
General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

author:Conversations between historians


Among the brilliant generals of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Su Yu is undoubtedly one of the most dazzling. With his outstanding military talents and brilliant military exploits, he was known as the "God of War" of our army, and deservedly became the first general of the founding of the country. In the War of Liberation, Su Yu successfully participated in and commanded many key battles such as the Gaoyou Campaign, the Soviet-Chinese Campaign, the Menglianggu Campaign, the Jinan Campaign, the Huaihai Campaign, the River Crossing Campaign, and the Shanghai Campaign, and made great contributions to the liberation of the Chinese people. So who were close to him in the life of such a legendary founding general and had the greatest influence on him? The following editor will take you to take stock of several close comrades-in-arms of General Su Yu.

"Military confidant" Marshal Liu Bocheng

Liu Bocheng and Su Yu were outstanding military leaders in the early days of the Chinese Communist Party, and they had a deep revolutionary friendship and rich experience of cooperation. They first met during the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, when Liu Bocheng was the chief of staff of the uprising and Su Yu was the head of the guard squad that protected him. After the failure of the Nanchang Uprising, Liu Bocheng came to the Jiangxi Soviet District after traveling to many places, and Su Yu also worked as an instructor in the Jiangxi Soviet District School. Although Liu Bocheng and Su Yu did not see each other for 17 years during the revolutionary years due to their respective busy wars, their friendship and mutual respect remained undiminished. In 1947, under the instructions of Chairman Mao and other leaders of the Central Military Commission, Liu Deng Erye and Chen Su Sanye began to cooperate in the war, and the exchanges between the two sides began to increase but never met. Liu Bocheng admired Su Yu's military talent very much, and once spoke highly of Su Yu's victory on the battlefield in eastern Henan, saying that I could not do such a big battle, and I did not have such courage or courage.

General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

At the only meeting of the General Front Committee of the Huaihai Campaign in 1948, Su Yu and Liu Bocheng reunited. But at this time, Su Yu was already Liu Bocheng's position, and they were both the supreme commanders of the army. Before the Battle of Huaihai, Su Yu captured a lot of supplies in several major annihilation battles, so his troops were strong. And after Liu Deng's army advanced thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain, the entire military situation was not as good as Su Yu's Erye. Therefore, in the course of the battle, Liu Deng's Erye troops were often snipers, while Chen Su's Sanye troops were often the main attackers, and many generals of the Erye complained that such command and distribution were unfair. Liu Bocheng severely criticized this and demanded that the fraternal troops must be united, and when Su Yu learned the news, he also made a special self-examination. It can be seen that the tacit understanding between the two is very high.

General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

In the Huaihai Campaign, Su Yu ordered his subordinates to rush to the aid of Liu Deng Erye and assisted them in annihilating the Huang Wei Corps in Shuangduiji. Liu Bocheng was very grateful for this, and then the troops of the two men worked closely together to fight the Kuomintang army and won a decisive victory. In his later years, Su Yu's political career was not smooth, and as soon as he had time, he went to the military academy to visit his old friend Liu Bocheng. Lau also occasionally invites Su Yu to the academy to share his experience and insights with the younger generation. The deep affection between these two founders of the country, teachers, students and friends, has touched countless people.

"Also a teacher and friend" Marshal Zhu De

Speaking of the friendship between Zhu De and Su Yu, many netizens may not be clear, because when Mr. Zhu was in power, Su Yu was just a small soldier, and it was not until later in the Liberation War that the "God of War" of our army shined and was known to people. Su Yu once wrote in his memoirs: All his military knowledge came from Mr. Zhu. Therefore, his admiration for Zhu De can be seen, and the reason why Su Yu said this is also because Zhu De was the first superior leader to discover his military potential.

General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

After the Nanchang Uprising, when Zhu De carried out the reorganization of the troops in the Yushan area, he directly asked Su Yulian, who was injured in the battle in Wuping, to be promoted to two levels and became a company instructor. During the Jinggangshan Revolution, Su Yu was a company commander under Zhu De's troops, and whenever there was a march to fight, Zhu De always took Su Yu with him, and when there were problems in the combat process, he carefully explained to him, which also gave Su Yu a lot of opportunities to learn and experience. During the Red Army, Su Yu learned a lot of tactics and tactics from Zhu De, which also laid the foundation for his brilliant achievements in the future.

General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

During the War of Liberation, Su Yu, as the commander of the Central China Field Army, commanded operations in the Soviet-Central region, and in the face of the powerful offensive of the Kuomintang army, he flexibly used guerrilla tactics and achieved the famous "Seven Victories in the Seven Battles of the Soviet Union and China". Subsequently, in the Battle of Menglianggu commanded by Su Yu in Shandong, he successfully encircled and annihilated the 74th Division of the Kuomintang elite troops, and the commander of the division, Zhang Lingfu, was killed. Zhu De was very excited after Su Yu's successive victories, and wrote a poem "Sending the South to Conquer the Generals" for Su Yu. Zhu De spoke highly of Su Yu's initiative and excellent command in the campaign, and it can also be seen that he trusted Su Yu's military judgment and praised his achievements. The relationship between Zhu De and Su Yu goes beyond a simple relationship between superiors and subordinates, they are like-minded comrades-in-arms and friends who appreciate each other.

