
The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

author:Guo Daxia

In the vast waters of the East China Sea, a joint military exercise involving the US aircraft carrier "Ronald Reagan," the Japanese aircraft carrier "Izumo," and their respective battle groups has aroused widespread concern in the international community. Not only was the scale of the exercise unprecedented, but it also showed a clear offensive nature and a clear target, which undoubtedly increased tensions in the region.

The USS Ronald Reagan nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, with its powerful carrier-based aircraft formation and advanced weaponry, has demonstrated to the world its powerful influence in the region and even in the world. Japan's "Izumo" aircraft carrier, after a long period of aircraft carrier refitting, also participated in such a large-scale joint military exercise for the first time, which marks an important step forward for the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force in enhancing its own combat capability.

In this military exercise, the "Reagan" aircraft carrier and the "Izumo" aircraft carrier both carried advanced F-35B stealth fighters, which have high stealth performance and powerful combat capabilities, and undoubtedly enhance the strike intensity of the entire battle group. At the same time, various types of destroyers, frigates, and other surface ships, as well as submarines and maritime patrol planes, also participated in the military exercise, forming a complete maritime combat system.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

Judging from the public information, this joint military exercise not only involved the navies of the United States and Japan, but also invited frigates of the French Navy to participate, further indicating the scale and scope of the exercise. Such a multinational joint military exercise will undoubtedly help improve the cooperative combat capability and tacit understanding between the participating countries, but it may also exacerbate the risk of military confrontation between the relevant countries.

It is worth noting that the exercise was held in the East China Sea, an area that has always been one of the focal points of contention among countries. As an important passage connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, the strategic position of the East China Sea is self-evident. Therefore, the intention and purpose of the United States and Japan to hold joint military exercises in the here and now are obviously not as simple as simple military training.

Some Japanese media hyped that the military exercise was aimed at China. While this claim has not been officially confirmed, it is undeniable that any military action against China could have serious consequences as China's naval power continues to grow. Therefore, all parties should remain calm and exercise restraint and resolve differences and problems through dialogue and cooperation.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

To sum up, the joint military exercises held by the United States and Japan in the East China Sea have a significant offensive nature and target orientation. This is not only a challenge to regional peace and stability, but also a serious violation of the norms governing international relations. In the face of such a situation, we call on all parties concerned to exercise rational restraint and refrain from taking actions that may exacerbate contradictions and escalate confrontation. At the same time, the international community should also strengthen communication and coordination to jointly safeguard regional and world peace and stability.

A calm and firm response in the face of U.S.-Japanese military action

Recently, with the increasing military activities of the United States, Japan and other countries in the East China Sea, the mainland has also displayed a series of new military equipment to demonstrate its determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Among them, the most striking is the J-16 fighter with a new air-launched ballistic missile. This move not only demonstrates the strength of the Chinese military, but also reflects a clear attitude and firm stance on external threats.

As a two-seater, heavy multi-role fighter independently developed by the mainland, the J-16 fighter itself has strong air supremacy and ground strike capabilities. The new air-launched ballistic missile mounted this time has added a powerful means of striking to it. This missile has the characteristics of hypersonic speed and strong penetration capability, can effectively deal with various complex battlefield environments, and is an important weapon for dealing with enemy air and ground targets.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

In addition to the J-16 fighters, the Chinese side also displayed a variety of advanced military equipment. For example, the China Aegis 052D destroyer, as a modern air defense destroyer equipped with a phased array radar and a vertical launch area air defense missile system, has excellent performance in maritime defense and strike capabilities. At the same time, the Type 071 landing ship was also unveiled, a large multi-functional amphibious dock landing ship capable of transporting a large number of soldiers and equipment for landing operations, demonstrating the strong delivery capability of the Chinese Navy.

The display of these new types of military equipment undoubtedly sends a clear and unequivocal signal to the outside world: China not only has the determination, but also the strength to defend its national interests and territorial integrity. In the face of provocations and threats from external forces, the Chinese military has sufficient confidence and courage to meet all challenges.

Of course, the purpose of China's display of military equipment is not to show off force, but to tell the world that China is a country with great military power, and any attempt to harm China's interests will be severely rebuffed. At the same time, it also reflects China's responsibility and responsibility as a major country, and contributes to maintaining regional and world peace and stability.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

To sum up, in the face of military action by the United States and Japan, China has demonstrated firm determination and strong strength by displaying new military equipment. This is not only a powerful response to external threats, but also a full demonstration of the development achievements of the Chinese military itself. In the future, we have reason to believe that the Chinese armed forces will play a more important role in safeguarding national interests and territorial integrity.

At the recent international climate summit, U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns delivered a remarkable speech. His words reveal a certain "accusation" of China's policy, claiming that China has become "aggressive" in some respects. However, such remarks have sparked a lot of controversy, as many believe that Burns's rhetoric seems to avoid a series of US encirclement and interception of China.

First of all, we must be clear that the relationship between any two great powers is complex and multidimensional. As one of the world's largest economies, the interaction between China and the United States will undoubtedly be influenced by multiple factors such as policies, cultures, and national interests. Against this background, it is normal for some differences and frictions to arise between the two sides, but the key lies in how to correctly handle these differences and how to maintain the stability and development of bilateral relations.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

As can be seen from Burns's speech, he seems to have expressed concern or dissatisfaction with some of China's practices. However, whether this concern is really based on facts, or whether it is just a political rhetoric, requires in-depth analysis and judgment. In fact, the Chinese government has always adhered to the concept of peaceful development and is committed to establishing harmonious and friendly diplomatic relations with other countries. At the same time, China has also actively promoted the reform and improvement of the global governance system, and has made positive contributions to maintaining world peace and stability.

