
Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

author:Willing to talk about emotions

A fateful casting campaign is underway, and the internationally acclaimed director is looking for the right actress for his new film, My Father and Mother.

When his eyes fell on the photo of Zeng Li, a student of the Central Academy of Drama, as if he saw the soul of the character, he decided to let Zeng Li play this role.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

However, fate tricked people. When the staff contacted the school, they found that Zeng Li was not on campus. In this way, this opportunity passed by Zeng Li. In the end, Zhang Ziyi, who was in the same school, won the role and became famous in one fell swoop.

Years later, when asked about this past, Zeng Li calmly said: "Maybe it's God's arrangement." Zhang Ziyi played the role very well, if it were me, I might not be able to present that effect.

Does this sentence hide her helplessness about fate and inner regret? This missed opportunity has undoubtedly become an indelible turning point in Zeng Li's acting career.

On the campus of the Central Academy of Drama, there is a girl whose name is often mentioned, and that is Zeng Li. Her beauty is amazing, and both her classmates and teachers are amazed by her.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Some people even called her "a rare beauty in Chinese opera for 200 years", although this title is a little exaggerated, but it just reflects the extraordinary degree of Zeng Li's beauty.

Whether it is a classmate or a generation of goddesses Cecilia Cheung in the entertainment industry, when they see Zeng Li, they are deeply attracted by her beauty, and their eyes cannot be diverted. , although it is also surprising, but this also reflects from the side that Zeng Li's beauty is indeed outstanding.

However, Zeng Li is not only beautiful. During her studies in Chinese opera, she was known as the "Eight Golden Hairpins" together with Qin Hailu, Zhang Ziyi, Yuan Quan, Hu Jing and other seven talented and beautiful girls. This title not only represents their physical appearance, but also reflects their talent and potential in acting.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

The answer may lie in Zeng Li's character. Her indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune is different in the highly competitive entertainment industry. As classmate Liu Ye observed: "Zeng Li doesn't seem to have much desire for fame, she always seems calm."

Zeng Li's personality traits were especially evident in her senior year, when other classmates were busy going out to pick up plays, she chose to stay in school and concentrate on her studies. A sentence from the head teacher had a profound impact on her: "Instead of shooting some low-quality works outside, it is better to study in school."

Zeng Li seriously put this sentence into practice, and stayed on campus for the entire senior year to study acting skills.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

This decision influenced her future development trajectory to a certain extent. Although the classmates of the same period gradually emerged on the screen, Zeng Li chose a relatively slow path.

However, Zeng Li did not regret his choice. She once said in an interview: "Everyone has their own way to go. What I value more is the understanding and precipitation of the performance, rather than the momentary fame.

Such an attitude may be the source of Zeng Li's unique charm. Her beauty is stunning, and her dedication to art and indifference to fame and fortune have won the respect of people in the industry.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Although her star path is not as dazzling as other "golden hairpins", she interprets true beauty in her own way - it is the perfect combination of the outside and the inside.

At the Central Academy of Drama, Zeng Li and his classmate Niu Qingfeng collided into an enviable relationship. They are inseparable in class and rehearsal, and have become a model couple in school.

Their love story is like a pure and beautiful youth drama, flowing with innocence and beauty everywhere However, like many campus romances, they have not escaped the test of reality, and when they graduated, they chose to part ways, drawing a gentle and sad end to each other's youth.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

After entering the society, Zeng Li's love life was not as calm as ordinary people, she once met actor Fu Dalong during the filming of "Homecoming Like a Rainbow", and the two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love.

However, the similarity of their personalities has become a stumbling block to their relationship, and they seem out of place in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry, and this relationship is like a flash in the pan and quietly disappears.

Later, on the set of filming "The Barber", Zeng Li and Chen Kun had an emotional resonance. Although there were sparks between the two, this relationship did not develop well, perhaps because fate had not arrived, or the test of reality, and this relationship finally only became a good memory in Zeng Li's life.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

During the filming of "The Tragedy of Qinhuai", Zeng Li met Li Yixiang. At first, she didn't have a particularly good impression of him, but Li Yixiang's sincerity and persistence moved her. However, over time, their differences gradually became apparent.

Zeng Li's beauty became a burden on his feelings, and Li Yixiang had many emotions due to low self-esteem, which eventually led to the two breaking up.

Zeng Li's boyfriends have made great achievements in their later acting careers, which also made Zeng Li inadvertently labeled as "Wangfu". Among them, Fu Dalong won many honors such as the Golden Rooster Award and the Huabiao Award for his outstanding performance in "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" and "The Vertical and Horizontal of the Great Qin Empire".

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Li Yixiang successfully won the best actor at the Bangkok International Film Festival through "Blind Well".

Zeng Li has always maintained a calm mind to face this label. In an interview, she laughed and said, "Everyone's success is the result of their own efforts, and I'm happy for them, but it's none of my business."

Behind this sentence is her understanding and respect for feelings, and it also reflects her independent spirit of not wanting to define herself as an accessory to the success of others.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Looking back on Zeng Li's emotional journey, we not only see the emotional world of a beautiful woman, but also the changes in her understanding and attitude towards love during her growth. From the youthful campus romance to the emotional choices after maturity, Zeng Li has always maintained his longing for love and respect for himself.

Zeng Li, despite going through several relationships, she has not been depressed or negative or cynical. On the contrary, these experiences have made her more aware of what she wants, and at the same time, she has also cherished her current life more.

Zeng Li once said, "Love is beautiful, but it is not the whole of life, I look forward to finding my value in my career and work, finding happiness in life, and enjoying every day."