"Golden partner" Marshal Chen Yi

The revolutionary friendship and cooperation between Su Yu and Chen Yi is a good story in the history of modern Chinese revolution, the two fought side by side for many years, and jointly made great contributions to the founding of New China. Their first encounter can be traced back to the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, when the rebel troops came to the mountainous area on the border between Jiangxi and Guangdong, where Su Yu, a 20-year-old squad leader, and Chen Yi, a 26-year-old regiment instructor, met for the first time, and this acquaintance also paved the way for the deep friendship between the two in the future. After the establishment of the New Fourth Army, although Su Yu and Chen Yi did not have much contact in the early days, they gradually formed a close cooperative relationship in the reorganization of the troops and actual combat. Especially after the merger of the Jiangnan and Northern Jiangsu Commands of the New Fourth Army, as the core members of the leadership, Su Yu and Chen Yi's tacit cooperation began to appear, and they jointly planned and implemented a series of important battles, effectively striking at the enemy and expanding the liberated areas.

General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

During the War of Liberation, Chen Yi, as the commander and political commissar of the East China Field Army, commanded many major battles together with Su Yu, the acting commander and acting political commissar, including the Menglianggu Campaign and the Huaihai Campaign, and won decisive victories. However, there were occasional strategic differences between the two sides in the course of commanding operations, but this more reflected their frankness and responsibility as revolutionaries and their highly responsible attitude towards the revolutionary cause. There was a deep personal friendship between the two men, as well as serious discussions on issues of principle, and this relationship was hailed by later generations as "revolutionary friends". After Chen Yi's death, Chen Yi's wife, Zhang Qian, was not in good health due to excessive grief. In order to make him feel at ease, Su Yu married his daughter Su Huining to Chen Yi's youngest son Chen Xiaolu. The relationship between the two families has been further deepened through the marriage of their children, which is enough to see the depth of the revolutionary friendship between Su Yu and Chen Yi. These deep friendships were built on the basis of the fighting years and mutual trust that fought side by side in the revolutionary years, and were rare examples of generals and commanders in the revolutionary war years.

"See each other and hate late" general Chen Geng

Chen Geng and Su Yu met late, but both participated in the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, which was the common starting point of their revolutionary careers. At that time, Chen Geng served as a battalion commander in He Long's unit, while Su Yu served as a guard squad leader at the uprising headquarters in Ye Ting's unit. And this uprising was also the first bond of their revolutionary friendship. Su Yu is known for his excellent military command skills, and Chen Geng is known for his rich military experience and wide range of talents, so what kind of story will there be between them? The two really met in 1947, when Sanye and Siye coordinated in the Central Plains to prepare for the Huaihai Campaign, and the two commanded operations on different battlefields as military commanders, although there were not many opportunities for direct cooperation, but they gradually understood and appreciated each other's military talents through mutual support and strategic cooperation in military operations.

General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

At the end of 1947, Chen Geng and Su Yu ushered in the first military cooperation, when Bai Chongxi mobilized heavy troops to encircle and suppress Liu Deng's army, Chairman Mao ordered the military command to be unified and transferred by Su Yu, so that Chen Geng became Su Yu's subordinate. According to the operational deployment, the troops of the two sides approached Wuhan south along Pinghan, and after driving more than 400 kilometers, they annihilated more than 45,000 enemy troops and conquered more than 50 important towns such as Xuchang. After the two sides met, Chen Geng and Su Yu got along for a short time, Chen Geng praised Su Yu's military command ability many times, and Su Yu also admired Chen Geng's ability to excel in both military and political affairs, and the two had a feeling of hating each other. In the subsequent Huaihai Campaign, Chen Geng's corps encountered an offensive bottleneck against Huang Wei's corps, and Chen Geng personally called Su Yu to ask for advice, so the relationship between the two was deep. After the total annihilation of Huang Wei's corps, Chen Geng also specially organized personnel to go to Su Yu's troops to study and ask for advice. Maxima often has, but Bole does not often have, Su Yu and Chen Geng are Bole of each other, and they can always see each other's shining points.

General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

In 1954, Su Yu served as the chief of the General Staff, and Chen Geng served as the deputy chief of the General Staff as the dean of the Military Engineering College. They have jointly participated in the formulation of military strategies and made important contributions to the army building and national security of New China. During Chen Geng's recuperation in Shanghai, Su Yu often visited him, and the two talked about everything, and their private relationship was very close. In 1961, General Chen Geng died, and Su Yu cried and fainted after hearing the bad news, not only because he lost a comrade-in-arms, but also because he knew that he had lost a friend who could put his heart into his heart. The friendship between Chen Geng and Su Yu is based on the common revolutionary ideals and loyalty to the country, as well as the trust of life and death formed in the revolutionary struggle.

General Su Yu had 4 close friends in his life, 3 of whom were founding marshals, and 1 of whom hated to see each other late

In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned people mentioned by the editor, there are also many generals in the army who have a good relationship with General Su Yu. For example, Marshal Ye Jianying, who has protected and strongly recommended Su Yu many times, as well as Marshal Lin Biao, who sympathizes with Su Yu militarily, as well as the three generals of "Ye Wang Tao" under Su Yu, and General Xiao Jinguang, who has cared for and comforted him many times. Although Su Yu didn't talk much, he was an upright person, and everyone admired his military talents, so many people were willing to become friends with him.


General Su Yu never sticks to the rules in warfare, dares to innovate, and is always able to flexibly adjust his combat plan according to the actual situation. In addition to his military talents, he always put the interests of the party and the people first. And between him and the older generation of revolutionaries, there is not only tacit understanding and cooperation in military affairs, but also care and care in life. They fought side by side in the revolutionary cause and jointly devoted their lives to China's independence and development. In 1988, Su Yu was named one of the "36 Founding Military Masters of the Communist Party of China" by the Central Military Commission to affirm his historical achievements.
