
Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened

author:Luwang Zibo News

Luwang, June 29 (Reporter Jin Shuang, Intern Reporter Zhang Shuqi) On June 28, Huaguang Guoci Linzi Art Museum was grandly opened.

Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened

Linzi is the former capital of Qi and the birthplace of Qi culture, and has performed the grand occasion of the first of the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the crown of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States. In 2022, China's top ten archaeological discoveries show that more than 13,000 years ago, there were pottery and pottery sculptures at the Xuyao site of the Zhao family in Linzi. It can be said that here Qi culture and ceramic culture coexist and complement each other. Today, the opening of Huaguang Chinese Porcelain Art Museum will surely add luster to this city with profound historical and cultural heritage, full of cultural temperament and humanistic charm.

Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened
Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened
Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened
Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened
Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened
Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened

Zibo ceramics have a long history, and the contemporary national kiln shines. In a major national home diplomacy and world cultural exchanges, Huaguang Chinese porcelain, a beautiful national business card, shows the exquisite level of Chinese contemporary ceramics to the world, conveys the self-confidence of Chinese culture, and shows the charm of "Shandong good products" and "Zibo ceramic contemporary national kiln".

Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened

Su Tongqiang, chairman of Huaguang Sinocera, said in his speech, "The product is the face of Huaguang people, and the quality is the dignity of Huaguang people." Huaguang Sinocera is committed to integrating Chinese culture into every piece of porcelain, creating every product with heart, so that Sinocera can enter thousands of households and add luster to a better new life for the masses.

Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened

Huaguang Chinese porcelain has been 63 years since its establishment, always with the dream of "making the world's best ceramics, leading Chinese contemporary ceramics to return to the center of the world stage, and making the light of Chinese ceramics forever brilliant in the world", constantly breaking through and surpassing in the innovation and development of ceramic art, achieving excellent Chinese porcelain quality with excellent porcelain-making technology, and becoming a leading brand in China's high-end ceramic market and a national porcelain production enterprise.

Huaguang Chinese porcelain Linzi Art Museum opened

Huaguang Guoci Linzi Art Museum is located in Linzi District, Xuegong Street, Yanying Road, No. 109-7, in order to give back to new and old customers, a variety of preferential activities will also be vigorously launched, please friends from all walks of life into the store to consult.

Editor in charge: Liu Zongyao

Source::40 Luwang


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