
Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

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Klay Thompson: The Changing Landscape of the Free Agent Market and the Unknown Future!

The NBA stage is like a big theater, and under the spotlight, Klay Thompson of the Warriors has become the protagonist of the new season.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

However, this time the script is a bit interesting - "Something is wrong!" Clay no one wants it! "You heard it right, it's that three-point marksman, and now in the free market, it seems to be a hot potato.

Let's start at the beginning.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

Former glory

It is said that in the NBA, a hot land for basketball, there is a hero named Klay Thompson, known as "Buddha".

The legend of his three-point divine shooting is really talkative.

I remember that it was the days of the Warriors, and Klay's three-point shot was like a hanging, extremely accurate, and every shot seemed to tell the opponent: "Your defense is just a thin veil in my eyes."

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

"No, with his help, the Warriors defeated strong enemies again and again and won the victory, that scene is even more exciting than watching a blockbuster! When it comes to winning the championship, Clay is indispensable.

Whenever the game heats up, his teammates will have their eyes on the calm shooter.

His presence is like the anchor of the Warriors, always able to stabilize the situation at critical moments and lead the team to victory.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

Behind many championship trophies, there is his indispensable figure.

Who can forget the 2015 Grand Final? Klay's steady play made the Warriors have the last laugh, and at that moment, he was a real hero.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

However, Clay's highlight reel was much more than that.

37 points in a single quarter, this is not a blown number, it is a real record! You know, this is a new record for single-quarter points in NBA history.

That night, Clay's hands were incredibly hot, and every shot seemed to say, "I don't care about your defense."

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

That night, Klay's performance made all the fans go crazy, and also made the whole league remember the name - Klay Thompson.

Having said that, in addition to Clay's sassy and heroic appearance on the court, he is also a big boy with a sense of humor in private.

Remember that video of his interaction with his pet dog, Rocco? In the video, the tacit cooperation between Clay and Rocco makes people laugh.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

Such Clay is not only admirable on the court, but also makes people feel familiar in life.

Today, despite his injuries, Klay has never given up on his love for basketball.

Every time he comes back, you can see his more determined eyes.

As he himself said, "I love basketball, it's as natural as breathing.

This perseverance and love is the reason why Clay was able to rise in the face of adversity and shine again on the field.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

The ups and downs of the season

However, this season, Klay's form has been like a roller coaster, with highs and lows.

The three-point shot was sometimes inaccurate, making the fans sweat.

This is not a trivial matter for the Warriors, after all, the team's record and tactical layout are closely related to him.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

The free market's snub and humiliating contract

In the NBA's free market drama, the plot between the Warriors and Klay Thompson is like a series of ups and downs, and every episode makes people sweat.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

Originally, the Warriors management planned to use a four-year and 100 million fat contract to express their deep friendship with this meritorious veteran, after all, Klay has left too many unforgettable moments in the glorious history of the Warriors.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

However, there is no shortage of variables in the basketball world, and Klay's fluctuating form this season, combined with the law of unforgiving years, has caused the Warriors to reevaluate the ROI of that relationship.

In the end, the glittering contract shrank to $80 million for three years, which was still a sizable offer, but for Clay, the change was undoubtedly like a punch to his pride.

Looking at the actions of other teams, it is almost like a "who can bargain" game in the free market.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

The Magic team took the lead, with a two-year contract of 22 million, which seems generous, but in fact it is more like saying: "Hey, look, we have a discount coupon here, do you want it?" "And what about the 76ers? The 1+1 contract they offered was simply an open demonstration of negotiation skills, as if to say, "We're giving you a chance to prove yourself, don't be too little." ”

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

For Clay, these offers are not just a numerical hit, but a reassessment of the value of his career.

He was once the league's top shooter and a key piece of the puzzle for the Warriors' dynasty, but now he has to face such a reality, and his inner struggle can be imagined.

What Clay craves is recognition, respect for what he has done on the court, not to be treated like an out-of-fashion star.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

In this process, Clay's persistence is particularly precious.

He believes he still has enough fuel in his tank to keep burning on the field, proving the short-sightedness of those doubters.

After all, in the world of basketball, strength is the last word, and Klay Thompson has never been an easy person to give up.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

All this is like a psychological war in the NBA free market, between players and teams, there is not only a game about money, but also a defense of dignity.

Clay's story may make us think that when professional athletes face a turning point in their careers, what they need is not only the numbers on their contracts, but also the understanding and support from the bottom of their hearts.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

Contrast and reflection

Let's take a look at Klay's good brother, Draymond Green, who did not hesitate at all, and directly signed a big order of 100 million in four years.

is also a hero of the Warriors, why is this treatment so different? In the final analysis, it is strength and stability that have the final say.

The NBA is a free market, ruthless, and players have to be ready to respond to changes in the market.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

Klay is now at a crossroads, should he stay with the Warriors, accept that unsatisfactory contract, or go to another team to find an opportunity? It's a big decision, and it's about his career and personal reputation.

For the Warriors, Klay's stay is just as important.

Something is wrong! Clay no one wants it! Magic 2 years 22 million, 76 people issued a humiliating contract

If Klay is gone, the Warriors' offensive firepower will definitely suffer; But if he stays, how to help him get back into shape and reintegrate into the team is also a big challenge.


Klay Thompson's encounter in the free market is like a small episode in the NBA, which makes people see the reality of professional sports.

However, Clay's past, that is a real brilliance, will not fade because of the warmth and coldness of the market.

As for the future, who knows? Perhaps, the three-point sharpshooter can surprise us more.

Let's just wait and see how he continues to write his own legend on the basketball stage.

Anyway, Brother Clay, are you sitting there right now, wondering what to do next? Don't worry, the best is yet to come!

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