
The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

author:Sport Andrea 5A6


An air leak in the space forecaster's system was found in the central module of the space station.

This is one of many accidents on the ISS in the past few years, but this time it was an air leak in the station's central module, most likely caused by a garbage or meteorite impact.

As soon as this news came out, it aroused the attention of netizens, and some netizens joked on Weibo that China's opportunity is coming, and it is quite funny to think about it, although this time the air leak does not affect the normal operation of the space station now, but after all, the air leak is the core space station center module, and it is very troublesome to repair.

So will this air leak affect the operation of the space station, and can China's Shenzhou 18 go to the rescue?

The International Space Station has entered a disaster year.

The central module of the International Space Station is not normal, which naturally reminds us of Shenzhou 18 going to the rescue.

After all, this is also a continental space station, and China is likely to make a move for the ISS.

The International Space Station is a man-made ecological environment laboratory built by human beings in space, and it is a joint research laboratory of the United States, Russia and other countries, which has been built since the 90s of the last century.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

The most recent accident on the International Space Station was the space station that was built more than 20 years ago.

This is not the first time that accidents have occurred on the International Space Station, where all sorts of accidents can occur at any time, because the operation of the International Space Station is not stable.

However, the air leak in the central module of the ISS is indeed the worst accident on the ISS in recent years.

There is a slight air leak in the central module, but this leak does not threaten the safety and prudence of the astronauts, and the operation of the ISS will not be affected in the short term.

Will this air leak affect the operation of the ISS for a long time?

Why does the space station leak air?

The ISS Center is launched in a sub-module.

There are 13 modules in the space station.

There are a total of three cabins, which were launched by Russia and the United States, all of which have their own segments, and seven more are jointly launched.

The construction of these modules is to promote space scientific research, but the air leaks in the modules that have occurred in recent years have once again made everyone feel that the International Space Station is no longer so reliable.

It can be said that the aging of the module is inevitable, the International Space Station was built in the 90s of the 20th century, and today, it has a history of 30 years.

The development time of these equipment, coupled with the operation of the space station, is the use of equipment very frequently, so there will be an aging of the module.

However, the aging of the module section is not enough to cause air leaks, and the slight air leaks or impact holes that appear are very serious problems that often affect the operation of the space station.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

In the eyes of many people, the emergence of these problems is likely to come from space junk, after all, the amount of space junk is increasing, and these space junk, if they hit the space station, often hit it at a speed of thousands of meters per hour.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

In this regard, even if we were to repair the module after a postdoc, there would be no guarantee that a bullet leak would not happen again.

That's why a 100% guaranteed air-free section repair method cannot be 100% guaranteed.

One of the biggest threats is aimless space junk in space, and it will grow more and more over time.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

It can be said that the problem of space junk in space has gradually evolved into a serious global problem.

If there is an air leak on the International Space Station, will it affect its normal operation?

It is not the first time that the central module of the space station has leaked, but it is the most difficult, but now this leakage situation does not have much impact on the space station, because this central module is the core module of the space station, and it will be immediately closed once it runs abnormally.

Therefore, the air leakage in this place will not cause the space station to be closed, and if there are national explorer astronauts, they can also quickly respond to the air leak to ensure their own safety.

To fix this place, it is necessary to send a group of astronauts to repair it, which is obviously a very troublesome matter.

If the astronauts are directly affected by the restoration work, then the whereabouts of these astronauts are a problem that needs to be solved, because these astronauts will take at least half a year to go back and forth from China to the space station.

It can be said that it is difficult for the International Space Station to be completely repaired in the short term, and even if it is successfully repaired one day, it will be unavoidable when it returns.

The space station is a typical closed system, and even if there is a maintenance and replacement of key parts, there is no guarantee that such a problem will occur, so some sudden accidents are impossible to avoid.

But if the astronauts go directly to the maintenance work, the safety of the astronauts is not guaranteed.

The mainland's space station has entered the stage, and the construction of this stage only requires very few astronauts to carry out maintenance and replacement work, so letting the mainland's astronauts directly repair the ISS will have a great interference with the entire mission.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

Repairing the space station can be said to be a very complex and difficult job, it is difficult to ensure 100% that the maintenance work can be completely successful, and once the maintenance fails, the life safety of night astronauts cannot be guaranteed.