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

This attitude may be the source of Zeng Li's unique charm. She not only has amazing beauty, but also has an independent and strong heart. In terms of relationship and career, she interprets the beautiful image of a modern woman in her own unique way.

After graduating from the Central Academy of Drama, Zeng Li took her first step into the entertainment industry. Her debut novel, "My Brothers", marks both her official debut and a world where opportunities and challenges coexist.

However, although her beauty and acting skills are excellent, her path in the entertainment industry seems to be a twist and turn.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Zeng Li's role as Song Jiayi in "The Barber" attracted the attention of the audience, because of her detailed acting skills and unique interpretation of the role, she was successfully shortlisted for the Best Actress Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival.

However, this honor did not bring the expected popularity, but instead put her in a tepid situation.

Why is this so? Zeng Li's classmate Liu Ye once pointed out sharply: "Zeng Li doesn't seem to have such a strong desire to become famous, she always seems very indifferent." This kind of non-contentious character will undoubtedly affect the development speed of an actor in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Zeng Li said in an interview: "The value of an actor is not only in popularity, but also in whether he can convey something meaningful through his role. This sentence may be a portrayal of her persistence over the years, and she pays more attention to the role itself than the fame that the role brings.

Although he is not as popular as some people, Zeng Li's acting skills have been unanimously recognized by people in the industry. She is known as the "acting textbook", and behind this title is her unremitting pursuit of performing arts over the years.

Every role, no matter how big or small, she put her heart and soul into it.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

To some extent, Zeng Li's tepid performance allowed her to avoid the negative effects of fame and maintain her pure love for acting. She once said: "What I care more about is whether each character can make me grow and touch the hearts of the audience."

This kind of dedication to art and high requirements for self make Zeng Li unique in the entertainment industry.

Looking back on Zeng Li's acting career, we can see not only the career trajectory of a beautiful actor, but also the firm pursuit and indomitable perseverance of an artistic worker.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

In her own unique way, she interprets what it means to be a true actor, not just a star in the spotlight, but an artist who can convey emotions and thoughts through her characters.

Although Zeng Li's fame may be slightly less than that of actors of the same period, her persistence and dedication have won the respect of industry insiders and audiences who truly know how to appreciate it.

Her story tells us that in the acting industry, true success is not only fame and fortune, but also the ability to persevere in oneself, constantly improve, and find growth and value in every role.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

2021 is a year full of challenges and opportunities for 47-year-old Zeng Li. She made a decision that surprised many people: to participate in the variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2". This choice is like opening a Pandora's box, allowing the audience to see a new Zeng Li.

Zeng Li showed a completely different side in the show than before. She who often plays dignified and elegant roles on the screen suddenly became lively, humorous, and energetic. Her performance not only won the love of the audience, but also let more people know the real her.

Zeng Li used his actions to prove that age is not a limit, but a boundary that can be broken.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

After the show, Zeng Li did not stop. She began to update frequently on social platforms, keeping up with the latest hot Internet memes, and shooting funny short videos, which surprised fans.

The image of the former "cold beauty" was broken in an instant, and a "life expert" with full affinity replaced Zeng Li laughed at himself on Weibo: "It's like running a marathon for a year!" This self-teasing attitude allows fans to see her cute side.

Zeng Li challenged more types of roles in his acting career, among which the roles of Shen Muyue in the hit drama "Walking with the Phoenix" and Xiao Yuanyi in "Splendid Stars" sparked heated discussions among the audience, showing Zeng Li's ability to control complex roles.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Zeng Li said that she has a high enthusiasm for playing new roles and trying controversial female roles, rather than letting the audience only think of labels like 'a rare beauty in 200 years' when they see her.

She knows that she can't progress by living in her comfort zone all the time, and she hopes to break through and try various roles to show the versatility of an actress.

Zeng Li's courage to break through herself stems from her deep thinking about life and career. She once said: "I strongly encourage women to be bold and try a new life, not to be limited by age or appearance.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

This is not only Zeng Li's advice to other women, but also her attitude towards her own life.

The 47-year-old Zeng Li proved with his own practical actions that there is no so-called "golden period". As long as you have the courage to try, every age group can show its unique charm. Her story has inspired countless people to step out of their comfort zone and embrace the infinite possibilities of life.

Standing at the 48-year-old point of life, Zeng Li looked back on the past, and her eyes were both indifferent and firm. Her life journey is full of opportunities and challenges, laughter and tears, but all these have shaped her today: still beautiful and elegant, but more relaxed and confident than ever.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Zeng Li has a new understanding of his acting career. "Acting is important, but for me, freedom and happiness are the most precious," she said. This sentence expresses her current attitude towards life - no longer bound by the worldly definition of success, but the pursuit of inner truth and satisfaction.

Looking forward to the future, Zeng Li is still full of expectations. She is eager to find the true love of her life while continuing to shine in the entertainment industry. "Age is just a number," she says with a smile, "and the most important thing is to maintain a zest for life, a love for life and the pursuit of dreams."

Zeng Li's experience, it is like a beautiful revelation of perseverance, growth and self-realization. She is the school flower of Chinese opera, to the "tepid" in the entertainment industry, and then to the different stages of self-breakthrough today, she has explained in her own way what true beauty is: it is not only the appearance that is so important, but also the inner self-confidence and love of life.

Recognized beauty Zeng Li: I met a beautiful woman once in 200 years of Chinese opera, missed Zhang Yimou, but achieved Zhang Ziyi

Her story teaches us that there is no fixed script in life, and the important thing is to live your life to the fullest at every stage.

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