advantage of the opportunity to divert. "

According to this plan, the 6th Regiment launched a surprise attack on the preset encirclement of the Japanese army overnight. This bold action caught the Japanese army by surprise, and not only succeeded in sabotaging the Japanese army's plan of "encirclement and suppression," but also caused considerable losses to the enemy. In the confusion, the 6 regiment took the opportunity to move to safety.

This operation not only demonstrated the courage and wisdom of the 6 regiment, but also further increased their prestige on the ground. More and more young people have joined the ranks of the New Fourth Army, and the strength of the 6th Regiment has continued to grow.

With the passage of time, the 6th Regiment gained a firm foothold in the Ludong area and established a number of anti-Japanese base areas. They not only struck at the Japanese army, but also developed their own forces, laying the foundation for the long-term development of the New Fourth Army in this area.

When Ye Fei led the 6th regiment to return victoriously, Chen Yi personally went to the dock to greet him. Looking at the team that has grown several times, Chen Yi said with relief: "You have lived up to the trust and completed the arduous task. This eastward movement has not only opened up a new situation, but also pointed out the direction for our future development. "

In 1940, the success of the 6th Regiment of the New Fourth Army in advancing eastward was not only a victory in military operations, but also a strategic decision of far-reaching historical significance. This decision not only affected the development trajectory of the New Fourth Army, but also brought new changes to the entire situation of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

First of all, the eastward movement broke the blockade of the Japanese army and expanded the scope of activities of the New Fourth Army. Prior to this, the New Fourth Army was mainly active in northern Jiangsu, and was closely monitored and encircled by the Japanese army. By advancing eastward, the New Fourth Army successfully broke through this restriction and opened up a new battlefield in the Jiangnan region. This not only dispersed the strength of the Japanese army, but also created a broader space for the development of the New Fourth Army.

In the course of its eastward advance, the New Fourth Army established deep ties with the local masses. Once, the 6th regiment came to a village called Qingxi. At first, the villagers were skeptical of this strange army. Ye Fei realized this and immediately organized the soldiers to help the villagers harvest the rice. During the harvest, a young warrior accidentally got his hand cut by a scythe. Seeing this, an old farmer hurriedly dressed his wound with herbs. This little episode brought the military and civilians closer. After that, the villagers took the initiative to provide food and lodging for the troops, and some young people even asked to join the New Fourth Army. The establishment of this kind of military-civilian situation has laid a solid mass foundation for the survival and development of the New Fourth Army behind enemy lines.

The Eastern Movement also promoted cooperation between the New Fourth Army and other anti-Japanese forces. In the Zhenhai area, the 6 regiment encountered an anti-Japanese guerrilla detachment of local students. Although this guerrilla force was small in number, they were all intellectuals and had strong organizational skills. Ye Fei had in-depth exchanges with the guerrilla leaders, and the two sides reached a cooperation agreement. The New Fourth Army provided military training and weaponry to the guerrillas, and the guerrillas assisted the New Fourth Army in carrying out intelligence work and mass work. This mode of cooperation was later promoted in other regions, which greatly enhanced the cohesion of the anti-Japanese united front.

Chen Yi insisted on advancing eastward, but Xiang Ying objected: If the troops are lost, you will be responsible

The success of the eastward expansion decision also proves Chen Yi's strategic vision. At a military conference, Chen Yi pointed out: "The eastward expansion is not only a military operation, but also a strategic deployment. We must base ourselves on the present, but also focus on the long term. These words reflect Chen Yi's deep insight into the situation. Facts have proved that after the eastward advance, the New Fourth Army not only achieved military results, but also won the initiative politically.

However, the implementation of the Eastward Expansion Decision has also faced many controversies and challenges. Some people believe that this will cause dissatisfaction among the Kuomintang and affect the united front. In this regard, Chen Yi stated at an internal meeting: "Our actions are to better fight the Japanese invaders and consolidate the anti-Japanese united front. As long as we uphold our principles and do a good job in mass work, we will not be afraid of irresponsible remarks from others. This firm attitude has pointed out the direction for the development of the New Fourth Army.

The Eastern Movement also promoted reforms within the New Fourth Army. During the operation, some problems of the troops were exposed, such as insufficient supplies and poor communications. After returning to the teacher, Chen Yi immediately set about rectification. He organized a series of military training and political studies to improve the combat effectiveness and political quality of the troops. At the same time, he also reformed the logistics supply system and established a more efficient command system. These reforms laid the foundation for the subsequent development of the New Fourth Army.

The success of the eastward expansion decision also affected the strategic deployment of other anti-Japanese forces. After seeing the results of the New Fourth Army's eastward advance, the Eighth Route Army also began to intensify its activities in central China. This kind of coordinated operation has greatly enhanced the overall strength of the anti-Japanese armed forces under the leadership of the Communist Party.

Internationally, the eastward movement of the New Fourth Army has also attracted attention. Some international observers commented that this operation showed the strong mobility and adaptability of the anti-Japanese forces led by the Communist Party of China, which could have a far-reaching impact on the entire Far East war situation.

At the beginning of 1941, Chen Yi summed up the experience of the eastward expansion and said: "The success of the eastward expansion proves that our judgment is correct. But this is just the beginning, and we still have a long way to go. These remarks not only affirmed the correctness of the decision to advance eastward, but also pointed out the direction of future struggle.

The historical significance of the eastward expansion policy is not only reflected in the military and strategic aspects, but also in the fact that it has opened up a new path for the development of the New Fourth Army. It proves that in a complex political environment, only by adhering to principles and having the courage to innovate can we find the right way forward. The strategic thinking and revolutionary spirit embodied in this policy decision have since become a valuable asset for the revolutionary forces led by the New Fourth Army and even the entire Communist Party.