In contrast, the United States seems to have adopted a series of actions in recent years to encircle and intercept China. Whether in the field of economy and trade, as well as in the field of science and technology, the United States has tried to limit China's development through various means. This kind of behavior not only harms China's interests, but also undermines the stability of global industrial and supply chains.

So when Burns accused China of becoming "aggressive" in his speech, many people wondered: Is this just a diversion from America's own behavior? Is it really necessary to cover up one's own problems by blaming others?

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

Of course, resolving differences between major powers requires the joint efforts and wisdom of both sides. Only by resolving differences through dialogue and consultation on an equal footing can we truly achieve stability and development in the relations between the two countries. Otherwise, mere accusations and confrontation will only lead to a further deterioration of relations and will not benefit either side.

To sum up, although Nicholas Burns's remarks have caused some controversy, we should pay more attention to how to correctly handle the differences and problems between major powers. After all, in this era of globalization, no single country can cope with the challenges alone. Only by working together for mutual benefit and win-win results is the right choice.

With China's booming economy, technological innovation, and a significant increase in military power, the country's influence on the global stage is growing. This increase in strength has emboldened China to resist injustice and the international order, and to resolutely defend its national interests. However, in this process, China has always adhered to the principles of peaceful development, uniting the people of the world and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

The rise of economic power is an important cornerstone of China's rise. Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has grown at an astonishing rate, becoming the second largest economy in the world. Such economic strength has not only significantly improved the living standards of the Chinese people, but also won more voice for China in the international community. In the face of injustice and discrimination in international trade, China has the ability and confidence to respond and safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.

Advances in science and technology have given China a place in the global competition. From the leading 5G communication technology to the exploration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing, China is gradually changing from a "follower" to a "runner" or even a "leader". Such scientific and technological strength enables China to quickly adjust its strategy in the face of external technological blockade and suppression, achieve technological breakthroughs, and ensure the sustainability and stability of national development.

The enhancement of military strength is an important guarantee for China's national security. With the advancement of national defense modernization, China's military strength has been significantly improved. This is reflected not only in the upgrading of weapons and equipment, but also in the combat effectiveness of the armed forces and their ability to deal with emergencies. In the face of external threats and provocations, the Chinese military is able to respond quickly and effectively safeguard the country's territorial integrity and sovereign security.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

However, despite its tremendous strength, China has never forgotten its original aspiration of peaceful development. China is well aware that peace and development are the main themes of our time, and that only through peaceful resolution of international disputes and conflicts can we achieve true win-win results. Therefore, China has always been committed to resolving differences and contradictions with other countries through dialogue and consultation, and actively promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

At the same time, China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. This is China's diplomatic tradition and is also the basic norm in international relations. China respects the sovereignty and independence of every country and opposes any form of hegemonism and power politics. In handling international affairs, China has always upheld a fair and equitable attitude and worked hard to uphold international fairness and justice.

As one of the most important bilateral relations in the world, the tension between China and the United States is due to many factors. However, the article makes it clear that the hegemonic behavior of the United States is the source of this tension. This is not only reflected in the Taiwan issue, but also runs through many aspects of Sino-US relations more extensively.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

On the Taiwan Strait issue, US intervention and provocative behavior have gone beyond the scope of international law and basic norms governing international relations. They are trying to contain China's development by manipulating the "Taiwan card," which not only seriously violates the one-China principle, but also infringes on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The United States has continuously raised the level of arms sales to Taiwan and continued to increase arms sales to Taiwan, which is undoubtedly aggravating the tension in the Taiwan Strait. Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has pushed this tension to a new height. This kind of behavior seriously violates the commitment made by the US government to the Chinese government on the Taiwan issue, and also seriously undermines the strategic mutual trust between China and the United States.

In addition, China is seen as the main competitor in the global strategy of the United States. This sense of competition has led the United States to adopt a series of bullying behaviors in an attempt to contain China's development and rise. From the trade war to the technology blockade to the groundless accusations in the South China Sea, all of them reflect the hegemonic thinking and behavior of the United States. These actions not only harm China's interests, but also have a negative impact on global stability and development.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech

The article also hints at a profound point: with the advent of a new order, the makers of "hegemony" may die. This new order is based on equality, mutual benefit, and win-win results, rather than maintaining its hegemony by bullying and suppressing other countries. Such a new order will be more just and reasonable, and will be conducive to the common development and prosperity of all countries.

Of course, it will not be easy to achieve such a new order. It is necessary for all countries to abandon the Cold War mentality and hegemonist acts, and promote international cooperation and exchanges with an open and inclusive mindset. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen multilateralism and the process of globalization to jointly address global challenges and problems. Only in this way can we establish a truly just and rational international order and promote world peace and development.

For China and the United States, it is time to return to the track of rational and pragmatic communication and cooperation. The two sides should respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and resolve differences and issues through dialogue and consultation. Only in this way can we truly ease the current tense situation and create better conditions and environment for the future development of the two countries and the whole world.

The United States and Japan held a joint military exercise, and the US ambassador to China made a controversial speech