
The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

author:Willing to talk about emotions

There is a shocking news in the entertainment industry: Ju Xue, who has reached the age of 42, silently withdrew from the public eye after the completion of "Youth Forty". The once glorious Golden Rooster Award winner chose to retire at the peak of his career.

Her disappearance not only stunned fans, but also made industry insiders sigh.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

The retreat of the drama snow is like a hammer, waking up the impetuous entertainment industry. Did she choose to withdraw from the circle, did she stick to her original artistic intention or silently protest against the status quo? The departure of this old actor is undoubtedly a big loss for the entertainment industry.

Let's unveil the mystery of the drama Xue's withdrawal from the circle, and explore the twists and turns of the actor's life trajectory and inner world. Through her story, we may find our own shadow in the contemporary entertainment industry, and at the same time provoke deep thinking about pure art.

Let's trace the footprints of Ju Xue, unveil her mysterious withdrawal from the circle, and explore the actor's tortuous and moving life trajectory and inner world together.

Ju Xue's sudden departure is not a categorical goodbye to acting, but the beginning of a search for her true self. When people thought that she had said goodbye to the showbiz, she secretly appeared on the stage of the drama.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

When the audience saw her again, it was in a sudden performance of the drama "The Seagull" that her eyes were still as clear as ever, as if she had returned to the starting point of her first contact with performing arts.

On the drama stage, Xi Xue found her long-lost purity. She no longer pursues fame and fortune, nor does she care about the level of salary, she devotes herself to the shaping of each role. She once said, "The real joy is not in being famous or making money, but in being able to interpret each role perfectly."

This sentence profoundly interprets her sincere pursuit of performing arts.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Juxue's choice may seem incomprehensible to outsiders. She gave up the dazzling light of the film and television industry and chose the relatively unpopular drama industry, although her income was greatly reduced, her heart became more and more fulfilling.

This makes people sigh: It's a pity that such an outstanding actor has said goodbye to the big screen.

However, seeing her shine brightly on stage, we can't help but admire her courage and perseverance. Ju Xue's actions give us a profound revelation that true art should not be bound by commercial interests.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Her choice may be able to awaken the current impetuous showbiz.

On the drama stage, Ju Xue rediscovered her pure love for acting. She no longer needs to cater to the market and is no longer distracted by the ups and downs of ratings, but can devote herself to the role.

This return allowed Ju Xue to find her true value and meaning as an actor.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Although Ju Xue's departure is a big loss to the film and television industry, her persistence and dedication on the drama stage have brought a rare purity and perseverance to the entire entertainment industry. Her story may make us rethink: what is true art, and what is what an actor should pursue?

In Ju Xue's life trajectory, marriage is an important turning point. In 1991, on the set of "Disappearing Woman", at the age of 26, she met director He Qun, who was 13 years older than her. The two hit it off at first sight and quickly fell in love.

He Qun not only became Ju Xue's partner, but also a guide in her career.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Under He Qun's recommendation, Ju Xue had the opportunity to meet director Feng Xiaogang and participated in the drama "Never Lose My Love", which brought her the honor of Best Supporting Actress at the Golden Rooster Awards, making her a high-profile star at that time.

He Qun's support has provided a strong impetus for Ju Xue's acting career.

In 1996, during the filming of "Last Dang" and "Mixed in Beijing", Ju Xue and He Qun worked together again. This year, the two entered the marriage hall, and He Qun often praised his wife Ju Xue as a "muse".

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

However, in 2005, this seemingly happy marriage came to an end. Surprisingly, it was not a third party as speculated by the outside world that caused the two to break up, but a difference in career philosophy.

As time passed, He Qun began to try to make more commercially valuable films, while Ju Xue insisted on her own pursuit of pure art, and this conflict of ideas, coupled with the lack of gathering and separation at work, eventually led to the breakdown of the relationship.

Faced with the failure of her marriage, Ju Xue chose to keep a low profile, neither publicly announcing it to the outside world nor denigrating her ex-husband. Her mature and rational attitude has made people admire her even more.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

However, the failure of her marriage undoubtedly brought a blow to Ju Xue, and also made her start to re-examine the direction of her life and career.

This marriage experience became an important turning point in Ju Xue's life. This marriage witnessed the glory moments of her career and paved the way for her later life choices.

The decision to divorce gave Ju Xue more space to think, and also made her more determined in her pursuit of pure art.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

From this experience, we can see Ju Xue's trade-off between love and career, as well as the calmness and strength she shows in the face of life changes. Although this marriage eventually ended in separation, it propelled Juxue to the next stage of her life and played an immeasurable role.

Ju Xue's acting career was triggered by an unexpected encounter. In the summer of 1985, Ju Xue, who was still a high school student, and her classmates came to Beijing Film Studio. Originally, he was looking for pocket money from his classmate's brother, but he was unexpectedly photographed by Wang Chengcheng, the director who was filming "Father and Son".

