
Xiang reads Zhou Yi: Heng Hexagram

author:Yuan Lianfa

The thirty-second hexagram is constant

[Hexagram Discussion]

Heng: thunderstorm, the ancient character of Heng is written as "亘", simulating the moon between heaven and earth. The moon strings and hope are constant, so it leads to the meaning of long-term and long-lasting. If you take the meaning of thunderstorm, it is precisely impermanent. Judging from the hexagram, the upper hexagram is the main instrument, and the lower hexagram Xun is the government decree, and the hexagram name should be taken from the announcement. "Xuan" is originally a palace decorated with water patterns and cloud patterns, and has the meaning of "big" and "wide", and is used as a verb to make it wide and big.

"Heng": Heng. No blame. Lizhen. There is a lot going on.

[Derived from the epithet]

Thunder and wind are constant, and the upper and lower shocks are Xun. Heng, the beginning and the end are all passes, and there is Qianyuan in the middle. No blame, no disaster, but should be upright in order to do a good job, in fact, what Liuyao said is that the relationship between husband and wife is tense: but there will inevitably be bumps and bumps in a lifetime, persevere, don't go too far, there is no hurdle that cannot be passed, and there is a lot to do.

Constant, long, constant, positive, unchanged original intention, then what can't be done? Profiteering, the way of wind and wood.

Xiang reads Zhou Yi: Heng Hexagram

[Six Elephant Solution]

On the sixth day of the first month, Jun Heng, chaste and fierce, no profit.

On the sixth day of the first month, the yang position is yin, the ageneity is not normal, and the fierceness is fierce; It should be with the ninety-fourth, but it is blocked by the two yangs and has no benefit. Jun, deep, demanding, Xun is high, the sixth is deep; Twenty-four is dry, abyss, and the sixth day is like in the abyss. Women are demanding.

Ninety-two, repentant.

Ninety-two, just in the middle, yin and yang, and six or five should be, in and self-righteous. But there is virtue from the beginning.

Ninety-three, not permanent, or ashamed, stingy.

Ninety-three, in the right position, between advance and retreat, not constant its virtue; Juzheng should be on the sixth, with yang from yin, stingy. Or (otherwise) to inherit (inherit the upper and lower) shame, the original dwelling in the virtue, but the lower Xun and the upper exchange, to be pleasing to others, shame. Or, the end of the ninety-three places (female) is the same as the ninety-four (male), so it is not permanent; Or the shame of inheritance, inheritance is to inherit up and down, for the subordination, dare not be upright, although it is dry with ninety-four. Xun also has impatience, greed and other righteousness, which is also a manifestation of impermanent virtue. There is no image of drinking food in the hexagram, and I am afraid that it is not appropriate to make a delicacy. It's just that the character is capricious.

Xiang reads Zhou Yi: Heng Hexagram

Ninety-four, there is no poultry in the field.

Ninety-four, yin and yang, the upper hexagram is not a field and there is no poultry (if the yang is on the sixth, it is separated, fowl). Xia Xun is a bird, but the shock hits upward, even if the field hunts can not be a bird, the opposite way. alludes to the lack of upward shock ability, and is due to being restrained by the lower hexagram, which is actually the Marquis of Lijian.

Sixty-five, Heng Qide, chastity, the woman is auspicious, and the master is fierce.

"Elephant" said: The woman is chaste, from the beginning to the end. The master is righteous, and the woman is also murderous. Sixty-five, the yang position and the yin, from the woman's words are positive, from the husband's words are not positive. The husband seems to be stingy in doing things, which is a promising thing.

On the sixth, Zhenheng, fierce.

On the sixth, in the right position, why is it fierce? Zhen, the hexagram Zhen, Zhenheng, greedy for its longevity, such as the beginning of the six demanding its deep, are very Taoist. Once the temper comes up, it is manly on the surface, but it is a nonsense, and it is shocking and impatient.

Xiang reads Zhou Yi: Heng Hexagram