
The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

author:Peerless melon
The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

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54-year-old Aunt Wu's road to "fat control": from physical examination anxiety to hugging "carrots"

54-year-old Aunt Wu, working as a cashier in a supermarket, although this job is not physically tired, but the busyness day after day also makes her feel pressure, once a year routine physical examination, is a habit in her life that can not be shaken, not only to be responsible for herself, but also to make her family feel at ease, this year's physical examination report has brought her a lot of impact: the cholesterol index is exceeded! Looking at the dazzling numbers on the report sheet, Aunt Wu couldn't help frowning, her heart full of worry and doubt

The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

For a long time, Aunt Wu has felt that she is quite restrained in her diet, and rarely eats big fish and meat, so why is it related to high cholesterol? Is it because you usually like to eat some snacks? With a stomach full of questions, Aunt Wu found the familiar Dr. Chu, hoping to get professional answers and suggestions, Dr. Chu patiently listened to Aunt Wu's confusion, carefully checked her physical examination report, and then explained with a smile: "Aunt Wu, your cholesterol is indeed a little high, although you say that you don't eat much meat, but snacks may also contain a lot of invisible fat, long-term intake will also affect blood lipid levels, but you don't have to worry too much, we can improve this situation by adjusting the dietary structure, such as, You can try to eat some carrots every day"

The magical "carrot": the "fat lowering" master in the eyes of the doctor and the "taste bud" challenge of Aunt Wu

"Carrots? Really? Can this stuff lower cholesterol? Aunt Wu asked half-convinced, in her impression, carrots seem to be just an ordinary vegetable, except for supplementing vitamin A, it does not seem to have any special effect, Dr. Chu saw this, so he explained in detail: "Carrots are rich in dietary fiber and β-carotene, the former can promote intestinal peristalsis and reduce the absorption of fat and cholesterol, while the latter has a strong antioxidant effect, can remove free radicals in the body, protect the health of blood vessels, the two work synergistically, for reducing cholesterol levels." ”

The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

After listening to Dr. Chu's explanation, the doubts in Aunt Wu's heart gradually dissipated, but a new question followed: "Then how many carrots should I eat every day to be appropriate?" Is it better to eat raw or cooked? Dr. Chu thought for a while and replied: "It's okay to eat one or two carrots a day, raw, cooked, juiced, you can choose according to your taste, if your gastrointestinal function is weak, it is recommended to cook it before eating."

From "Resistance" to "Acceptance": Aunt Wu's indissoluble bond with "carrots".

For the sake of her own health, Aunt Wu decided to try "carrot therapy", she bought a large bag of fresh carrots from the supermarket, washed them and put them in the refrigerator, ready to start her own "fat control" plan

The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

In order to overcome the psychological barriers, Aunt Wu tried a variety of different cooking methods, she first tried to juice the carrots, add some honey or fruits, and make a sweet and sour drink, and later, she tried to slice the carrots and cook them, add some sesame oil, vinegar, salt and other seasonings to make a refreshing and delicious cold dish

More benefits of "carrots": from "fat lowering" star to "health" guardian

Aunt Wu, who insisted on eating carrots every day, also began to consciously consult some relevant health information, wanting to have a deeper understanding of this magical vegetable, she found that carrots can not only lower cholesterol, but also rich in vitamin A, potassium, folic acid and other nutrients, which have a positive effect on protecting eyesight, preventing anemia, and enhancing immunity

The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

This made Aunt Wu more convinced of the efficacy of carrots, and also strengthened her determination to insist on eating, under her leadership, colleagues in the supermarket also began to pay attention to the importance of healthy eating, and asked her for advice on how to eat healthier

The road of "fat control" continues to be strengthened: the results of the physical examination after half a year and the secret of "dietary fiber".

Time flies, half a year has passed in a blink of an eye, Aunt Wu came to the hospital again for a routine physical examination, this time, her mood is no longer as uneasy as last time, but full of expectation and confidence, when she got the physical examination report, saw that the cholesterol index has returned to the normal range, her face showed a bright smile

The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

Dr. Chu was also happy to see the results of Aunt Wu's physical examination and encouraged her to continue to maintain good lifestyle Doctor Chu also explained in detail the mechanism of action of dietary fiber for lowering cholesterol for Aunt Wu:

"Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate that the human body cannot digest and absorb, mainly found in plant foods, and can be divided into two categories: soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber according to its solubility, both of which play an important role in lowering cholesterol."

"When we consume foods rich in soluble dietary fiber, these fibers form a viscous substance in the intestines, which can effectively encapsulate cholesterol, prevent it from being absorbed by the body, and excrete it from the body, thereby reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood, while insoluble dietary fiber is like a "small brush", which can promote intestinal peristalsis, shorten the residence time of food residues in the intestines, reduce the chance of cholesterol contact with the intestinal wall, and thus reduce the absorption of cholesterol"

"Antioxidants" and "phytosterols": the "magic weapon" on the road to lipid reduction

In addition to dietary fiber, Dr. Chu also mentions other nutrients that help lower cholesterol, such as antioxidants and phytosterols, explaining:

The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

"Antioxidants are a class of substances that can scavenge free radicals in the body and protect cells from damage, excessive accumulation of free radicals will lead to damage to vascular endothelial cells, which will trigger a series of chain reactions, and eventually form atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and carrots are rich in β-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant, which can effectively remove free radicals and protect vascular health."

"Plant sterols are natural compounds found in plant foods, their chemical structure is very similar to cholesterol, when we ingest plant sterols, they compete with cholesterol for absorption sites in the intestines, thus reducing the body's absorption of cholesterol and thus reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood"

Dr. Chu also emphasized that in addition to carrots, there are many foods rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants and phytosterols, such as oats, barley, beans, green leafy vegetables, nuts, etc., and suggested that Aunt Wu can appropriately increase the intake of these foods in her daily diet to maintain nutritional balance and promote good health

"Exercise" helps "fat control": the "double insurance" of a healthy lifestyle

When talking about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, Dr Chu also emphasised the importance of exercise, explaining:

The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

"Proper exercise can not only help us control weight and enhance cardiopulmonary function, but also improve the body's metabolic rate, promote blood circulation, help reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases"

Dr. Chu suggested that Aunt Wu could choose some moderate-intensity aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc., at least 3-5 times a week, for more than 30 minutes each time, and long-term persistence, you can see obvious results

Embracing health starts from the "heart": Aunt Wu's "health" perception

From the initial anxiety, to the positive face later, and then to the joy of harvest now, Aunt Wu's road of "fat control" is full of challenges and persistence, but also full of warmth and touching, she is deeply aware that a healthy body is the capital of the revolution, and only with a healthy body can you better enjoy life and accompany your family

The 54-year-old woman was found to have high cholesterol and ate carrots every day, and the results of the physical examination half a year later were surprising

In order to stay healthy, in addition to developing good eating habits, we must also maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and adhere to moderate exercise, so as to truly achieve physical and mental health and live a wonderful life!

What do you think about the dangers of high cholesterol? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Chen Cui. Effect of serum residual cholesterol level on coronary heart disease and its clinical significance. Center for Genetics and Prenatal Diagnosis, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College2024-03-25

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