Although it was only a few shots, Ju Xue's aura deeply moved Director Wang, and he tried his best to persuade this young girl to apply for film school in the future and become a real actor.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Faced with the opposition of her parents, Ju Xue showed her stubbornness for the first time. In the college entrance examination voluntary application, she did not hesitate to fill in the three universities of Beijing Film Academy, Shanghai Theater Academy and Central Academy of Drama.

In the end, 19-year-old Ju Xue was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy and started her dream journey alone.

During her time at school, Juxue actively participated in various activities in order to gain stage experience. Her diligence coupled with talent paid off quickly. In her sophomore year, the opportunity came, and Ju Xue received the first heroine play "Changing Thief" in her life, thus officially stepping into the door of the showbiz.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Since then, Ju Xue has shown love and dedication to acting. She is not content with just being a vase, but strives to delve into her acting skills and strive to have a great performance in each role.

This professional attitude laid a solid foundation for her future success.

Juxue's success is not accidental, but also the inevitable result of her hard work. That unexpected experience on the set ignited her passion for acting dreams, and since then she has been firmly on the path of pursuing her dreams.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Her success is not only her growth as an actress, but also the struggle of a dreamer with perseverance and perseverance.

With the success of "Thief of Change", Ju Xue has gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. What really pushed her to the pinnacle of her career was her acquaintance with director He Qun. Under the recommendation of He Qun, Ju Xue got acquainted with director Feng Xiaogang and got the precious opportunity to star in "Never Lose My Love".

With this work, Ju Xue won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress in one fell swoop, and became a hot new star at that time.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

After that, Ju Xue and He Qun collaborated on many works, such as "The Disappeared Woman", "Women's Drug Rehabilitation Center", "Phoenix Qin" and so on. These works witnessed the development of the relationship between the two, and also made Ju Xue's fame reach new heights.

She became a popular flower at that time, and various invitations came one after another, and her career was bright.

However, when her career was thriving, Ju Xue did not lose herself because of fame and fortune, she adhered to the innocent pursuit of performing arts, and never compromised for commercial interests. This kind of persistence was particularly precious in the impetuous entertainment industry at that time.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Even at the height of her popularity, Juxue never lowered her requirements for herself. Her pursuit is not only external beauty, but also to improve her acting skills, and strive to have excellent performance in every role, with this professional attitude, she has won the respect of industry insiders.

However, as time goes by, Ju Xue can feel more and more impetuousness and commercialization in the entertainment industry. She has witnessed more and more actors who are not hesitating to hype in order to become famous, and she has seen more and more producers disregard the quality of their works for the sake of ratings.

These phenomena made Juxue feel disappointed and confused.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

In such a materialistic era, Ju Xue began to doubt whether she could still stick to her original artistic ideals. She had to find a balance between business and art, and this inner struggle set the stage for the major decisions she made later in life.

The experience of drama snow vividly shows the current situation of the contemporary entertainment industry. Her persistence and struggle are also the true hearts of many actors with artistic dreams. In this era of pursuing rapid fame and high salary, an actor like Ji Xue who adheres to the true nature of art is indeed extremely precious.

After experiencing the twists and turns of marriage and the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, Ju Xue finally made an unexpected but reasonable decision: to quit the film and television industry and return to the drama stage.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

This choice is not only a respect for oneself, but also an adherence to pure art.

Ju Xue once said a thought-provoking sentence: "True happiness is not in becoming famous or making money, but in being able to interpret every role perfectly." This sentence profoundly expresses her understanding and pursuit of performing arts.

In her opinion, the performance should be pure and should not be disturbed by too many commercial factors.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

However, in the increasingly impetuous environment of the film and television industry, Ju Xue found it more and more difficult to find her original intention in it. All kinds of vulgar "thunder dramas" are rampant, and artistry has been sacrificed repeatedly, which makes Ju Xue feel deeply disappointed and helpless.

She began to realize that if she continued to stay in this environment, she might lose herself and forget her original dream.

After starring in "Youth Forty" in 2010, the 42-year-old drama Xue decisively chose to quit the film and television industry and returned to the drama stage. This decision may seem incomprehensible to outsiders, but for Ju Xue, it is the greatest respect for herself.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

On the drama stage, Ju Xue found the purity and happiness that she had not seen for a long time. She no longer needs to worry about ratings, no longer needs to cater to the market, and can fully devote herself to the interpretation of the role.

This kind of return made Ju Xue rediscover the value and meaning of being an actor.

Ju Xue's choice has a wake-up call effect on the current impetuous showbiz. She tells us with practical actions: real art should not be bound by commercial interests, and real actors should not forget their original intentions.

The disappearance of the "old drama bones" drama snow is the loss and sorrow of the entertainment industry

Although her departure is a big loss to the film and television industry, her persistence and courage have brought a rare purity and perseverance to this industry.

The story of Ju Xue makes us re-examine the relationship between art and business, and also allows us to see an actor's persistent pursuit of art. Her choice may become an example for those who come after her, inspiring more actors to stay true to their original aspirations and stick to the pursuit of pure art.

In this impetuous era, Ju Xue's choice is undoubtedly a clear stream, injecting a rare purity and perseverance into the entire entertainment industry.

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