
All the pension plans have been announced, which place is higher for the fixed adjustment? Take a look at the leaderboard

author:Social Insurance House
All the pension plans have been announced, which place is higher for the fixed adjustment? Take a look at the leaderboard

The pension adjustment plans have all been announced, which place is higher in the fixed adjustment? Take a look at the full leaderboard

This year, the pension adjustment plan of 31 provinces in the country has been announced to be completed, the time is much earlier than last year, it is indeed surprising, due to this year's increase of 0.8%, most places this year have lowered the quota adjustment standard, let's take a look at how much the quota adjustment is in various places, which place can be more? Let's take a look at the rankings.

All the pension plans have been announced, which place is higher for the fixed adjustment? Take a look at the leaderboard

On the whole, this year, all localities have lowered the quota adjustment standards to a certain extent, but there are a few places that remain unchanged, and even rise sharply The quota adjustment standards are currently ranked as follows:

All the pension plans have been announced, which place is higher for the fixed adjustment? Take a look at the leaderboard

Let's compare last year's quota adjustment rankings, as shown in the following figure:

All the pension plans have been announced, which place is higher for the fixed adjustment? Take a look at the leaderboard

It can be seen that this year's ranking order has changed significantly compared with last year, last year it was Tibet, Shanghai and Ningxia ranked the top three, and this year it was Shanghai, Tibet and Ningxia ranked the top three, and Shanghai's quota standard became the highest this year, reaching 61 yuan per month, unchanged from last year, which is very good.

Last year's ranking at the bottom of Jiangsu, Guangdong, Yunnan three places, this year's ranking has increased significantly, of which Yunnan is from the penultimate first, to this year's 8th, Jiangsu quota standard this year ranked 15th. Because these places have chosen to raise the quota adjustment standard this year.

In terms of quota standards, the quota standard in most localities this year is between 30 and 40 yuan, but Tibet has reduced the quota adjustment amount the most, from 70 yuan last year to 51 yuan this year, a decrease of 19 yuan, and the reduction in the quota adjustment standard in many localities is within 10 yuan.

Because the quota adjustment reflects the fairness, and my length of service and pension level and other factors have nothing to do, everyone is treated equally, if this year the local can give priority to the quota adjustment, and even increase the quota adjustment standard, it will be more beneficial for retirees with low pensions.

All the pension plans have been announced, which place is higher for the fixed adjustment? Take a look at the leaderboard

It is important to know that there is a seesaw relationship between the quota adjustment and the peg adjustment and the tilt adjustment, and in the case of a 3% increase, if the quota adjustment standard is high, then the peg adjustment and the tilt adjustment standard will face a reduction. Let's take Yunnan as an example to illustrate, because Yunnan's quota adjustment has changed greatly.

Yunnan's adjustment plan this year is like this: the quota is adjusted to 34 yuan, compared with last year's 15 yuan, an increase of 19 yuan, linked to the adjustment part, the length of service increases by 1 yuan every 1 year, compared with last year's 1.2 yuan, the unit price is reduced by 0.2 yuan, and the pension level is linked to the part, the increase is 1%, compared with 1.93% last year, a decrease of 0.93%, the old age tilt adjustment part, retirees who are 70 years old to 79 years old, an additional 30 yuan, 80 years old and above, an increase of 50 yuan, The criteria remain the same.

It can be seen that Yunnan has mainly lowered the linked adjustment part this year, in this case, it is beneficial to retirees with low pensions, and it is easy to narrow the gap between pension rises. Suppose two retirees have 30 years of service, one has a pension of 2,500 yuan and the other has a pension of 5,000 yuan. If you don't consider the inclination of old age, according to this year's plan, the former can rise by 34 + 30 * 1 + 2500 * 1% = 89 yuan, while the latter can rise by 34 + 30 * 1 + 5000 * 1% = 114 yuan, a difference of 25 yuan.

According to last year's plan, the former can rise by 15 + 30 * 1.2 + 2500 * 1.93% = 99 yuan, while the latter can rise by 15 + 30 * 1.2 + 5000 * 1.93% = 147.5 yuan, a difference of 48.5 yuan.

All the pension plans have been announced, which place is higher for the fixed adjustment? Take a look at the leaderboard

Sum up

At present, the pension adjustment plan of 31 provinces across the country has been announced, compared with last year's advance, and the action around the country is indeed rapid, which is worthy of praise. Judging from the plans of various localities, most localities have lowered the quota adjustment standard this year, of which Tibet has reduced it by 19 yuan, but there are also a few places that have remained unchanged, and even raised the quota adjustment standard, such as Shanghai is still 61 yuan, which is also the highest in the country this year, and Yunnan, Jiangsu and other places have raised the quota adjustment standard this year. Since the adjustment of the fixed amount reflects fairness, if the standard is higher, it will be more beneficial to retirees with low pensions.