So in this case, the continent's space station, how to make a decision?

The ISS will probably be rescued by China.

After an air leak in the central module of the International Space Station, cargo spacecraft that were originally intended to supply the station will not go to the space station.

But this has nothing to do with the construction of space stations, and will not affect their construction tasks, so this raises a problem.

Since the supply spacecraft cannot replenish the space station, the next construction task of the space station needs to consider whether the task of building the center module needs to be suspended.

Because the current astronauts in the ISS and the space station have a limited reserve time of solid propellant.

Even if the construction mission is suspended, it will take us a long time, and during this time, it may affect the normal operation of the space station.

So now there is a problem of air leakage in the central module in the construction of the space station of the International Space Station, which is a very thorny problem and needs to be solved urgently.

In this way, the construction of the space station is also the business of the whole world, so who will be entrusted with the task of repairing the space station?

It can be said that everyone's affairs are done by everyone, and small things are treated as big things, and this sentence can best reflect its significance in this extraordinary period.

After all, this mission is a cause for all mankind, and everyone can participate in solving the space station problem.

But the central module of the ISS was launched by Russia, and the leak was done on the module.

But the credit does not belong entirely to Russia, and the modules built in Russia are also made in China and foreign, so this begs a question.

Who exactly needs to take on this task, will Russia come forward or other countries will come forward?

If China intervenes, then China's Shenzhou-18 can carry out rescue missions.

After all, for such a maintenance mission, Chinese astronauts, especially experienced Chang'e astronauts, then this task is still completed by Chinese astronauts.

In addition, the most important point to solve the problem of air leakage on the space station is technical coordination.

We can't afford to focus on the slightest face-saving issue and ignore the operation and maintenance of the entire space station.

Prior to this, there was also a malfunction in Russia's optical hatch, and although this failure would not have a significant impact on the normal operation of the space station, it was also a pressing problem.

So after fixing this problem, the relevant parties of the space station want to be able to work together with each other.

In the spirit of putting the overall situation first, we will work together to coordinate and solve this thorny and serious problem.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

The problem of space junk is getting worse.

Space junk roaming aimlessly in space is one of the biggest threats.

After all, the amount of space junk is constantly increasing.

Once space junk hits the space station, it means that the space station has the possibility of air leakage.

So how do we prevent this from happening?

First of all, we should strengthen the protection of the space environment.

Since many countries have strengthened their domestic garbage sorting work, this is also a good reference for space garbage disposal.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

However, in order to truly solve the problem of space junk, it is necessary to clean up the space environment.

The premise of this work is that we must first study the sources of space junk and formulate specific and feasible clean-up plans and programs.

After all, the sources of space junk are quite extensive, not only the domestic waste of the astronauts themselves, but also the failure or discarded aerospace components.

There are also many types of space junk, ranging from harmful chemicals to large and small debris to abandoned satellites.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

All of this junk is constantly orbiting the Earth, and if it collides with other celestial bodies, new space junk will be generated.

Therefore, we should reduce the generation of space junk as soon as possible, and at the same time, we also need to study relevant technical means and methods to clean up space junk.

It can be said that this poses a huge challenge for scientists, but it is also an important topic full of challenges and opportunities.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?


The leak in the ISS central module has been revealed, so what will happen to it next, and who will be responsible for fixing it?

However, for the time being, the speed of operation of the ISS will not be greatly affected.

It can be said that there is still a lot of work to be done on the International Space Station, and if there are countries willing to help, this very difficult task can also be completed.

The continent's own space station mission has not yet been completed, and if other countries are willing to help, then the strength of everyone will come together to solve this problem.

The International Space Station was hit again? There is a gas leak, Shenzhou 18 is on standby, can it go to the rescue?

In addition, while the problem of space junk may seem endless, it is with these problems that we have the opportunity to gain more knowledge and progress in solving the problem.

In this process, there are also many important ideas that will be generated, after all, the key to solving the problem lies in whether you have good ideas and methods, and whether you have enough courage and determination to put them into practice.